AQ04 "Kraken"

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An automated A2, arguably designed and created by Sentancorp, this model was created with the primary purpose of combat underwater, and was first encountered off of the Igalan coastline by Delta Squadron. These ambush combatants managed to put an immense strain on the squadron, managing to even kill one of their number, and disable two others in the process. Of the five that were encountered in the area, all were ultimately destroyed by their intended victims, directly or indirectly. Nonetheless, the fact that it was encountered in numbers implies that it was mass-produced, and thus the possibility of fighting these opponents again remains very real if more operations are performed underwater.


This Armor, as seems to be a pattern for Sentancorp models, is named for its appearance and possesses an appearance very similar to its namesake; in this case, a large, metallic squid. Equally accurate, it possesses a pneumatic jet-propulsion system, and like some octopi, a built-in camouflage system to hide it from its enemies. Despite this attention to detail, it is not just a work in reproducing life, and manages to be amazingly deadly in prime combat conditions. Despite an obvious advantage in grappling, the Armor possesses a plasma blade in each of its tentacles, each of which is alone incapable of doing major damage to other Armors, but with eight, it is easily capable of eviscerating even moderately durable opponents. It is also capable of taking advantage of its grappling abilities by planting contact charges or directionalized EMP devices onto its target. Lastly, it isn't helpless at a distance, possessing a pair of torpedo tubes to debilitate, if not outright kill those targets that it can't capture. However, its loadout is further amplified by the fact that it is a Ghost Armor with much more advanced behavior in comparison; while the Armors that attacked MAC Igala D were basic in their behavior at best, these displayed higher levels of tactical prowess, waiting until targets moved in range before attacking, and attacking targets aside from installations and enemy Armors. Thankfully, despite being a Ghost Armor, these models are incapable of taking that much punishment at all.


AQ04 "Kraken"
Type: Ghost Armor

Value: 207
Pilots: Symbiote
Symbiote Identity: Hybrid-type

Basic stats



On the Edge

Structural and Internal

Armor: DR 300St/000Ab/300Sh
Frame: Standard
Comsuite: Standard
Computer: Standard
PESA: 5M/x5, +0 to hit
AESA: 5M, +2 to hit


Ejection Seat:N/A
Self-Destruct Mechanism:None
Deceptive Jammer:Present
Transmission Jammer:None
Discharger:8-shot ("Ink" only)
Radical Stealth:None
Infrared Stealth:None
Chameleon Stealth:Present


Dodge: 7
PD: 4
HP: 1200/1920
Speed: 56 MPH
Size: +5

Falken Industries "High-Chaser" Hi-Reaction Torpedoes

Base: 2x Hv. Hi-Reaction Missile
Damage: 6d*80(10)/Exp, Solid
Weight: Heavy
SS: 25/18
Skill: 27
Speed/Max: 2250/22500
Endurance: 10
Shots: 5
Anti-Blast Casing: None
Points: 2*18+2

Amaterasu "W-Pulse" High-Yield EMP Mines

Base: 1x Hv. EMP Mine dispenser
Damage: Spcl/Spcl, Spcl, HT-3 roll or be disabled
Weight: Light
Reach: C
Shots: 3
Points: 10

Amaterasu "W-Impact" High-Yield Mines

Base: 1x Hv. Contact Mine dispenser
Damage: 6d*75/Exp, Solid
Weight: Light
Reach: C
Shots: 5
Points: 8

Tentacle slashers

Base: 8x Lt. Plasma Weapon
Damage: 8d*10/Imp, Energy, Double after armor
Weight: Light
Reach: C
Points: 8*2