The OOC Bus

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What the hell is this thing?

Basically, a long running joke about where FFFanatic keeps his various RP characters when they're not being used. The outside looks like a traditional American school bus. The inside is whatever FFFanatic feels is needed on a whim, usually for being silly.


Several years ago, during one fateful afternoon, FFFanatic and several other members of the Rpgww Forums were being their usual, spammy selves in an AOL chatroom. At some point, they decided to roleplay out a race, where each forum member was driving various silly vehicles for fun.

In FFFanatic's case, he decided to base his on a long-standing joke at the time. Because of his tendency to come up with numerous characters, his vehicle was an ordinary American school bus, full of his characters.

While the silly race only lasted an hour or so, it would not be the last time the bus made an appearance. After that, FFFanatic continued to have the bus show up at random times. Sometimes, he would use it to drop off his characters for RP's. Other times, he'd kick characters back onto the bus when they were being difficult. He eventually started referring to it as his 'OOC Bus'.

See Also