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A spell's damage is not generally subject to reduction from AC. Spells cannot usually be aimed at body target locations. Spell damage and effects are specific to each spell.
A spell's damage is not generally subject to reduction from AC. Spells cannot usually be aimed at body target locations. Spell damage and effects are specific to each spell.
An example of melee combat follows.
==== Taking Damage, Wounds, and Dying ====
Just as combat is inevitable for most characters, so is getting wounded. Combat is dangerous, and it is highly probable that characters will learn this particular fact firsthand.
Aya du Mythril and a guard engage in combat!
As a character takes damage, he or she becomes less able to fight. Attacking and defending alike are much more difficult after being stabbed, slashed, or impaled by foes, since wounds both physically make taking actions more difficult and are highly distracting.  
Aya rolls initiative and gets a 13 (6+7).  
The guard rolls initiative and gets a 17 (8+9).  
Round 1 begins!
If a character is reduced to '''critical status,''' or roughly 1/10th of his unwounded hit point total, he or she suffers a -6 penalty to AT, PA, missile attacks, and spellcasting rolls. Being struck by a single, hard blow that cuts a character's hit point total by more than 1/2 his maximum can also result in a penalty depending on the whim of the GM; a suggestion is to apply a penalty of -4 that lasts for one or two rounds at most.
The guard attacks Aya with his weapon, slashing at her. He rolls an 18, which, added to his AT of 16, is 34.
Aya rolls her parry roll and adds it to her PA. She rolls a 10, which, added to her PA of 9, is 19. Thusly, Aya fails to block.
The guard rolls for damage, which is, in his case, 16+2d4, and hits Aya for 21 damage. Aya is wearing robes with an AC of 6, so the damage is reduced by 2 to 19.  
When a character reaches 0 HP or less, under normal circumstances, they fall unconscious. In order to regain consciousness, an unconscious character must be healed to a postive HP value and wait a number of rounds equal to (10 - STA) before recovering and acting again, or until combat ends, or some other time determined by the GM depending on the severity of the character's wounds. Some healing spells will cause an unconscious character to regain consciousness as a side effect of the spell, or even as the main effect of the spell, hastening the process of recovery. It is suggested that any unconscious character that is healed and has his HP total raised above critical status be returned to consciousness. Characters within negative HP values lose 1 HP per round until they either die or are healed; any amount of magical healing stops damage from blood loss. If such bleeding or wounds would be more severe than this loss value would indicate, consider increasing the value by a few points per round.
Now, attacking with a missile weapon works a little differently. Guns, bows and arrows, and thrown missiles have a hit rate and a damage. Each weapon has its own chance to hit, essentially making AT irrelavant--the chance to hit is simply the hit rate + any weapon proficiency that the marksman has. Also, some missile weapons damages are unmodified by strength, whereas others are. The damage from a gun is obviously not modified by STR, but characters with low STR would be unable to even lift a Rocket Launcher. On the other hand, a bow's damage is increased by the character's STR score (a character with +3 STR deals 3 extra damage with a bow).  
Usually, deceased characters must be revived within 48 hours in order to preserve the character's prior memories and skills. The standard Resurrection spell is a rank 18 healing magic spell that calls back the spirit of the dead, reshapes the aura of the deceased, and repairs most gross physical damage. A separate spell is required to restore missing limbs, and the spell in question requires the remains of the deceased be present and at least partly whole. Other spells that return life to the dead may exist, though some of them may be considerably less pleasant or desirable for the dead in question. Very powerful spells that can resurrect a person that has been dead for weeks, months, or even years without any portion of their remains are possible but largely theoretical.
To determine if a missile hits, the following formula is used: Accuracy rate+Skill+d20+(target location modifier) for the attacker vs. AGI+COU+d20 for the defender.
==== Ending Combat ====
The "target location" is where on the body the shot is aimed. There is a penalty for aiming for specific locations, but hitting the target in a limb, for example, might disable that limb. Some targets may not have limbs or a head--in these cases, aiming at such targets is obviously impossible. The penalties and effects of hitting specific locations is as follows:
Eventually, one side will triumph and there will be no one left to fight. Characters that are victorious in combat should usually be awarded EXP for their valor. At this point, time drops back into "regular time" instead of "slow time" as abstracted by combat.
Limb (Arm or leg) -- -4 penalty to accuracy, roll a d6 for limb becoming disabled. On a 5 or 6, the limb is incapacitated.
Abdomen -- No penalty to accuracy, standard damage.
Torso -- -2 penalty to accuracy and 1d6+1d4 additional damage.
