NPC's - FFFanatic

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While it's always fun to play the hero or 'main character' in an RP, the NPC's/Minor Characters are just as important. After all, without them, who would the main characters have to interact with? Who would give the heroes their quest, offer advice, or possibly impair their journey? Here is a listing of a few played by FFFanatic.

Ordana, Baron

A small town, located at the midpoint of the road between Port Rosalia and Baron Castle.

Remarte Wallace

A former mercenary, who runs a weapon's store in Ordana. The man is in his late years, and requires a cane in order to walk, due to old injuries. Not one to be defenseless, this cane has a special mechanism built into it. When he twists the head of the cane, sharp blades come out from the sides, allowing him to use it as a makeshift sword.

Remarte's relationship with the town has been a mixed bag. On the one hand, he often helps training the young children in proper weapons use, in addition to arming the local watchmen. However, there are those who find his mercenary past suspect, and still fear that past coming to haunt the town someday.

  • More to come at a later date


A grey wolf / german shepard mix. Has the same light and dark fur markings as german shepards. However, like a wolf, his fur is somewhat fluffier, with a light grey, almost blueish color instead of tan. His eyes are a very bright blue as well. With people he knows, Blizzard is very friendly and affectionate. Strangers, however, seem to bring out a feral, protective reaction out of the dog. He's very observant for a dog, picking up on patterns very easily. One example of this, is when he's introduced to strangers. To stop him from growling and barking, the family will hold a person's hand near Blizzard's nose, while petting him with the other hand. Blizzard quickly learned that this is the family's way of saying "This person is Ok".

Blizzard was once cared for by a druid, living in the woods north of Ordana. Because of his mixed heritage, and docile nature compared to his wild kin, he was rejected by his pack. Were it not for the druid, he likely would have died while trying to fend for himself. Sadly, said druid would lose his life, after an attack on his forest home.

With no one left to care for him, Alexander Hyral decided to care for the dog, and bring him home for his son Daniel's birthday. Unfortunately, Blizzard's introduction to the family started off rocky. Daniel was terrified of the dog, running away and hiding in his room. His wife, Shelia, did not trust the dog, fearing it would go wild and attack her children. Oddly enough though, his son Stephan bonded with Blizzard very easily. When the young boy learned the druid caring for Blizzard had passed away, he spent a lot of time with the dog, trying to help him feel better.

  • More to come at a later date

Doma Castle / Doma City

With it's diverse population of people, there's always something going on in the city, or someone getting up to mischief.


Chocobo from the Royal Stables of Doma. Green Feathers, brown eyes, and an orange beak. Has the infamous reputation of being extrememly timid and skiddish. While most in the castle tend to avoid using Forte for travel or work, he is usually one of the favored birds for Aya du Mythril-Domanada and Daniel Hyral, both of whom have a soft spot for the timid bird.

Various NPC Guards

There are many guards in the castle, and far too many to describe. =[

Anarch Family

Family devoted to worship of Nakibe, the God of Chaos. Due to his influence, this family is anything but 'normal'. Twice, members of this family have caused city wide panic and chaos in Doma City. Currently, all four are being held within the castle dungeons. Whether or not they stay, remains to be seen...

Narof Anarch

Patriarch of the family, Priest of Nakibe. Late 50's. Completely bald, with several tattoos on his head. Typically wears purple, most of the time his priestly robes. Always carries a staff, along with a holy symbol for his God.

Narof found himself fustrated and angry with life in general in his youth. Why did so many bad things happen? Why couldn't there just be good things to happen in his life? While searching for that answer, he came across the teaching of Nakibe. He came to understand why good and bad things happened, and how it was all part of the natural order of the universe. He decided to become a priest of Chaos, dedicating himself to maintaining it's presense in all things. After all, without Chaos, things would simply stagnate and waste away.

During his travels, he met another follower of Chaos, named Tyia. They became very close, eventually marrying one another. Sadly, the pair found themselves unable to bear children, turning to their God for assistance. Unfortunately, while they did eventually have their family, it left Tyia lacking control of her sanity. While he misses the wife he once knew, Narof has come to accept that this is the way of Chaos, and does his best to help her. When not taking care of his wife, he works with his children to spread Chaos where needed. Whether people want it or not.

