Shadow Gaera Transcript
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Revision as of 19:16, 3 June 2007 by KingOfDoma (Talk | contribs)
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IM History for shadowgaera
Wednesday, February 07, 2007 | |
7:02 PM | |
Deus Fio: | (So, Cha, this is your show, start us off.) |
PapatymisonN: | In a sec. Trying to curry a bit more support. |
PapatymisonN: | ... there we go. |
Syra Zemyla: | (There we are. I've found my post with all of the Shadow Gaera versions of my characters.) |
PapatymisonN: | (OK, then.) |
PapatymisonN: | (Rolling, let's get.) |
PapatymisonN: | (I just need to think of what character will get Shadowfied tonight.) |
PapatymisonN: | (Got it.) |
PapatymisonN: | (Will multichar with Selendrile.) |
PapatymisonN: | <The Black Horn, Doma City, 1317> |
PapatymisonN: | *it's a cold Gaerara evening, air being still and foreboding...* |
PapatymisonN: | *The Black Horn's warm, but only because of the wealthy men upstairs who want the heat to permeate to them above...* |
PapatymisonN: | *in it sits a man in black, pale skin, raven hair matching his hardened clothing, as he sits and drinks what must be red wine...* |
PapatymisonN: | *it seems he's... waiting for someone.* |
Deus Fio: | (Is he waiting for someone I know?) |
PapatymisonN: | (Sure, why not.) |
Deus Fio: | *A hooded figure slides into the booth opposite Selendrile. Despite his heavy, dark green cloak, he is recognizably thin and graceful in his movements.* |
PapatymisonN: | You have no idea of the concept of promptness, do you? |
Syra Zemyla: | *After that, another person goes toward the table. She has black hair and golden brown eyes, and wears leather armor and has several daggers on her belt.* |
Syra Zemyla: | So, it seems we are all here. |
Deus Fio: | *Adjusting the hood on his head to make sure it still hides his pointed ears, Vleian Sunstrider glowers at Selendrile for a moment before answering.* |
Deus Fio: | You know how much I hate coming here. |
Syra Zemyla: | (Fucking GAIM. I hate how it loses my colors.) |
Deus Fio: | >_> Perhaps so. |
PapatymisonN: | ... no. |
PapatymisonN: | But he'll be along shortly. |
PapatymisonN: | How's everyone doing |
PapatymisonN: | ? |
Deus Fio: | *Vleian looks at Selendrile curiously, but knows better than to try and read his face.* |
PapatymisonN: | *which is why Selendrile likes smirking so much* |
Deus Fio: | I'm...well. |
Besyanteo: | *And into the tavern walks...* |
Besyanteo: | *A tall garoujin, about six foot four, with a long ebony horn on his forehead. His fur is navy blue, and his eyes are emerald green. He's wearing plain white pants and vest* |
Besyanteo: | *He sits at Selenedril's table casually.* |
PapatymisonN: | *calmly chuckles to himself* |
PapatymisonN: | Jeridan. Nice to see you. |
Besyanteo: | *he simply nods* |
PapatymisonN: | He'll be helpful. |
PapatymisonN: | Not sure about talkative. |
PapatymisonN: | But definitely helpful. |
Deus Fio: | You are bold to walk out like this. |
Deus Fio: | ...and I don't mean in this weather. |
Besyanteo: | <_< |
Syra Zemyla: | No bolder than the rest of us. |
Deus Fio: | (Zem, what's your character's apparent race?) |
Syra Zemyla: | (Human. This is Sable; she never got turned into a raccoon. :D) |
Deus Fio: | Speak for yourself. |
PapatymisonN: | (Read the descrop, Evelyn Wood. *snap*) |
PapatymisonN: | (*descrip) |
Besyanteo: | *looks back to Selendrille* |
PapatymisonN: | Something wrong, Jeridan? |
Besyanteo: | No. ... You called. *raises a brow* |
PapatymisonN: | To meet the group, and possibly discuss a plan or two. |
PapatymisonN: | There are more, but... for obvious reasons, can't let you meet them JUST yet. |
Deus Fio: | (Yeah, but...well, a nonhuman resistance fighter would probably be a nonhuman.) |
