Dhargun Torias
Dhargun Torias was a drow necromancer that was killed during the Malachian War.

Dhargun was born in Kalshana to a prominent drow family. Deciding at a young age that the drow had nothing to offer him, he fled his life, going to the surface. However, in this case, he didn't go to do works of good. No, Dhargun wanted to obtain power. He learned necromancy, and began to play with corpses to suit his own desires. While in Kalshana, he developed a rapport with a young paladin. However, when his true nature was revealed, Dhargun was forced to flee, and the young paladin, as he often did, made a vow to destroy Dhargun eventually.
Dhargun went to Doma, where he was tolerated, if not liked. He acted like one of the "redeemed" drow, and so was mostly left alone. He spent those years drinking, studying, and boasting about his sexual conquests. He became fairly competant at necromancy, and even had a few skeletons at his disposal. His favorite tactic was to raise a fallen foe, bending their will to him, and then giving them a degrading name, like "Skippy." However, when word got out about him, Dhargun was forced to flee yet again.
This is when Dhargun met Arnast. A mazoku in the form of the beautiful Aya (and Ara) du Mithril, he was drawn by a common lust for flesh and power. Arnast introduced him to Malachias, as he was begining his ascent to the Doman Throne. Seeing great potential, Malachias boosted Dhargun's power considerably, and made him a general.

During the Malachian War, Dhargun did not start with an army. Instead, he rose the dead to fight for him. His force started small, but for every being who died, a grotesque mockery of life sprung up. Dhargun's forces consisted of undead zombies, skeletons, wights, and even an undead dragon that Dhargun rode on. He took the west, heading towards Castle Hyral, which he saw as a veritable treasure chest of death.
However, his ascent was short, and his fall was harsh. During the battle for Castle Hyral, he was killed, beheaded by the four who were supposed to be dead. With his death, his army crumbled, and thus ended the career of what could have been a deadly foe.
That may not be the end of his story, however. Dhargun had been looking into lichdom at the time. He didn't want to lose his soul for it, however, which is why it is believed that he never created a phylactery, and that his death was permanent. Sometimes, though, you never know...