Rantef Anarch

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Eldest child. Short brown hair and blue eyes. Typically wears simple clothing, like tanktops and shorts. Physically, he's in his 30's. Mentally, he's never moved beyond childhood.

Late into his childhood, Narof sensed that his first child would never be like typical children. To start, there was his innate ability to shift his form, changing his body parts into various shapes. As he got into his teens, the young man thought little of girls, and still wished to play tag and with his toys. Even into his 30's, he still cries when he's hurt, and asks for his mommy and daddy. To this day, they are unsure of why he is like this. Was this the random whim of their God? Or perhaps, it was to preserve the vast imagination of childhood, aiding him with his shifting. Whatever the case, Narof and his daughter often find it difficult to keep Rantef disciplined, as it's very difficult to teach him anything and make it 'stick'. When members of his family are in danger, nothing short of an order from his family will stop him from tearing people apart, if necessary.