Cat o' Nine Tails

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More properly known as Kyuubi OoKawa, the Cat o' Nine Tails is the main source of Nekonia's water. It begins in Fideleo's Tear, a lake in the Inustani territory of the mountains which separate Nekonia and Inustan.

Mah Geanne, former Lupus of Inustan and a religious fanatic of Fideleo, started a movement to block the drainage of the water from Fideleo's Tear--a lake held sacred in the Church of Inugami--and divert its flow into artificially created rivers, with destinations into Inustan. Hundred years of holy wars resulted from this, until Lupus Kee Kiskele came into power and abruptly ended both the damming and the war. See also: Inustan: First Wars with Nekonia.


Map nekonia.gif

See also