Dark Tidings
Dark Tidings: Forum 1G- Kyok, Doma; Doma City, Doma
Gamemaster: Besyanteo
[hide]Relevant Characters
Griff Amanziani
Phyllias Brightwing
Daniel Hyral
Stephan Hyral
Tristan Laevens
Jeridan of the Arrowfist
Maxwell Vaza
(These are not all of the NPCs, simply the ones who both had names that can be found in the RP, and had an impact on the players.)
(Warning: Done from memory. This will be revised later.) Late in the Mallian War, several men disappeared in the night from both the Inner Doman Defense Forces as well as the forces at Castle Hyral, with no explanation. Investigation had to be forestalled until after the war, by which time any trail that might have been left had long since gone cold. Later, only a few weeks before Ishmas of that same year, letters were received by Daniel Hyral and Stephan Hyral, Phyllias Brightwing, and Griff Amanziani. A demon named Saedeus claimed responsibility for the disappearance of their friends, and bade them come to his tower, several miles north of the village of Kyok, under pain of the death of these people. Daniel enlisted the additional help of James the Reploid, while Tristan Laevens happened upon the group as they prepared to set out. Sympathetic to their cause, they readily came to the group's aid.
The party set out west from Doma, moving at some speed over flatlands on the backs of chocobo and horse alike. Their first night saw them attacked by a band of seemingly wandering thieves. However, they dealt with these quickly and brutally. Griff and Stephan managed to take one of the thieves captive, and after binding him to a tree, they slept. As they traveled the next day, a fierce storm came up, forcing the party to take shelter in a cave they found among some oddly shaped boulders. Inside, they discovered a box containing a series of odd, magical charms. Each eventually took one for their own. (To be continued...)