Capital of Inustan.
MUSH Description
You are--while not on the coast--near the ocean in Inustan's far northeast. The capital is actually divided into two sections; Old Fidelnost and New Fidelnost. Old Fidelnost--sometimes known as La Corazon to natives--lies in the center. New Fidelnost surrounds the old city like a wreath.
The most easily recognizable differences between Old and New Fidelnost can be seen in the architecture and street. New Fidelnost has wide, paved streets, laid out in a planned and sensible matrix with clearly marked signs. Its homes and buildings are just a little bigger, just little farther apart from each other, and just a little more self-contained.
The streets of Old Fidelnost, meanwhile, are not inaccurately described as maze-like. Further, they aren't a great deal more than well-trodden dirt paths covered with gravel, with barely enough room for two or three Inustani to pass shoulder to shoulder. The homes here are smaller and older, built closer together and often vertically oriented in order to make better use of space. In the old city, it is common for many homes to have a patio each which opens out into a shared garden area for socializing through the mutual responsibility of tending the garden and sharing the benefits of doing so.
Unsurprisingly, more businesses and inhabitants of the capital are located in New Fidelnost. However, Old Fidelnost holds most of the old churches and art of the city, as well as Fidelnost's less transitory inhabitants.
Obvious exits: <I>nustan