Tyia Anarch

Matriarch of the family, former Priestess of Nakibe. Late 50's. Long grey hair and blue eyes. Wears typical dress for an ordinary homemaker most of the time. The only exceptions to this are her walking staff, blessed by the Chaos God and necklace bearing symbol of Nakibe.

In her younger days, Tyia was quite the accomplished Priestess. As she travelled, she made sure that chaos was present in the lives she came across. Sometimes, she would help fight off a necromancer laying waste to a small village near complete destruction. Hard for anythings to happen if no one is left around to do them. Other times, she would thin out the defenses of other small villages, who proved too confident in their defense against the unknown. After all, what fun is life unless the unexpected occurs?

In her travels, she met another follower of Nakibe, Narof. The two fell deeply in love, and travelled together for many years. When the pair were ready to settle down and start a family, they found themselves unable to bear any children. The pair prayed to Nakibe, asking for his assitance in starting a family. The God granted their request, but at a heavy price. After having their first child, Tyia lost control of her sanity, often spouting off on random tangents and performing odd tasks for no reason. Occasionally she will have periods of lucidity, but they are rare and often brief. During these times, she claims she does not regret her descision, and is simply grateful for the gift of her two children. Other times, she could be either doing cartwheels in the woods or singing random Dwarven drinking songs.

Rantef Anarch

Eldest child. Short brown hair and blue eyes. Typically wears simple clothing, like tanktops and shorts. Physically, he's in his 30's. Mentally, he's never moved beyond childhood.

Late into his childhood, Narof sensed that his first child would never be like typical children. To start, there was his innate ability to shift his form, changing his body parts into various shapes. As he got into his teens, the young man thought little of girls, and still wished to play tag and with his toys. Even into his 30's, he still cries when he's hurt, and asks for his mommy and daddy. To this day, they are unsure of why he is like this. Was this the random whim of their God? Or perhaps, it was to preserve the vast imagination of childhood, aiding him with his shifting. Whatever the case, Narof and his daughter often find it difficult to keep Rantef disciplined, as it's very difficult to teach him anything and make it 'stick'. When members of his family are in danger, nothing short of an order from his family will stop him from tearing people apart, if necessary.

Emala Anarch

Youngest child. In her late 20's. Has long black hair with streaks of purple, one eye of blue, another red.

Both an accomplished mage and a priestess of Nakibe, Narof is especially proud of his daughter, believing her to be favored by the Chaos God. Unlike her brother, Emala has matured normally, often acting as a mother figure for her sibling. She found herself quite gifted with the arcane arts as a child, specializing in mixing her magical studies with the power she draws from the Chaos God. While devoted to Nakibe, however, on occasion she questions his motives for her mother's delirium, and her brother's inability to mature.

Ginger Heart Magic Academy

Various students of a small magic school, located within Doma.

Theo Gavin

Illusionist. 8 years old. Short grey hair and blue eyes. Typically wears green, usually a dark green shirt with light green pants. Loves scaring people with his magic, paticularly with his demon illusion.

Maryanne Randal

Benedictionist. 14 years old. Dark blue hair tyed back in two braids, green eyes. Usually wears purple of some kind. While not the oldest student, Maryanne feels compelled to fret and worry over the others like an older sister.

Matthew Cronolic

Pyromancer. 16 years old. Long, spikey black hair with green eyes. Tends to wear blue. A bit of a showoff and a smartmouth, Matthew can easily get one someone's nerves. He has a bad habit of not knowing his limits and pushing himself too far. It seems he and Barbara Sanston were involved at one point, but for now there's much tension between the pair. (Named by KingOfDoma)

Barbara Sanston

Hydromancer, specializing in ice. 16 years old. Long blonde hair tied back into a braid, hazel eyes. Typically wears shades of brown. A bit of a perfectionist, she tries to micromanage anything she's involved in, much to the annoyance of those working with her. It also seems that she and Matthew Cronolic have some kind of tension with one another. No one is completely sure, but many suspect the two were involved, and had a falling out.


Conjurer. 7 Years old. Short mangy brown hair with hazel eyes. Looks up to Matthew like an older brother. Also has the bad habit of going too far with his magic, leaving piles of conjured items everywhere from his practice.