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  • T3chn0Namagomi (6:03:43 PM): Valth wasn't settled. It was taken over in a rebellion.
  • pd Rydia (6:04:03 PM): that'd place the rebellion at 616 EP, in comparison to the others
  • T3chn0Namagomi (6:04:25 PM): Rebellion against a magocratic Not sure if Riva or Doma would intervene.
  • pd Rydia (6:04:37 PM): oooh, neat
  • T3chn0Namagomi (6:05:00 PM): Thus all of the government's attempts to keep magic "nonexistent" in the minds of its people.

  • pd Rydia (6:13:45 PM): What kind of resources does Valth have? o.o
  • pd Rydia (6:14:09 PM): I know their fuel resources are limited, and probably hoarded like our precccciiioous Alaskan oil
  • T3chn0Namagomi (6:14:33 PM): Seafood's a big one.
  • T3chn0Namagomi (6:14:58 PM): They've got a gigantic fishing industry--but hey. Given the location, that's not a surprise.
  • pd Rydia (6:15:01 PM): but, like, conductive metals, building metals, industrial strength hard rocks (I'm thinking diamonds, which are good in saws and such), and farming--yeah, seafood0
  • T3chn0Namagomi (6:15:12 PM): Coal, probably.
  • pd Rydia (6:15:12 PM): fish would be the one I can see them willing to export
  • T3chn0Namagomi (6:15:50 PM): Kind of an odd problem--LOTS of resources in the mountains to the north--but at the same time, wyverns.
  • pd Rydia (6:15:51 PM): coal would be damn useful for heat. I can see wood supplies dwindling quickly, what with expansion, and wyverns in the mountanous areas
  • pd Rydia (6:15:55 PM): ::nods::
  • T3chn0Namagomi (6:15:57 PM): Yep
  • T3chn0Namagomi (6:16:08 PM): Of course, this is why they have special killsquads for wyverns.
  • pd Rydia (6:16:27 PM): I imagine someone who gets professionally good at that can bring in a lot of good money
  • T3chn0Namagomi (6:16:46 PM): Yeah, though most of the time it's a section of the army.
  • pd Rydia (6:17:02 PM): and that even the government might turn its eyes away from a few Rivan interlopers at the border, so long as their activities are heavily taxed through bribes
  • T3chn0Namagomi (6:17:08 PM): True.
  • pd Rydia (6:17:26 PM): but going further in, would be taking your life/freedom into your hands
  • T3chn0Namagomi (6:19:09 PM): Yeah--I can see them accepting help, if only because ammunition for those specialized guns is NOT CHEAP
  • pd Rydia (6:19:26 PM): ::nods::
  • T3chn0Namagomi (6:20:10 PM): We're talking shells the rough size of crossbow bolts
  • pd Rydia (6:23:28 PM): heh
  • pd Rydia (6:24:42 PM): I can see the occassional dragon or demon making its way to Valth. Sure, they aren't pureblood. But some of them can be pretty effective air combatants, and being alive in a country is better than--well--Riva.
  • pd Rydia (6:25:01 PM): And the iciness would just be dandy for a frost dragon
  • T3chn0Namagomi (6:25:12 PM): Oh, it would.
  • T3chn0Namagomi (6:25:21 PM): They'd have to stay the hell away from the patrols, though
  • pd Rydia (6:25:26 PM): ::nods::
  • T3chn0Namagomi (6:25:34 PM): If they knew what they were doing.
  • T3chn0Namagomi (6:26:10 PM): Mainly because Valth does not take things lightly--it's like MGS in that aspect. Patrol runs into something out-of-the-ordinary that should not be there...
  • T3chn0Namagomi (6:26:16 PM): ...send in the killsquad
  • pd Rydia (6:26:35 PM): ::nods::
  • pd Rydia (6:27:07 PM): hm
  • T3chn0Namagomi (6:27:10 PM): But yeah. Typically, Valth likes to be left alone.
