Captain Pervy

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A former sailor, a former pirate, a former guard captain, and now the Admiral of Doma's Navy, Aliester J. Purvis (Pervy to his friends) has done more with his life than he ever expected to do. Born in a humble and nameless fishing village on Doma's coasts, he lived a most normal life, save for a run-in with a barracuda that cost him his tail when he was six.

His talents in white magic were discovered by a traveling healer who visited the village from time to time. Pervy was then taken to an academy of white magic, where he could learn to hone his talents and use them for the good of people all over Gaera. However, the young man balked under the rules, restrictions, and expectations placed upon him. The final straw was when he was told that he would be expected to serve in Doma City, rather than returning to his home like he wanted.

On the eve of his graduation from the academy, he fled, and joined the crew of a merchant ship, hoping to return to his roots at sea. This turned out to be worse than expected, as the laws aboard the merchant ship were downright tyrannical in comparison to those of the academy. When a newfound friend was brutally punished for sneaking liquor onboard, Pervy and several other sailor began to plan a mutiny.

This mutiny was interrupted when a pirate captain by the name of Laydin Gerrard raided the ship. Pervy and several other mutineers were all to happy to join Captain Gerrard, and Pervy began down the path that he would follow much of his life. Quickly, he rose among the ranks of his newfound calling, and was given control of the ship upon successfully rallying the crew behind him against Laydin's orders during a raid.

For almost twenty years, Captain Pervy sailed the seas around Igala, plundering ships and living life as he desired it. He was not quite as ruthless as some pirates, for he was content to take his victims gold rather than their lives. He helped the growth of Forfeit Isle during this time. While he never achieved true infamy during his years as a pirate, he did manage to achieve a longevity that few others have through a combination of cleverness and pure luck.

It was a raid on Kohlingen that stretched his luck to the limits, and the Doman Crown began to see him as both a threat and a potential resource. He was summoned to Doma after the raid, on the threat of being assassinated in his sleep. He befriended the Queen of Doma during this time, and after helping to save her life, managed to secure a pardon from her. He also began to doubt his previous choices in life, after meeting some of the other people in Doma.

It was when working with her that his life truly changed, when they and a few others encountered celestials that had come to Gaera. The things he saw, and the words they spoke to him, did more than anything to inspire him to try to make a change for the better. On the way back, he offered to help Aya retrain the then-mediocre guards of Doma, an offer that she accepted.

Soon, Pervy was officially made Captain of the Guard, and served with distinction, often dealing with a number of threats such as Loake Recht and Valzar Du Lac personally. Later, he was promoted to Admiral of the Doman Navy, after the Barians began to step up their aggressions on the Val'ri.

Pervy has always been a boisterous man prone to some degree of crude dramatics, but age and experience have served to temper him a bit in those regards. He once possessed a rather flagrant disregard for the law, but time, loyalty to Aya, and the eventual realization of the good that enforcing order can do have served to give him a respect for it. While he is still known to overlook minor offenses, he draws the line at disruptions of civil order and peace. If he has a particular fault now, it would be a minor predisposition toward nepotism, for he believes that he owes his friends more than he owes strangers.


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Philsys Necessaries

Philsys Box

Captain Pervy (Aliester Purvis) ( Brother Pervius )
Level 9; 950/6250 XP
Max HP: 120; Max MP: 130; Max TP: 58
Initiative: 9 + 2d6 (11-21)


Courage: +5
Wisdom: +5
Intuition: +4
Charisma: +2
Agility: +4
Dexterity: +2
Strength: +3
Stamina: +3
Magic Aptitude: 5

Base AT/PA: 16/16
Modified for weapon skill: 22/21(27)
Modified for equipment: 22/21(27)

Equipment: body=Holy White Mage's Robes (AC 6, provides 2 points bonus damage reduction from all sources and 10 points damage reduction from Shadow/Dark sources, including spells)
misc=Loracian Amulet - grants an extra +6 to MBlock on all dark/shadow magics.