Head -- -8 penalty to accuracy. For some targets, this will most likely kill instantly (i.e., humans). Roll a d6, and on anything but a 6, the target is killed (if it would make sense that such would happen). Damage is increased by 10+1d10 against targets who are not killed.
Targets also get a bonus or penalty to defend based on their size, as follows:
Small (most animals and people) --  +0 at medium range, +4 at long range
Medium (larger humanoids, such as ogres, giant slimes, etc) -- +0 at medium, +2 at long
Large (Trolls, giants, some golems) -- -4 at medium, -2 at long
Very Large (Large golems, wyverns, dragon whelps) -- -6 at medium, -4 at long
Gigantic (full-size dragons, the Tarrasque, Anything really, really big) --:-8 at medium range, -6 at long.
An example of combat with missile weapons follows:
Chandler Sablemech and a guard engage in combat!
Chandler rolls initiative and gets a 14 (5+9).
The guard rolls and gets a 12 (8+4).
Round 1 begins!
Chandler takes a shot at the guard's abdomen with his Mythril Pistol (Accuracy 12). He has a skill with a gun (Weapon (Firearms)) of 4, so his total accuracy is 16. He rolls a 12 for a total of 28.  
The guard adds his initiative bonus (or AGI+COU) of 8 to his size bonus/penalty, which is 0 for someone his size at medium range (so it doesn't matter). He rolls a 10 for a total of 18.
Chandler's gunshot hits the guard, who takes 4d8 points of damage. Chandler rolls and gets a total of 20.
This isn't so complicated, is it? Now it's time to try a little magic. Magical attack rolls are made in the exact same way as a magic skill roll is made--by adding the base attributes, which are always <Int/Wis/Mag> for magic, to the skill rank and a d20 roll. To see if magic is resisted by a target, add 10 to their COU*2+INT, and then add that bonus to a d20. If the spell roll total exceeds the resist roll total, the spell hits and deals damage (or whatever effect the spell has worked). There is no need to roll to cast healing or beneficial spells on a willing target--a target does not have to attempt to resist a spell.
Let's see an example. We'll go back to the earlier battle between the Aya and the guard, after the guard has acted. It's now Aya's turn...
Aya decides to get revenge on the guard who just slashed her, and she casts Flare Arrow. Her base attributes add up with her skill for a total of 15 (5 Mag+3 Int+3 Wis+4 skill ranks). Flare Arrow costs 14 MP, which is deducted before the spell takes effect. She rolls a 3 on the d20 and adds it to her bonus of 15 for a total of 18.
The guard has a Cou of +2 and an Int of +2 as well, making for a bonus of +6, added to 10. He rolls a 12 on his d20 for a total of 22, which is greater than Aya's 18, so the spell is resisted and has no effect.
As an optional rule, resisted spells that tie or are only 1 less can deal half damage, at the GM's discretion.
Taking Damage, Wounds, and Dying:
As a character takes damage, he or she becomes less able to fight. Attacking and defending alike are much more difficult after being stabbed, slashed, or impaled by your foes, since wounds both physically make taking actions more difficult and are highly distracting. If a player is reduced to "critical health status," which would be having roughly 10-15 HP or less, he or she suffers penalties ranging from -3/-3 to -6/-6 to their AT/PA, and they suffer an equal penalty to all spellcasting rolls. The exact penalty is determined by the GM--taking a very heavy wound (more than 3/4 or so of a character's total HP from one attack) could also confer a penalty of -4/-4 or so, depending on the whim of the GM.
When a character reaches 0 HP or less, under normal circumstances, they fall unconscious. In order to regain consciousness, an unconscious character must be healed to a postive HP value and wait a number of rounds equal to 10-STA before recovering and acting again, or until combat ends, or some other time determined by the GM. Some healing spells will cause an unconscious character to regain consciousness as a side effect of the spell, or even as the main effect of the spell, thus hastening the process. As an optional rule, characters still within negative HP values may lose 1 HP per round until they either die or are healed as a result of bleeding and or other wounds. If such bleeding or wounds would be more severe than this loss value would indicate, consider increasing the value a point or three.
Deceased characters must be revived within 48 hours in order to preserve the character's prior memories and skills. A resurrection ritual involves reshaping and calling the aura of the deceased back into its prior state of organization, and a standard resurrection ritual requires either (4+1d6) - (any modifiers in Ritual, Astral or Resurrection Magic that would logically benefit the caster) hours, of which must be a minimum of 2 hours regardless, or some other GM determined time period. If the character cannot be revived within this time period, it is still possible to animate the corpse, creating a zombie with the assistance of death magic through any number of processes. A zombie has none of the skills or abilities it had in life, but retains all physical statistics except INT and WIS.
If no character can revive the dead, it is perfectly fine to have them hire someone else to do so for them.
Ending Combat:
After the players have defeated/fled from the enemies (or vice versa), combat is over. If the players were "victorious" by the definition of the GM, he can award them XP points for their valor!
=== Character Advancement ===
=== Character Advancement ===

