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LIFESPAN: 50 yrs

lean humanoid; height ranges from 5'6" to 6'6"; facial features and ears resemble rats/mice; for hair, short fur (usually white or gray, but could differ) covers every part of their body and face, excepting hands, feet, and tail; thin, whip-like tail about half as long as the body; typical eye colors are red, black, or green, but could differ


extremely nimble; very good senses; about one in seven are capable of using magic, which is most likely to be air magic, but can be any type; those that are the end result of curses (see misc) are able to assume a full-rat form as well

Rodney Meliamne, Divinegon's nezujin character, by artist jesterlex.

Nezujin are sometimes the end result of curses used to punish horrible crimes, but the majority are born as nezujin rather than cursed to become them. Nezujin are universally looked down upon, as they are often perceived as harbingers of disease, and as general parasites in society. Even though it is sometimes true, overall it is an unfair treatment, as nezujin do not feed off of society without giving back to it in return. For obvious reasons, nezujin have an extreme hatred of nekojin and other cat-like creatures. However, they are sometimes, but not always, friendly with inujin.

Two varieties of nezujin exist: longnose nezujin and shortnose nezujin. Longnose nezujin are far more common, and, as the name suggests, have much more rat-like snouts. Shortnose nezujin have far more human-like faces. 'Shortnoses' tend to be the smarter of the two varieties of nezujin, and they also have better hearing; 'longnoses', on the other hand, have better smell and eyesight.