Yuri Jade

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Yuri Jade
name Yuri Jade
rp world Gaera MAC
birthdate 5th Kazeros 3067
birthplace Northern Solasia
current residence MAC Igala A
occupation Corporal in MAC
family Aleksandr Grondavich, father, and Ivanna Grondavich, mother
race Human
physical description Yuri stands 1.8 meters tall, though his Warrior personality manages to seem quite a bit taller. He has platinum blond hair, which is short, but is a mess. His Maverick personality manages to pass it off as "tousled."
typical clothing Yuri almost always wears his piloting suit. His Warrior personality does it so he is always ready for battle. His Maverick personality does it because it makes it SO much easier to pick up chicks. Unlike his hair, he keeps it in immaculate condition.
personality Yuri has a split personality, due to a significant event in his history. The personalities are not aware that they are in fact seperate personalities. Each sees the other as its dark side. Maverick, the original aspect of Yuri, is easygoing and laid back. While he recognizes his duty to Clan Jade Falcon, he enjoys spending his time carousing and womanizing. Overall, he is pretty fun to be around, if one can get around his delusional nature. One thing no one ever gets to note is that Maverick is actually nowhere near as good a pilot as his counterpart.

The Warrior personality is quite different. He lives for combat, for the rush of seeing the enemy utterly crushed without once breaking the code of zellbreigen, and for the field of honor. He is an almost frighteningly good pilot, and spends most of the time he has control (and is not in actual battle) in the simulator. He is also highly proficient in the theory and application of battlefield tactics. He bears a special hatred for his "dark side," and it is his negative psychic influence that is the source of Maverick's supernatural curse. He is definitely the dominant personality, and whenever battle or conflict calls, he can easily subsume Maverick. Other times, it is more of a battle, but this attribute alone shows who is really- and increasingly- in control.

religious beliefs Yuri ostensibly follows a strict druidic religion that does not even allow the use of stone circles, but he has performed so many acts that would excommunicate him that this is probably not technically true.
drunk type Hilarious, often unintentionally.

Yuri Jade is a member of Gaera MAC, a proficient sniper, and all-around psychotic scary person. He holds the rank of Corporal. He would be ranked much higher, but his superiors are afraid of what would happen if he were actually allowed to issue orders in the field. He pilots a 'Mech of his own design, the Apophis.


Yuri Jade was born Yuri Grondavich, in northern Solasia. He had a fairly normal childhood, and joined Gaera MAC out of patriotism and a desire to use his military rank as a way to pick up chicks. As it happened, his quick reflexes and in-your-face attitude made him ideal for the armored division.

Things were looking up for young Yuri, and it seemed he would have a fast-paced career full of wacky hijinks and insubordination, with perhaps even a soundtrack done by Kenny Loggins, when Fate^H^H^H^H an existing weakness in Yuri's psyche intervened. Yuri was just beginning his training on a real Auracore Armor. While the symbiote in the Auracore was perfectly normal and not an interesting plot element in any way, least of all one that could end up with the mecha in question being nearly as compelling a character as the pilot,the bonding process magically split Yuri's mind into two distinct personalities with common memories and a common paradigm of the universe, which happened to be completely wrong.

In the aftermath, Yuri blinked in the dawn of man. A voice came over the comm. "Yuri, have you bonded to the Auracore yet? It seems to be taking a while."

With a new edge in his voice, Yuri responded. "Aff, command. I am prepared for the trial. Let us proceed."

And so, Yuri, MechWarrior of clan Jade Falcon, began his career. One of the effects of temporarily being an Auracore turned out to be that he gained almost preternatural talent as a pilot virtually overnight, and has honed this skill since. Almost immediately after he was certified as a pilot, he had his surname legally changed to Jade, a bloodname of his Clan, and began work on his personal 'Mech, a fitting body for his Desdemona: The SSaA2-FA71 "Apophis".


Yuri lives by Zellbreigen, the clan code of honor. In battle, he will not breach it unless the enemy repeatedly and/or flagrantly abuses its precepts.

Zellbreigen has several tenets:

In battle, engage the enemy one-on-one. You must challenge your opponent to a duel formally before firing (although you may do this immediately before, i.e. on the turn you open fire). your allies shall not intervene, and neither shall the enemy's. If there are no available targets because they are all engaged in duels, stand idle until one is free.

Do not use melee weapons.

Do not show cowardice in battle. Retreat only when absolutely necessary.


GURPS Sheets

Yuri Jade (Maverick Personna)
Race: Human

Player: VoidPointer
5'10", 147 lbs,

ST: 8 IQ: 14 Move: 6
DX: 15 HT: 10

Total Points: 150

   200-Point Mecha (30)
Charisma level 4 (20)
Military Rank lvl. 1 (5)
Reputation +2: Yuri is respected for his skills by his immediate superiors, but not enough to promote him. (3)


   Delusion: Clan MechWarrior (-5)
Delusion: Desdemona (and Auracores in general) is (are) sentient (-5)
Lecherousness (-15)
Split Personality (-10)
Weirdness magnet (-15)


   Thinks He's God's Gift To Women
Likes To Give Fatherly Advice
Skills Carousing: 12 (8)
       Electronics Operation: Comms: 12 (.5)
       Electronics Operation: Sensors: 12 (.5)
       Fast-Talk: 18 (10)
       Gunner: Energy Weapons: 16 (1)
       Leadership: 14 (2)
       Pilot 'Mech: 16 (4)
       Savoir-Faire (Military): 16 (4)
       Sex Appeal: 20 (22)
Possessions WEAPONS
   A huge 'Mech.
Yuri Jade (Warrior Personna)
Race: Human

Player: VoidPointer
5'10", 147 lbs,

ST: 8 IQ: 15 Move: 6
DX: 15 HT: 9

Total Points: 150

   200-Point Mecha (30)
Combat Reflexes (15)
Military Rank lvl. 1 (5)
Reputation +2: Yuri is respected for his skills by his immediate superiors, but not enough to promote him. (3)
Tek Affinity level 3 (35)


   Bloodlust (-10)
Code of Honor: Zellbreigen (-10)
Delusion: Clan MechWarrior (-5)
Delusion: Desdemona (and Auracores in general) is (are) sentient (-5)
Overconfidence (-10) Sadism (-15) Split Personality (-10)


   Gets Aroused By Powerful Weaponry
Shoots Things To Relax
       Electronics Operation: Comms: 16 (4) (19 with bonus)
       Electronics Operation: Sensors: 14 (1) (17 with bonus)
       Engineer: 'Mechs: 13 (1) (16 with bonus)
       Gunner: Energy Weapons: 21 (24) (24 with bonus)
       Intimidation: 17 (6)
       Leadership: 13 (.5)
       Mechanic: 'Mechs: 12 (.5) (15 with bonus)
       Pilot 'Mech: 18 (2)  (21 with bonus)
       Strategy: 13 (1)
       Tactics: 15 (4)
Possessions WEAPONS
   A huge 'Mech.