Black ooze

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Black Ooze

A black ooze resembles a puddle of liquid tar. It feeds on whatever comes near enough for it to grab. Many adventurers have found themselves overwhelmed by black oozes because of their characteristic "splitting" and resiliance.

Black Ooze
HP: 80
AT/PA: 12/12
Initiative: 2+2d6
MBlock: 10
Missile Evade: 14
AC: 5
Move Speed: 3 hexes
Psuedopod: 14+1d6
Grapple: 20+2d6 damage/round
Special Abilities
  • [Innate]Creature Type Properties - Oozes are mindless creatures that seek only to devour living (and sometimes nonliving) matter. They are immune to all psionics, charm spells, and mind-affecting abilities. Oozes are blind, but can ascertain the location of prey within a short range (about 60 feet) as well as a sighted creature could through various other senses. Oozes lack a clear anatomy. They are immune to critical hits, paralysis, stunning effects, poisoning, disease, and sleep effects. They do not need to breathe and cannot be suffocated or drown.
  • [Innate]Blunt Immunity - Black oozes cannot be damaged by blunt weapons or unarmed strikes.
  • [Innate]Splitting - A black ooze damaged with a bladed or piercing weapon splits into two smaller oozes after damage has been resolved. Each ooze has one-half the hit points of the original ooze. If an attack deals enough damage to destroy an ooze, it does not split.
  • [Innate]Grapple - An creature grappled by the ooze must win the grapple to escape. See the Philsys rules for more information on resolving grapples.