PapatymisonN: | Introduce yourselves, guys. |
Besyanteo: | ... |
Besyanteo: | You know my name, and my face. That is enough. <_< *looking at those other two appraisingly* |
Deus Fio: | I am Vleian Sunstrider. |
Deus Fio: | I am...important to the organization. As is my pale colleague. |
Syra Zemyla: | I am Sable. I am doing this for... the right reasons. |
PapatymisonN: | (I wonder if she's still married to Marc Mero... :P) |
Deus Fio: | Yes, I would like to discuss those very reasons. Why have you chosen to cast your lot with us? |
PapatymisonN: | ... do we really need to question an extra set of hands? |
Syra Zemyla: | Because my colleagues and I prefer a more... open... market. Thus, we are opposed to anything that works to close it up. This makes us allies by circumstance at least. |
PapatymisonN: | (OK, pausing.) |
PapatymisonN: | (On another note: I want to read Seduction of the Innocent.) |
PapatymisonN: | (AKA the 50s era book written by a McCarthyian condemning comic books.) |
Besyanteo: | (Yarr.) |
PapatymisonN: | (Welcome back.) |
Deus Fio: | (Hey, Bes.) |
PapatymisonN: | (Last thing you saw?) |
Besyanteo: | (Nothing since "for the right reasons") |
Syra Zemyla: | (You missed my last post, then.) |
PapatymisonN: | (Updated. Shall we continue?) |
Besyanteo: | (Ready. ... Question) |
PapatymisonN: | (Answer?) |
Besyanteo: | (That question also directed at Jeridan?) |
Deus Fio: | (Nope.) |
Besyanteo: | (Righto) |
Deus Fio: | Very well. It tends, however, to be the policy of our organization should I put it, Selendrile? |
PapatymisonN: | Any way you like. |
Deus Fio: | (He doesn't really want to say "keep humans out of the inner sanctum") |
PapatymisonN: | (Selendrile doesn't care.) |
Deus Fio: | *sighs* |
Deus Fio: | We've had trouble before. Spies within the organization. |
Syra Zemyla: | We've had that problem before in the organization I represent. |
Besyanteo: | *his smiles can be felt more than seen on his lipless face* |
PapatymisonN: | Which is why I'm ready to snap any and all of your necks at the drop of a hat. |
PapatymisonN: | Now, we should get to business, yes? |
Deus Fio: | Then you can understand why I cannot place the same trust in you as I would in, perhaps, Jeridan? |
Besyanteo: | ... |
Besyanteo: | *he laughs, openly* |
PapatymisonN: | ... I like him already. |
Besyanteo: | *but soon quiets* |
Syra Zemyla: | I understand completely. |
Syra Zemyla: | Also, any missions I do for you, or help I provide, may just be an inducement to for you to trust me further until I betray you. Am I correct? |
PapatymisonN: | ... *smile* |
Deus Fio: | *a smirk appears below the hood* |
PapatymisonN: | I really do like each and every one of you. |
Deus Fio: | You have danced this dance before. |
Besyanteo: | *he leans abck and sets feet on the table, looking at the ceiling. Is he payying attention?* |
Syra Zemyla: | I have. But might not a gullible non-human be induced to betray you as well, perhaps for the promise of being more accepted among humans? |
PapatymisonN: | Gods I hope not. |
Besyanteo: | Now now, Selendrile. |
Deus Fio: | They're a fool if they think that will happen. |
Besyanteo: | There is no accounting for stupidity. |
PapatymisonN: | You have a point. |
Deus Fio: | But we have had non-humans betray us for other reasons. |
PapatymisonN: | ... business. |
PapatymisonN: | *tosses a scroll on the table* |
Deus Fio: | Felons reducing their sentences...blackmailing cases...and that's assuming they're even proper nonhumans to begin with. |
Besyanteo: | *ok, now he does look down* |
PapatymisonN: | Ah, good. Got your attention. |
Besyanteo: | Don't make me wait all day, or you'll lose it for good. |
Syra Zemyla: | *Sable also looks at the scroll.*U |
PapatymisonN: | Right. |
PapatymisonN: | *unrolls it* |
