Captain of the SS Lesbian
One day our Rube Groxley Grunk asked the board to make him a Philsys sheet. This is the result!
The Captain of the SS Lesbian
Parrot, The Parrot-Colored ParrotHP: 80
Name: The Captain of the SS Lesbian
RPer: Rube, Bitch.
Race: I don't need you judging me
Accompanied: by Parrot, the Parrot-Colored Parrot
HP: 65
MP: 0
TP: 20
Initiative: 4 + 2d6
AT/PA: 8/8
Cou: +2
Wis: +3
Int: +3
Cha: +6
Agi: +1
Dex: +1
Str: +2
Sta: +3
Mag: 0
Cutlass (6/8/13, +1/+1)
Thrusting - 9+1d6
Slashing - 14+2d4
Chopping - 22+2d6
Pirate Clothes (AC6)
Cutlass 4 (Cou/Agi/Str)
Improvisational Weaponry 4 (Cou/Agi/Str)
Bossing People around 4 (Cha)
Total Spaceship Guy 4 (Cha/Int/Wis)
Giving me a Dollar 4 (Cha/Cha/Int)
Totally Not Gay, Seriously 4 (Cha)
[k]Navigation 4 (wis)
[k]Ship Artillery 4 (wis)
[K]Sailing 4 (wis)
[k]Doing some other things 4 (wis)
- [Cutlass=4] Feemed (TP2) Victim is Feemed on a successful attack roll.
- [Totally not Gay, Seriously=4] Manly. (Constant). No one would think he's gay. Because he's that damned manly.
- [Giving me a Dollar=4] Pay up. (TP6) Makes one victim make a Charisma check Versus the Captain's own. Failure means they give him money
- [Cha=6] Gets to Watch (TP0) His crew Lets him watch. Because he's cool like that.