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=== Grey Ooze ===
=== Grey Ooze ===

Latest revision as of 14:59, 25 March 2007

Grey Ooze

A grey ooze resembles quicksilver (liquid mercury) and moves around at surprising speed. They feed on metal objects and ores, digesting them with their acid and absorbing the resulting metal ions. Grey oozes will typically only attack adventurers that are carrying sufficient quantities of metal to make a good meal.

Grey Ooze
HP: 45
AT/PA: 10/14
Initiative: 4+2d6
MBlock: 10
Missile Evade: 16
AC: 3
Move Speed: 4 hexes
Pseudopod: 12+1d6
Special Abilities
  • [Innate]Creature Type Properties - Oozes are mindless creatures that seek only to devour living (and sometimes nonliving) matter. They are immune to all psionics, charm spells, and mind-affecting abilities. Oozes are blind, but can ascertain the location of prey within a short range (about 60 feet) as well as a sighted creature could through various other senses. Oozes lack a clear anatomy. They are immune to critical hits, paralysis, stunning effects, poisoning, disease, and sleep effects. They do not need to breathe and cannot be suffocated or drown.
  • [Innate]Digestive Acids - A metal weapon striking a grey ooze is instantly destroyed as it is corroded by the ooze's acid. Metal armor worn by a character that is attacked by a grey ooze will suffer 12+1d6 acid damage to its durability. An armor with half durability or less provides only half AC; armor with 0 durability or less is totally destroyed.