PapatymisonN: | That, my friends... |
PapatymisonN: | Is a blueprint of the castle. |
Besyanteo: | ... |
Besyanteo: | As I said before, |
Besyanteo: | there is no accounting for stupidity. *there's an edge in his voice* |
PapatymisonN: | ... *sigh* |
Syra Zemyla: | *Now Sable is looking around to see if anyone is spying on them.* |
PapatymisonN: | I'll add 50% to what I quoted you. |
PapatymisonN: | *rerolls it* |
Besyanteo: | *he smirks* You really think I give a damn about the money, don't you? |
PapatymisonN: | You don't? |
Besyanteo: | ... Well maybe I do. But tell me what you're going to do... |
PapatymisonN: | We're going to have coffee with an old friend of mine. |
Besyanteo: | to make this interesting, instead of a fool's romp before meeting an early death. |
Besyanteo: | (reverse. =P) |
Besyanteo: | (lag. Connetion. Hate.) |
PapatymisonN: | (I feel ya buddy.) |
Besyanteo: | *seems to be waiting for more* |
PapatymisonN: | Well, this mission is the first step to... well... |
Deus Fio: | They deserve more than your doubletalk, Selendrile 9_9 |
PapatymisonN: | *w* Deposing Franklyn for good. |
Besyanteo: | ... |
Besyanteo: | *he puts his feet back on the floor and sits up* |
PapatymisonN: | *smirks* I have your attention, I see. |
Besyanteo: | We'll say that I am interested. |
Deus Fio: | We have the name of the operation picked out and everything. *chuckles* |
PapatymisonN: | Good enough. |
Syra Zemyla: | Because of course that's the most important part. |
Besyanteo: | <_< |
PapatymisonN: | Anyways. |
PapatymisonN: | *regaining control of the conversation...* |
Besyanteo: | (That's debatable. =P) |
Besyanteo: | (but continue!) |
PapatymisonN: | In... *checks a clock* 34 minutes, we need to be inside the Doman castle's courtyard, three floors up. |
PapatymisonN: | Cuz THAT'S when our contact will open his window. |
PapatymisonN: | I hope to pull him through 5 seconds later, and spirit him back within an hour. |
PapatymisonN: | We'll get all the info we can about... well, we'll go over that when he's here. |
PapatymisonN: | Everyone's in? |
Besyanteo: | *he nods* |
Deus Fio: | Of course. |
PapatymisonN: | *looks to Sable* ... |
Besyanteo: | <_< |
Syra Zemyla: | I'm in. |
Besyanteo: | Are you sure? |
PapatymisonN: | Good! ^_^ |
Besyanteo: | You feel like you might want to run home to your mother. |
Deus Fio: | *quirks an eyebrow* |
Besyanteo: | *he just bears his teeth in a creepy sort of grin those damn wolf and dog people use* |
Besyanteo: | *and he's watching Sable, of course, so he doesn't pay the eyebrow any mind* |
Syra Zemyla: | I'm very sure. I'm no stranger to this kind of work. |
PapatymisonN: | Good. There's some rope and a hook attached to the bottom of the table in front of you. *removes his, dangles it a bit, and puts it in his coat* |
PapatymisonN: | Let's go. |
Besyanteo: | *He stands... and as he does,* |
Besyanteo: | *he seems to become a rather plain looking man of 25-28.* |
Besyanteo: | *and he heads for the door* |
PapatymisonN: | *grabs his, walks next to him* Nice trick... |
Deus Fio: | *there isn't one for Vleian* |
Besyanteo: | *he just smirks* |
Syra Zemyla: | *also stands* Are we going to take different routes to our destination? |
Syra Zemyla: | *She had taken the rope and hook before she stood* |
PapatymisonN: | ... it's an idea. |
Deus Fio: | I always take a different route. |
Besyanteo: | Oh? Well then. |
PapatymisonN: | But, for security, the rest of us had better hang together. |
PapatymisonN: | Vleian's earned my trust so far. |
Besyanteo: | Heh. |
PapatymisonN: | *pushes open the door* Shall we? |
Syra Zemyla: | True. |
Deus Fio: | "So far," he says. |
PapatymisonN: | He does. *eyes Vleian playfully, yet ... correctly* |
PapatymisonN: | Time to go, children. *exits* |
Besyanteo: | *follows* |
