PT11 "Drider"

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This prototype A2 was piloted by Elsa Kuragari in an ambush against Delta Squadron. It had proven to be particularly agile, and possessed a number of unusual attack methods, but due to a stroke of particularly bad luck on Elsa's part, claimed no victims, unlike the PT12 "Dracolich". A failed risky maneuver put the arachnomorphic A2 on the ground, where it eventually met a very messy end on the business sides of a point-blank scattercannon round and a contact mine. It currently consists of so many pieces of shrapnel, in addition to a mostly-intact, if particularly messy, ejected cockpit. The pilot has been captured for interrogation, and is currently drugged up on high quantities of tranquilizers and muscle relaxants, while being restrained to a high degree.


The PT11 "Drider" is presumably a one-of-a-kind A2 by its prototype status. Despite looking particularly unusual, it also happens to possess a high degree of agility that is characteristic of A2s. The design itself is as its namesake, possessing a lower body not unlike that of a black widow's legs and abdomen, but having an upper body of a more humanoid bent. In addition to its agility, the PT11 possesses a myriad of weapons intended for capture and disabling of other armors, including a pair of tesla cannons and a chemical weapon that hardens upon contact with its target, disabling the target in a fashion not unlike that of the spiders its lower body resembles. The Armor itself is currently in the shape of a large quantity of scrap metal that is present at the site that it has battled at, and will likely remain as such or be melted into slag for other purposes.


Armor Serial Number, Name
Type: (Machinist or Tek)

Value: (Point Value)
Pilots: (Link name(s))
Symbiote Identity: (Teks only, Machinists=N/A)

Basic stats




Structural and Internal

Armor: DR 300St/000Ab/200Sh
Frame: Heavy Composite
Comsuite: Advanced
Computer: Standard
PESA: 5M/x5, +# to hit
AESA: #M, +# to hit


Ejection Seat:Present
Self-Destruct Mechanism:None
Deceptive Jammer:None
Transmission Jammer:None
Radical Stealth:None
Infrared Stealth:None
Chameleon Stealth:None


Dodge: 8
PD: 4
HP: 2400/3000
Speed: 64 MPH

Ranged Weapon

Base: (Base type, links)
Damage: (Damage)/(Type), (Solid/Energy), (Special notes)
Weight: (Weight)
Acc: ##
SS: (Base/for Cockpit(-7))
Optimal/Max range: ####/####
Rate of Fire: (Per weapon. If different, #+#), (Special notes)
Shots: (# of shots, only if applicable)
Anti-Blast Casing: (Type Exp. only; if not, omit)
Points: (Per weapon. If different, #+#+2*links)

Missile Weapon

Base: (Base type, links)
Damage: (Damage)/(Type), (Solid/Energy), (Special notes)
Weight: (Weight)
SS: (Base/for Cockpit(-7))
Skill: ##
Speed/Max: ####/####
Endurance: (Max/Spd, listed on table)
Shots: (# of shots, only if applicable)
Anti-Blast Casing: (Type Exp. only; if not, omit)
Points: (Per weapon. If different, #+#+2*links)

Melee Weapon

Base: (Base type, links)
Damage: (Damage)/(Type), (Solid/Energy), (Special notes)
Weight: (Weight)
Reach: (Reach. If Var, calculate as if weapon for mecha's size)
Shots: (# of shots, only if applicable)
Points: (Per weapon.)