Weapons: Masterwork Cutlass (6/8/13, +1/+1)
Thrusting - 9+1d6
Slashing - 14+2d4
Chopping - 22+2d6


Weapon (Cutlass) - 11 <Cou/Agi/Str>
White Magic - 13 <Mag/Wis/Int>
Holy Magic: - 12 <Mag/Wis/Int>
Benediction: - 11 <Mag/Wis/Int>
Brawling - 3 <Cou/Str/Agi>
Improvisational Weapony - 1 <Cou/Str/Agi>
Malediction Magic: - 2 <Mag/Wis/Int>
Hydromancy - 2 <Mag/Wis/Int>
[k]Ancient Magicks - 11 <Wis>
[k]Sailing - 8 <Wis>
[k]Navigation - 6 <Wis>
[k]Artillery (Ship) - 6 <Wis>
[k]Doman Law - 2 <Wis>
[k]Chain of Command - 2 <Wis>
[k]Guard Tactics - 3 <Wis>
[k]Crashing Airships - 1 <wis>
[s] Motion/Style Analysis - 12 <Int/Int/Wis>

Spells and Techs

  • [Skill Explanation] [s]Motion Style Analysis : A martial discipline that based upon watching the way his opponents move and reacting to those cues. It allows the character to add the half the rank of their M/S Analysis skill, rounded down, to their PA. It applies only when the character can see his or opponents; not when ambushed, surprised, blinded, or otherwise.
  • [Innate]Ushyu - Ushyu is a cabbit companion that follows Pervy wherever he goes. Ushyu can, for combat purposes, assume the form of a crystalline shape, of which is capable of deflecting blows. 50% of the time, whenever Pervy is attacked physically, Ushyu will attempt to block the incoming weapon with her body. Ushyu attempts to parry the blow, using Pervy's PA score, and if successful, the attack is deflected. Ushyu will only attempt to block relatively "light" incoming attacks (a claw, a broadsword, etc), not "heavy" ones (a polearm, a two handed axe or sword, a golem's fist).
  • [With Ushyu in Crystal Form]Face Strike (6 TP) - On Pervy's Command, Ushyu flies at the target's face, and takes on her Cabbit form. She lands on his target's Face, covering his eyes if she can, and sets to work raking all four of her paws and biting the target's face for a few moment, dealing 12+1d6 points of damage. If the target's eyes are exposed, this attack may cause blindness (on a critical hit). At the same time, Pervy takes the opportunity to attack the distracted victim's body (with any standard attack, the victim is at -4 to parry). Ushyu will let go and return to her crystal form before the victim can retaliate; otherwise, she falls. Not effective against creatures without a face. Does no damage to but may still distract targets with visored helms or significantly harder skin. Very large targets will not be distracted; as Ushyu is too small to have an effect.
  • [With Ushyu in Crystal Form]Bash (4 TP) - On Pervy's command, Ushyu flies away from him and around the target. When she sees an opening, she swoops in and bashes the target with her crystalline body; preferably leading in with one of her corners, and deals 24+2d6 damage (use Pervy's AT). If she cannot get a decent opening, she'll try to harry the target instead, so that Pervy can strike more easily.
  • [With Ushyu in Crystal Form]Face Bash (6 TP) - This is a combination of Bash and Face strike. Ushyu bashes into the face of a creature, while Pervy attacks. The creatures suffers 24+2d6 damage to the target, and the target has a -4 penalty to block Pervy's attack. The target cannot be blinded by this attack.
  • [Innate]Headbutt (4 TP) - Pervy headbutts a target, dealing unarmed punching damage plus an additional 8 damage, with 1/4 the damage dealt by this attack being dealt to Pervy's head if he misses (more if the target is wearing a helmet or has an exceptionally hard skull). After headbutting, if he connects, Pervy may make a weapon attack at an additional -2 penalty, and his opponent suffers a -4 penalty to parry or dodge the attack. This ability only can be used against humanoid targets.
  • [Cutlass=9, Brawling=3]Onrush (6 TP) - Pervy rushes a target, performing a slash, then a punch attack (modified by brawling as an unarmed attack rank), then a second slash, followed by a punch that is +6 to damage but -2 to hit.
  • [MSA=12, Cutlass=11] Scalpel (12 TP). This allows Pervy to make a single stabbing attack of incredible precision, doing 4+1d6 * MSA Rank damage. It maybe directed to kill (Stab to a vital organ) or incapacitate (Stab to stomach, which can be endured)