Deus Fio: | *follows as well* |
Syra Zemyla: | *also follows!* |
PapatymisonN: | (... the leader, the big freak, the skinny guy, and the girl.) |
PapatymisonN: | (DAMN we make a good party. ^_^) |
Deus Fio: | *speaks quietly with Selendrile* You're impressed with them, I can tell.' |
PapatymisonN: | *w* They'll do. |
Besyanteo: | *... He sings! He's markedly off key, but it's a jaunty tune.* |
Deus Fio: | *w* I find myself trusting the human more than...our musical brother. |
PapatymisonN: | >.o |
PapatymisonN: | Don't worry about it. |
Besyanteo: | t2both: I have my reasons for aiding you. Now stop whispering. |
PapatymisonN: | The thing about resistance is... |
Besyanteo: | T:makes you stand out. ^_^ |
Deus Fio: | >_> |
Besyanteo: | (XD) |
PapatymisonN: | *thinks loudly* Thanks for the tip. |
PapatymisonN: | (that was a thought.) |
Besyanteo: | (noted) |
Besyanteo: | *still singing!* |
Deus Fio: | *w* I'll make a pass to confirm we're not being observed, then continue to the castle. |
PapatymisonN: | *nods* |
PapatymisonN: | (pause. Laundry calls) |
Besyanteo: | (snack get!) |
PapatymisonN: | (back.) |
Syra Zemyla: | (Back as well.) |
PapatymisonN: | (Bes?) |
Deus Fio: | *w* You've seen my owl, haven't you? You'll know what I look like, then. |
Besyanteo: | (back) |
PapatymisonN: | *w* Get going before Jeridan gets annoyed with the whispering again. |
Besyanteo: | *he finishes the song with racous laughter* |
PapatymisonN: | IM: Freak. ^_^ |
Besyanteo: | (.... crap. brb) |
Deus Fio: | *w* I'll want this cloak back, Sel. |
PapatymisonN: | (I love being able to manipulate the font.) |
PapatymisonN: | *takes* |
PapatymisonN: | (pause.) |
Deus Fio: | *removes it and hands it over, adjusting his long dirty-blond hair as he does so* |
Deus Fio: | *He ducks into an alleyway and is gone.* |
Besyanteo: | (back) |
PapatymisonN: | *in the meantime, leans against a building, next to Jeridan* |
Deus Fio: | *Anyone with superhuman night vision can see a spotted owl gliding out of the alleyway.* |
PapatymisonN: | ... so, you eat sentient beasts, right Jeridan? |
Besyanteo: | *he looks to Selendrille slowly, his face deadpan* |
Besyanteo: | *and then grins slowly* After a fashion. |
PapatymisonN: | Don't worry. Done that myself. |
Syra Zemyla: | Wouldn't mind a couple myself. |
Deus Fio: | *The owl circles overhead a few times before alighting on a signpost.* |
PapatymisonN: | ... reassuring the good guys eat people. |
Besyanteo: | <_< |
Besyanteo: | *face falls* |
Deus Fio: | Hooot hooot........hooot*. |
Besyanteo: | "Good guys"? |
Deus Fio: | (*"All clear.") |
Besyanteo: | Pft. Please. >.> |
PapatymisonN: | Relatively. |
Besyanteo: | Anyway. |
Besyanteo: | (This is quickly turning into "Grendel's Revenge" =P) |
Besyanteo: | (Not to be taken as a complaint) |
PapatymisonN: | Anyway. |
Syra Zemyla: | (Also, Sable was totally kidding. :D) |
Deus Fio: | *The owl looks at Selendrile expectantly. Not the way an owl is supposed to look, but Vleian isn't doing a particularly good job of acting animalistic today.* |
Besyanteo: | (I knew =P) |
Deus Fio: | Hooot hooot........hooot. |
PapatymisonN: | ... |
PapatymisonN: | *sighs, stage whisper* Then get down here. |
PapatymisonN: | *sw* You're just as good to me with legs and arms. |
Deus Fio: | Hooooot. |
Besyanteo: | *leans against the wall, making a pillow of his hands* |
Deus Fio: | *Vleian Sunstrider is now sitting in the tree.* |
Besyanteo: | I'm glad we're so profesional and discreet. ^_^ |
PapatymisonN: | *heads for the wall* Laugh it up. |
Deus Fio: | *he descends with elven grace* |
Besyanteo: | *follows Sel!* |
PapatymisonN: | *when he reaches its face, he tosses the grapple up and over the wall with one smooth throw* |
Besyanteo: | (OH-OH-OVERDRIVE~) |