  • pd Rydia (6:27:15 PM): I can see one or two dragons ON the killsquads
  • pd Rydia (6:27:21 PM): fight fire with fire
  • T3chn0Namagomi (6:27:52 PM): Unless they had an excuse for the transformations/magic/whatever...
  • pd Rydia (6:28:00 PM): if Valth lets non native citizens join military
  • T3chn0Namagomi (6:28:11 PM): Likely not--the government doesn't like disillusionment of the people.
  • pd Rydia (6:28:18 PM): ::nods::
  • T3chn0Namagomi (6:29:01 PM): The government's a bunch of dicks like that. They'd rather keep the people a good bit more controllable. And they'd rather dispel a lie with another lie than "'fess up"
  • pd Rydia (6:29:51 PM): gotta choose which lies are best believable
  • T3chn0Namagomi (6:30:50 PM): Of course--the majority of people who haven't immigrated? They think that this is the truth.
  • T3chn0Namagomi (6:31:18 PM): Rather than a lie--this is what happens when you have government-mandated education
  • T3chn0Namagomi (6:31:36 PM): I never said Valth was nice, humane, or honest. ^.^
  • T3chn0Namagomi (6:33:27 PM): If anything, the dragons would likely go "Rai" if they tried to actually enlist, due to how long they'd have to be in human form.
  • pd Rydia (6:38:48 PM): ::nods::
  • T3chn0Namagomi (6:46:11 PM): Though, for some reason...I just got the STRANGEST idea for one of the forms of entertainment Valth would have.
  • T3chn0Namagomi (6:46:21 PM): Though fitting, still strange.
  • T3chn0Namagomi (6:47:38 PM): Namely, I was thinking an odd sort of annual, or every-four-years "battle tournament" of sorts.
  • T3chn0Namagomi (6:56:56 PM): Few simple things about it, though there are a couple of twists.
  • T3chn0Namagomi (6:57:41 PM): Single-elimination tournament. Fights are one-on one, until forfeit or incapacitation.
  • T3chn0Namagomi (6:58:04 PM): Any weapon is allowed under guarantee that it will not harm the audience.
  • T3chn0Namagomi (6:58:40 PM): Any armor is, of course, allowed.
  • T3chn0Namagomi (6:59:08 PM): The twists?
  • T3chn0Namagomi (6:59:28 PM): 1: First off, the arena is actually customized to allow ranged combat as well as melee.
  • T3chn0Namagomi (6:59:38 PM): Which means there's cover.
  • T3chn0Namagomi (6:59:56 PM): Cover is good, yes.
  • T3chn0Namagomi (7:01:59 PM): 2: Liability waivers are required--there will be nobody held responsible if you enter and are killed in a fight, for example. Attacking after incapacitation is against the rules, but sometimes they're killed then and there during the fight.
  • T3chn0Namagomi (7:02:30 PM): And sometimes the on-grounds medics just can't treat the wounds. Thus, liability waiver
  • T3chn0Namagomi (7:03:59 PM): 3: The government's not stupid. VMHC's presence there is huge--primarily to maintain a little thing I like to call an "antimagic field", which is grounds-wide; after all, this would be one case in which it'd be stupid to disallow combatants based on origin--detracts from the entertainment.
  • T3chn0Namagomi (7:04:37 PM): 4: There are indeed sponsored fighters.
  • T3chn0Namagomi (7:06:44 PM): Typically, in exchange for sponsorship, said fighters are given special equipment and training in how to use it--in effect, corporations and the government use this tournament as a "testbed" of sorts for the feasible stuff that's come out of R&D.
  • T3chn0Namagomi (7:08:35 PM): What's the motivation to win? Huge-ass monetary award, plus extra potential benefits.
Not sure how much of this you have on hand anyway Doug, but I figured I'd link it before erasing it from my bookmarks. - Kelne

Valth write up v0.8: the phpbb thread