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Zeiren Aslan
name Zeiren Aslan
rp world Gaera MAC
birthdate Kazerora 16, 3076
birthplace Doma City, Residential Sector III
current residence MAC Igala D, dormitory F-910
occupation MAC Cadet, A2 Pilot. Part-time slacker
family Keetais Aslan (Mother, NPC), Malcolm Aslan (Father, NPC), numerous siblings (Leave it to your imagination)
race Half-demon(Type-unknown), half-human
physical description Height of 5'8.5", appears to have a fair complexion, turquoise eyes, build slightly on the thin side. Has black, ice-blue-streaked hair of decent length, and pointy ears--the ears darken slightly near the tip, though. A pair of small horns may be visible to the observant. Has an appearance erring on the androgynous "bishounen" end.
typical clothing Wears either his MAC Igala uniform (Currently self-decorated for three kills) or an outfit that includes a black leather jacket. Always wears his standard-issue boots.
personality Has a very "here and now" mentality in general. The past is done with, and the future's not determined anyway. Would prefer to think about today rather than tomorrow, and tomorrow rather than the rest of the damn week. Thinks of what is, as opposed to what might be or what has been. Doesn't see the point in drilling and studying, and hates being forced to do such activities, preferring to learn by actually doing. He's more than a bit of a flirt, though he typically prefers to keep things on that level, and nothing more. Loyal to his friends. Doesn't see a problem with using tactics others would deem "dishonorable," and doesn't always care for following others' orders, trying to subvert his own ideas if he disagrees and has a better idea. Given his current financial situation, is on the lookout for money, particularly easy money--though he's not willing to do anything PARTICULARLY stupid in this case. Coincidentally, he's not that careful with it himself. Likes action movies and similarly-paced video games, and thinks himself at least a bit better than average.
religious beliefs Doesn't worship.
drunk type Undetermined.
affiliations Serran, Helena, Tareen(Squadmates), Oxblood("Irritating stinky guy who tags along"/disliked squadmate)
other Doesn't react too well to typical medical treatment due to odd biological makeup, thanks to what he inherited from his mother. Gets rather offended by stinky people. Currently in the middle of an unofficial grudge with one Oxblood.