Deus Fio: | One of those bastard guards shot me with a crossbow. |
Deus Fio: | Took a tail feather. Who shoots an owl, anyway? |
PapatymisonN: | *and, just as smoothly, yanks himself up by one arm, and over the wall* |
PapatymisonN: | IM: Bastards, that's who. |
Besyanteo: | Hey. |
PapatymisonN: | *taking his grapple with him* |
Besyanteo: | They're dirty humies with crossbows. |
Besyanteo: | Which of them doesn't do that? |
Syra Zemyla: | *ahem* |
Deus Fio: | We're clear to where we're going, anyway. |
PapatymisonN: | *waiting on the other side* |
Besyanteo: | *follows Sel some more!* |
Syra Zemyla: | *Sable climbs up the wall, without using a grapple. She's just that good. :D And she's done this many times before.* |
PapatymisonN: | *once everyone's there, he points to the window in question, and waves them to the place beneath it...* |
Deus Fio: | *becomes a flying squirrel* |
Deus Fio: | *joins them* |
PapatymisonN: | *and with that, heads to the window...* |
Besyanteo: | *follow some more!* |
Syra Zemyla: | *sneaks after them* |
Syra Zemyla: | *w* Wait. Hold still. |
PapatymisonN: | *w* Keep watch down here. |
Besyanteo: | >_> |
Besyanteo: | *looks right at Sable,* |
Besyanteo: | *and wiggles!* |
Besyanteo: | (.. son of a... brb. Again.) |
PapatymisonN: | *smirks, and begins to scale the wall* |
Syra Zemyla: | *Sable seems to be muttering something. As the party waits, they can see each other slowly becoming invisible.* |
PapatymisonN: | (kay.) |
Deus Fio: | *scrambles up the wall and stares down at them expectantly* |
Deus Fio: | (Yo, Futureman.) |
DarkLordKelne: | (Hey.) |
Besyanteo: | (back) |
Besyanteo: | (Lurking or playing Kelne? :o) |
PapatymisonN: | (He's lurking, the bastard. :P) |
DarkLordKelne: | (Indeed.) |
Syra Zemyla: | *She then mutters something else, and the members of the party can see each oher again.* There. *She then climbs the wall.* |
Besyanteo: | ... ah, invisibility. Very good. |
Besyanteo: | Well then. |
PapatymisonN: | *just as Selendrile reaches the top, the window opens, and he enters* |
Besyanteo: | *... and he flies after Sel* |
Besyanteo: | *yes, flies. No wings, he jsut does.* |
PapatymisonN: | *they enter to see a hunched over fellow, shiftily... no, WARILY looking from left to right, like something's going to pop out and eat him* |
Besyanteo: | *hey, it's tempted* |
Besyanteo: | *instead, being invisible,* |
Besyanteo: | *he walks behind the guy, and looks to Sel curiously* |
Besyanteo: | T: Your friend? |
PapatymisonN: | You're sure you can trust them, Sel? *he's got dark skin like the royalty, and a thin pencil moustache.* |
PapatymisonN: | *he appears to be in his pyjamas* |
PapatymisonN: | Folks, meet the duke. |
PapatymisonN: | Sean, these are people you shouldn't care about. |
Besyanteo: | ... *pokes him. On the shoulder* |
Besyanteo: | Duke, huh? |
PapatymisonN: | ... don't do that. o.o; |
PapatymisonN: | Ready to go? |
PapatymisonN: | *he nods* |
PapatymisonN: | Good. *picks him up by his waist* |
PapatymisonN: | *is the guy... smiling?* |
PapatymisonN: | Let's go. *jumps out the window* |
Deus Fio: | *Vleian-squirrel peers at them from the windowsill, sniffs the air, and nods.* |
Besyanteo: | ... *for once, his amused look fades* |
Besyanteo: | IM: ... wut. |
PapatymisonN: | *lands calmly* |
Besyanteo: | *he follows though* |
Deus Fio: | *Squirrel-Vleian does the flying squirrel thing* |
Deus Fio: | *Well, glides.* |
Besyanteo: | *floats down vertically, landing lightly on his feet* |
PapatymisonN: | *heads to the wall, and throws the grapple up* |
PapatymisonN: | Climb, Seany. |
PapatymisonN: | *he nods worriedly, and begins to climb, slowly but surely* |
Syra Zemyla: | *Sable scrambles down and up the walls like she was born on them* |
Deus Fio: | *Vleian scrambles faster, because he's a squirrel.* |
