OPT-LBX9/M "Shadowstorm MP"

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While the OPT-LBX9/A "Shadowstorm" has performed well, the construction methods and equipment for it were far too expensive and difficult to mass-produce it. As such, MAC commissioned a less expensive variant; something that could be produced en-masse at a cheap rate, not to mention faster. Ultimately, Sentancorp, not D-1, was the corporation to answer this call with the OPT-LBX9/M "Shadowstorm MP". This happened to be a stripped-down version, still maintaining the blitzkrieg capabilities that the old had without the issues of cost.

Ultimately, the A2 was churned out en masse, and was recognized as the primary--jokingly so as sole--A2 of MAC for a period of time. Ultimately, however, technologies advanced, and the renewed popularity of humanoid designs had shunted out the use of this A2 amongst most troops. They phased out of popularity, demand waned, and production halted. The surpluses were either kept as such, sold, or disassembled and melted down into slag for other uses.

Today, they are often the standard-issue A2 at MAC, typically handed to Tek-Positive pilots that are newly recruited into the military force, and often either upgraded or returned based on the pilot. Ultimately, this A2 is an all-too-common sight to those even just touring any of the basic MAC facilities. Regardless of their relative age, there are still so many in supply that they are simply handed to Tek-positive pilots upon entry to the force.

It is rumored that MAC Igala C in Valth possesses the majority of these, being generally underfunded and neglected. This is no surprise, as most of the pilots in Institute C are either rejects from the Valthi military, or in bordering areas such as northern Riva, and the facility is seen by all as a "back-up" one of sorts rather than a main base for the CFIN forces like Institutes A, B, and D.


This A2 looks like a stripped-down variant of the OPT-LBX9/A "Shadowstorm" in general; and it shows. Generally smaller than its original, this Armor possesses a similar framework regardless. Utilizing a (for that time) favored "Walker-pod" build, the cockpit is located on top of the torso. On the front sides of the same torso structure are the two arms, where all of the armaments are stored; a pair of missile launchers above the shoulders, a pair of guns in the shoulders, and another pair in the forearms. The hands themselves are tipped in claws, which are designed to sheathe themselves in plasma directed straight from the generators, increasing their cutting capabilities manyfold. The legs sport a reverse-joint structure, and the feet are tipped with claws of their own; for the purposes of greater traction. Also mounted in the back and backs of the forelegs is an array of thrusters that allow the Armor to jump greater distances, in case extra speed is deemed necessary. The midnight-blue and white exterior covers the entire A2.

The internal systems are left mostly to the bare basics, only equipping necessities, and slightly more. Aside from the internal life-support system, it possesses slightly-upgraded targeting systems, and a life-saving ejection seat in case of emergencies. However, what makes this A2 notable is not the innate extras or the relatively average frame and armor by today's standards, but instead its weapons array; the arm-cannons--neutron cannons, at that, as well as the lesser DMCs in the shoulders, provide redundant systems for attacking in case one fails or is damaged somehow. The missiles are more suited to long-range encounters, and the plasma claws for close-range. Effectively, this is an all-range attack A2, and functions particularly well at its emulation of the blitzkrieg role that the original Shadowstorm performed.

Though it may be currently out of production, many such units are given to new Tek cadets upon recruitment. Unlike the RHbA-s1 "Sturmpanzer MkII", it is not loathed for any lack of mobility--being an A2 tends to deal with that. However, it ultimately suffers from worse durability than the aforementioned A2, and thus most Tek pilots either swear by it, or immediately desire to switch to something that can take a few more hits.


OPT-LBX9/M "Shadowstorm MP"
Type: Tek

Value: 100
Pilots: Generic
Symbiote Identity: Generic

Basic stats

EGO:13 (or N/A)


(List those taken for Teks)

Structural and Internal

Armor: DR 300St/000Ab/000Sh
Frame: Standard
Comsuite: Advanced
Computer: Standard
PESA: 5M/x5, +1 to hit
AESA: 5M, +2 to hit


Ejection Seat:Present
Self-Destruct Mechanism:None
Deceptive Jammer:None
Transmission Jammer:None
Radical Stealth:None
Infrared Stealth:None
Chameleon Stealth:None


Dodge: 5 or by pilot
PD: 4
HP: 1200/1800
Speed: 40 MPH
Size: +4

Sentancorp 60mm Neutron Accelerator Array

Base: 2x Md. Particle Cannon
Damage: 6d*40/Imp, Energy, Doubled after armor
Weight: Medium
Acc: 17
SS: 25/18
Optimal/Max range: 5000/7500
Rate of Fire: 1 ea
Points: 2*6+2

Sentancorp High-Frequency Directed Mana Cannon Array

Base: 2x Lt. Mana Cannon
Damage: 6d*10/Imp, Energy
Weight: Light
Acc: 23
SS: 17/10
Optimal/Max range: 4000/8000
Rate of Fire: 4 ea, Add burst before DR
Points: 2*4+2

Baron National Armory "Arbalest" Missiles

Base: 2x Md. Missile
Damage: 6d*40(10)/Exp, Solid
Weight: Medium
SS: 20/13
Skill: 17
Speed/Max: 2400/14400
Endurance: 6
Shots: 5
Anti-Blast Casing: None
Points: 2*6+2

Sentancorp "Pantherkin" Plasma Claws

Base: 2x Md. Plasma Weapon
Damage: 8d*25(10)/Imp, Energy, Doubled after Armor
Weight: Medium
Reach: C
Points: 2*6