Dark Star Prophecy NPC Roster
[hide]Standard NPCs
(Ripped from Philsys NPCs)
Fighter, Standard
These stats are appropriate for a standardized warrior, a basic member of the city guard, a rowdy ex-soldier in a bar, etc. His (or her) skills can be customized to suit specifics, but the assumption is that such a character will use a 1-handed weapon, carry a ranged weapon for backup, wear armor, and carry a shield.
The stat block provided here can be used for fighters of any race, even more exotic types, with a few small adjustments. For example, to create a skeletal warrior, you could use very similar stats and simply apply appropriate innate abilities or weaknesses (such as bonus AC against piercing damage or a vulnerability to holy elemental magic).
Fighter, Standard | |||||||||
HP 70, MP 0, TP 31 | |||||||||
Stats | Substats | Skills | |||||||
COU +4 | Base AT/PA: 13/13 | Weapon - 4 <Cou/Agi/Str> | |||||||
WIS +1 | Modified for Armor: 12/13 | Ranged Weapon - 4 <Int/Dex/Dex> | |||||||
INT +1 | Modified for Skill: 14/15 | [s]Armor Mobility - 4 <Str=3> | |||||||
CHA +1 | Initiative: 6+2d6 | [s]Shield Blocking - 4 <Agi=2> | |||||||
AGI +4 | Base MAtk: 3 | (10 points worth of other skills) | |||||||
DEX +2 | Base MBlock: 19 | ||||||||
STR +4 | Base Missile Evade: 19 | ||||||||
STA +3 | |||||||||
MAG 0 | |||||||||
Equipment | |||||||||
Longsword (10/14/17, +1/-1) | Light Crossbow | Armor | |||||||
Light: 18 + 1d6 | Accuracy: 9 | Body: Banded Mail (AC 12, -1/-3) | |||||||
Medium: 26 + 2d6 | Damage: 22 + 2d4 | Shield: Small Shield (AC 13, +0/+1) | |||||||
Heavy: 33 + 3d6 |
The [s]Armor Mobility skill listed reduces PA penalties for heavy armor by 1 point per 2 ranks. It costs 1 point per rank.
Fighter, Dextrous
A dextrous fighter may two weapons and engages in ranged combat with more frequency than a standard fighter. He wears less armor so as to avoid compromising his mobility. His attacks are focused on using accuracy to penetrate an opponent's defenses, not raw strength.
Fighter, Dextrous | |||||||||
HP 60, MP 0, TP 25 | |||||||||
Stats | Substats | Skills | |||||||
COU +4 | Base AT/PA: 16/16 | Light Weapon - 4 <Cou/Agi/Str> | |||||||
WIS +1 | Modified for Armor: 16/15 | Ranged Weapon - 4 <Int/Dex/Dex> | |||||||
INT +3 | Modified for Skill: 17/16 | Two-weapon Fighting - 4 <Dex=3> | |||||||
CHA +1 | Initiative: 6+2d6 | [s]Improved Dodge - 4 <Agi=3> | |||||||
AGI +5 | Base MAtk: 4 | (12 points worth of other skills) | |||||||
DEX +4 | Base MBlock: 21 | ||||||||
STR +2 | Base Missile Evade: 23 | ||||||||
STA +1 | |||||||||
MAG 0 | |||||||||
Equipment | |||||||||
Short Sword x2 (7/10/13) | Throwing Knives | Armor | |||||||
Light: 13 + 1d6 | Accuracy: 13 | Body: Studded Leather (AC 6, -0/-1) | |||||||
Medium: 18 + 2d6 | Damage: 10 + 2d4 | ||||||||
Heavy: 23 + 3d6 | |||||||||
Techs | |||||||||
A character that is primarily focused on casting spells to deal damage or support allies in combat is a spellcaster.
This sheet lays out basics for a mage-type character that will be using primarily elemental offensive magic. His schools of magic are left for the GM to decide upon generation, but for simplicity, a mage of this sort has a "wild card" spell that allows the GM to avoid doing any extra work.
A mage with a more complicated skillset should have his skills and spells decided by the GM before the RP.
Mage | |||||||||
HP 60, MP 100, TP 22 | |||||||||
Stats | Substats | Skills | |||||||
COU +3 | Base AT/PA: 10/10 | Weapon - 4 <Cou/Agi/Str> | |||||||
WIS +5 | Modified for Armor: 10/10 | Magic School - 4 <Int/Wis/Mag> | |||||||
INT +5 | Modified for Skill: 8/16 | Magic School - 4 <Int/Wis/Mag> | |||||||
CHA +0 | Initiative: 2+2d6 | Magic School - 4 <Int/Wis/Mag> | |||||||
AGI +1 | Base MAtk: 15 | Magic School - 4 <Int/Wis/Mag> | |||||||
DEX +0 | Base MBlock: 21 | [k]Applied Magical Theory - 4 <Int/Wis/Mag> | |||||||
STR +1 | Base Missile Evade: 17 | (18 points worth of other skills) | |||||||
STA +1 | |||||||||
MAG 5 | |||||||||
Equipment | |||||||||
Quarterstaff (3/5/8, -2/+2) | Armor | ||||||||
Light: 9 + 2d6 | Body: Robe (AC 2) | ||||||||
Medium: 12 + 3d6 | |||||||||
Heavy: 15 + 4d6 | |||||||||
Techs | |||||||||
Support Caster
Support casters are indispensable in prolonged fights. The ability to heal damage is incredibly useful, and other abilities can turn the tide of battle against difficult foes.
Healer | |||||||||
HP 60, MP 95, TP 25 | |||||||||
Stats | Substats | Skills | |||||||
COU +4 | Base AT/PA: 8/8 | Weapon - 4 <Cou/Agi/Str> | |||||||
WIS +6 | Modified for Armor: 8/8 | Healing Magic - 4 <Int/Wis/Mag> | |||||||
INT +3 | Modified for Skill: 10/9 | Benediction Magic - 4 <Int/Wis/Mag> | |||||||
CHA +1 | Initiative: 2+2d6 | Magic School - 4 <Int/Wis/Mag> | |||||||
AGI +0 | Base MAtk: 14 | First Aid - 4 <Wis/Int/Dex> | |||||||
DEX +0 | Base MBlock: 21 | [k]Anatomy - 4 <Int/Wis/Mag> | |||||||
STR +1 | Base Missile Evade: 13 | (16 points worth of other skills) | |||||||
STA +1 | |||||||||
MAG 5 | |||||||||
Equipment | |||||||||
Mace (6/10/18, +0/-1) | Armor | ||||||||
Light: 12 + 2d6 | Body: Robe (AC 2) | ||||||||
Medium: 16 + 3d6 | |||||||||
Heavy: 25 + 4d6 | |||||||||
Techs | |||||||||