  • [White Magic=1]Cure l (10 MP) - Recovers 10+rank*2+1d6 HP to any target. Has no effect on the undead.
  • White Magic=2]Pure (8 MP) - Cleanses target of normal poison. Does not work on particularly exotic or virulent poisons.
  • [White Magic=4]Cure 2 (18 MP) - Like Cure, but recovers 20+rank*4+2d6 HP to any target. Has no effect on the undead
  • [White Magic=4, Benediction=3]Regen - (24 MP) Target regains (Heal rank)+2d4 HP per round, for (Ben rank) rounds.
  • [White Magic=4]Heal (14 MP) - Cleanses target of any unnaturally-caused affliction, such as poisoning, induced paralysis, induced insanity, etc. May not work against particularly strong versions of such, nor upon those wrought but natural causes; such as paralysis induced by a broken back (GM's discretion).
  • [White Magic=6, Benediction=6, Hydromancy=2]Synthesize Cure (20 MP) - This spell creates a potion or elixir out of a bottle of water that heals any who drinks it by 12+rank*3+1d6 points of damage. Typically, this spell requires a container to store the result in--however, if the potion is not used within Benediction rank hours, it loses its magical properties and reverts to regular water.
  • [White Magic=7]Group Cure (18 MP) - Restores 10+rank*2+1d6 HP to up to rank specified targets. Has no effect on the undead.
  • [Holy=4]Fade (16 MP/30 MP) - Either deals 16+rank*5+2d6 damage to a single target, or deals 10+rank*2+1d6 holy damage to all targets within a 20 foot area around a target location.
  • [Holy=9]Greater Fade: (26/58 MP) Deals 24+rank*6+3d6 holy damage to a single target, or deals 14+rank*4+2d6 points of holy damage to all unfriendly targets within a 20 foot area around a target.
  • [Holy=12]Profound Fade (42 MP) - Deals 30+rank*8+4d6 holy damage to a single target, and confers a -2/-2 AT/PA penalty on the target till Pervy's next turn.
  • [Holy=1, Ancient Magicks=6]Invoke(4 MP, 1 TP) - Pervy creates a holy glow around his hands. This creates enough light to read by, and also gives him a +1 to his Magic Attack roll. It can be cast as a free action, and lasts Holy/2 rounds.
  • [Malediction=2, White Magic=5]Mute (30 MP) - Prevents a target from speaking by creating a magical barrier in the throat. This prevents the casting of most spells (since some subvocalization is required for many of them) and also prevents the target from using magical breath weapons (such as that of a dragon). The MAtk roll is made at -4 for this spell.
  • [Benediction=4,White Magic=4]Wall (30 MP) - Adds Rank+1d4 to Resist Magic for 4 rounds.
  • [Benediction=3]Protect (30 MP) - Reduces Physical Damage by Rank+1d6 Points for 4 rounds.
  • [Benediction=3]Shell (36 MP) - Reduces Magical Damage by Rank+1d6 Points for 4 rounds.
  • [Benediction=5, Holy Magic=4]Fade Strike (16 MP, 2 TP) - Allows Pervy to imbue his weapon with a Fade spell. The Fade spell is cast on the weapon, with which he can make a physical attack (all in one turn--this is a single action). If the blow lands, it casts Fade on the enemy (as normal, chance to resist and whatnot).
  • [Benediction = 9] Reflect (MP 32). This reflects any spell cast on the target back at the caster, including healing and beneficial spells. Spells the target uses on itself are reflects at a random target. A critical casting will break through the Reflect and have normal effects.
  • [Hydromancy=1]Create Water (5 MP) - Allows Pervy to create rank/2 gallons of clean water.
  • [Hydromancy=1]Salinize/Desalinize (5 MP) - Allows Pervy to salinize or desalinize rank/2 gallons of water.
  • [Hydromancy=1]Clean (4 MP) - Cleans an object the caster is in contact with. Objects affected by this spell appear as if dunked in a vat of water for a minute or so, and dried until the water was gone. Thus, some materials may not be very well cleaned by this, and others may be damaged. Objects on fire are not affected.

Edit1: Added a most important Skill to Pervy gained from High Crime
Edit2: Updated backstory, turned off HMTL. (note: on ezB post)