Kerov Altec

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Kerov is an angelic swordsman in the employ of the Doma. His love of holy magic and justice is well known, and he is a paladin of his patron deity, Mithra.

Early History

Kerov was born as Masqueetas Altec, as an elf in Kalshana, though he shortened his name to Squintz. From an early age, he took a liking to paladins, after hearing stories of them from his father. When he reached the age of maturity, he traveled to the big city, Doma, looking for adventure and a chance to prove his holiness. This led him to declaring great vows to destroy all evil he met, including an illithid, Xzar'il. Though he joined the Doman Guard and was a competant swordsman, he never really caught anyone's notice. However, when Malachias returned to Gaera, he led a group that invaded his tower. There, he decided to sacrifice himself in order to let the rest escape. Squintz died when the tower was destroyed, leaving behind nothing but the flask that Captain Pervy of the guard gave him before he set out.

Rise of Kerov

When the group set out again to destroy Malachias, a new, strange angel tried to halt their progress. His name was Kerov, and he was concerned that the group would be unable to hurt Malachias, and tried to divert them from their goal, up to and including fighting them in open combat. In the end, he failed at stopping them from pursuing their goal, and was revealed to be Squintz. After the incident, he decided not to rejoin society, abandoning his old life. Instead, he declared himself the protector of Ara du Mithril on her travels.

Ara was responsible for eventually causing him to rejoin society at large, although he kept the name Kerov, stating that Squintz was dead, and anyways, he liked the name Kerov better. Unfortunately, soon after, the Malachian Wars began.

Kerov in the Malachian Wars

Since one of Malachias' first moves was to kill Ara and the others that tried to destroy him last time he was on Gaera, Kerov spent much of the opening of the war partially insane. Having said to be the protector of Ara, and yet failing entirely to protect her from death, he went crazy with guilt and became a hermit in one of the cave systems west of Doma. When it was later revealed to them that the group was alive, Kerov regained his sanity, and began working closely with the other Paladins of Mithra. Arkot, the Eye, Kerov, the Fist, (name forgotten), the Shield, and Goel, the Sword. They began working behind the scenes to defeat Malachias' agents.

After the wars

After the wars, Kerov helped rebuild Doma city with the rest of the paladins. Deciding that he wasn't going to live with regret, he soon after married Ara, and had a child, Arza, with her. He joined the Doma Knights, and worked on improving his sword skills and focused less on holy magics, deciding for a purity of form. He's settled down, becoming more mellow and willing to crack a joke as the years go by.


Kerov's sword, Goel, is a strange entity. The only inanimate object that is a paladin of Mithra, it began as an enchanted sword named Redeemer that Squintz used. When Squintz returned as Kerov, the sword was also renamed to Goel and was further enchanted, allowing it to think, talk, and float on its own accord. Goel is a very sarcastic weapon, though fiercely loyal to Kerov's protection.

Recent Years

As of late, though, Kerov went on a journey with his family. Where he went, nobody knows, and what he's been doing, nobody knows.