PapatymisonN: | *once Seany's over, the grapples thrown back to Selendrile, and in a moment...* |
Besyanteo: | *you kids and your fear of gravity* |
PapatymisonN: | *he's back over* |
Syra Zemyla: | (brb.) |
PapatymisonN: | (kay.) |
Besyanteo: | (So, wait. Did we just break into the castle, take a guy out, and then put him back in?) |
Syra Zemyla: | (Well, maybe. Depends on how much Internet I have on the way home.) |
Deus Fio: | (No, no, no.)) |
Deus Fio: | (You forget, there are two walls.) |
PapatymisonN: | (Yeah.) |
Deus Fio: | (We took him down the wall of the castle proper, then up the wall around the castle.) |
PapatymisonN: | (Exactly.) |
Besyanteo: | (Kay then!) |
Deus Fio: | (HELLO, ZEMYLA.) |
PapatymisonN: | (Double you be.) |
Besyanteo: | (So.) |
PapatymisonN: | (So.) |
Besyanteo: | (RP then? >_> ) |
Deus Fio: | (Actually, my turn to not be here for a few minutes.) |
PapatymisonN: | (Aagh. Kay. Just go.) |
Besyanteo: | (Jer: *reclines on the air* Getting booooored.... Seany doesn't want to see me bored. Nope.) |
Deus Fio: | (I'm back.) |
Besyanteo: | (We ready?) |
PapatymisonN: | So, Seany. Coffee. |
Besyanteo: | Hey. Sable. |
Syra Zemyla: | (Not yet. I may lose my connection once more.) |
Besyanteo: | How long does your little spell last? |
PapatymisonN: | (Arrg!) |
PapatymisonN: | (*waits to see if connection is lost*) |
Deus Fio: | (Bees?!) |
Besyanteo: | (Yarr) |
Besyanteo: | (IM me when we're RPing) |
PapatymisonN: | (OK.) |
Syra Zemyla: | (Back, for real.) |
PapatymisonN: | (Good.) |
PapatymisonN: | So, Seany, coffee? |
Syra Zemyla: | It should last about an hour. Also, it hides our auras. That was a hard detail to come up with. |
PapatymisonN: | *he nods, and clings to Selendrile, burying his face in his arm* |
PapatymisonN: | *rolls his eyes, and continues on back to the Black Horn* |
Besyanteo: | *followfollow* |
Syra Zemyla: | *follows as well* |
PapatymisonN: | IM: He's got a crush. Go figure. |
PapatymisonN: | *they arrive back, sitting at their same table* |
Besyanteo: | *he sits* |
PapatymisonN: | Thanks, Selly. ^_^ I really needed to get out of there... |
Deus Fio: | *Vleian resumes his elfhood and takes his cloak back from Sel* |
Syra Zemyla: | *sits as well* So, how is this supposed to depose Franklyn? |
PapatymisonN: | Watch this. |
PapatymisonN: | ... did you get it, Sean? |
PapatymisonN: | *as coffee is served to him, Sean hands over a slip of paper, folded tightly* |
PapatymisonN: | *unfolds it quickly, and then wads it back into place* ^_^ Sean, you're beautiful? |
PapatymisonN: | *. |
PapatymisonN: | You think so? |
Besyanteo: | ... |
Deus Fio: | Let me see. |
Besyanteo: | *he chuckles, having an idea how this came about* |
PapatymisonN: | After, V. |
Besyanteo: | *several, really* |
PapatymisonN: | ... and yeah, sure, Seany. |
Syra Zemyla: | (Anyways, I have to go, WTF eveyone.) |
PapatymisonN: | (Can ya exit formally first, by any chance?) |
Besyanteo: | (I need to head off as well) |
Besyanteo: | (too many delays hit us. :( ) |
PapatymisonN: | (Argh. I'll write up the end, then.) |
Besyanteo: | (sorry) |
Deus Fio: | (Blar.) |
Deus Fio: | (...went well!) |
PapatymisonN: | (For the most part.) |
PapatymisonN: | *Well, after the re-insertion of Duke Sean (after an awkward backdoor session between Sel and Sean, where the others didn't see anything), the slip of paper's information was revealed...* |
PapatymisonN: | *it held upon it the full schedule for the next two weeks of the prince of Doma, Charles* |
Besyanteo: | (:o!) |
PapatymisonN: | *the plan? Kidnap him, pull him to their side... and have him declare his rule as the true king, and by extension...* |
PapatymisonN: | *War.* |
PapatymisonN: | </rp> |
Besyanteo: | Later folks. |
Deus Fio: | :O |
<a name="end"></a> </body></html>