Sirvix Malone

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Sirvix at Ishmas, by Nekogami.
Dia nocharacterimage.png
(RP World)
(Gaera Main)
Month day year
Age Years
Current Residence Location
Occupation What s/he puts on tax forms
Family Mom, dad, brothers, sisters, etc
Race See Race list
Description Looks
Typical Clothing Wardrobe
Religious Beliefs Non-practicing Kaynesian
Drunk Type Crude, lewd, and fun.

Introductory line.


Sirvix is a succubus, a kind of evil fairy from hell. Her father is a master demon from Hell's Peak Mountain, where a portal to the Shadows exist. Being an only child, she has been spoiled to death and protected from the outside world and is kind of naive but in a strange evil way. She met Hakaril Silvar at a resort and was swept off her feet by the handsome bishounen who did not find her name funny, as so many others (now dead) have. After convincing him to marry her, she set out to explore the world as her betrothed had so many times.

She traveled with her pet cerbie, Precious, dodging her father who was determined not to see her married to a human. One fateful day, she found herself kidnapped by her father's loyal general, Barge Porte. She was saved, they married and had a kid.

Philsys Data

Philsys Block

Level ; XP
Max HP: 55 + (Stamina * 5)
Max MP: (Magical Aptitude * 10 ) + (Intuition * 5) + (Wisdom * 5)
Max TP: 10 + (3 * (Stamina + Courage))
Initiative: Agility + (Courage / 2) + 2d6 (Do not calculate the 2d6; just write the result of the math in the form of #+2d6)


Attributes in Phil System


Skills in Phil System

Spells and Techs Spells and Techniques in Phil System


Random facts about the character.