Revision as of 17:24, 21 March 2006

Philsys is an RP system used by a large number of RPers on RPGWWW. It is most commonly used for "plotted" RPs that have a dedicated Gamemaster and is generally ignored in CIRPs.

For Phylis, Phillisys, or any similar topic, see the appropriate article.


Philsys has a relatively complicated set of rules that govern character abilities and advancement, and it is commonly considered to require more knowledge than a freestyle RP in order to be successful. Philsys was originally developed by Phil-dog, a user from the days of the Keenspace forums. Since then, it has undergone many revisions, many of which are the doing of Archmage. Other users, including as Divinegon, Jak Snide, Pervy, and Namagomi have contributed to the mechanics of the system over time.

It is not required to use any set of rules to RP. However, Philsys has gained some status as the "official" system of RPGWW. It is a "homebrew" RP system that shares some characteristics with other systems, most notably the d20 system and GURPS.

For a detailed explanation of the philosophy behind Philsys as expressed by Archmage, see the Philsys manifesto.


Following are the basic rules for creating and managing characters.

Starting Character Creation


The first step to creating a character is to decide what exactly you wish to create. You, the player, must have a concept of what or who you want your character to be. Are you interested in playing a noble paladin? A cunning thief? An arrogant mage? Just as if you were roleplaying without a complicated set of rules, it is required that you have a picture of who you want your character to be. Often, it becomes much easier to determine your character's physical abilities, traits, and skills after you have a clear vision of what you hope to create. Once you have an idea of what sort of character you want to create, you can take your idea and match it up with appropriate numbers.

After devising a concept, you must develop a set of base statistics, or stats, that represent your character's physical abilities. There are three elements define a character: Stats, skills, and abilities. To clarify the definition of each:

Stats: These are raw numbers that are associated with physical traits. Strength, Dexterity, and Wisdom are all examples. Philsys has nine stats, each ranked on a scale of -5 to +10. A stat of -5 is incredibly bad, whereas +10 is the limit for mortal characters that are not somehow enhanced by magic.

Skills: These are things that your character knows about or can do. Most characters will have several skills. A mage character probably has skills that encompass several schools of magic and related knowledge, whereas a physical fighter is more likely to have weapon skills and skills that relate to advanced fighting techniques. Not all skills are combat related; many skills represent a character's knowledge of botany as opposed to their ability to swing a sword. Skills have associated ranks as well. A rank of 0 indicates no training and does not need to be noted on a sheet, whereas a character with a rank of 30 might be the most proficient person in the entire world.

Abilities: These are special actions that your character can take or special qualities associated with your character. They are commonly based on your character's skills. Magical spells are included in this category. Other abilities allow characters to perform unusual or spectacular physical feats, such as striking multiple foes in range with a melee weapon or firing several arrows at once with a bow. Most abilities have some cost associated with them, preventing them from being used infinitely, but some abilities are passive and continually active or free to use. Racial traits, such as innate resistances to certain elements of magic, fall under abilities.


Each character has 21 "points" to distribute among their base stats. No stat may be higher than +10 or lower than -5. The only exception to this rule is Magical Aptitude, which is rated from 0 to 6. Magical Aptitude cannot be negative.

The stats are as follows:

  • Courage: COU. The ability to remain calm and focused in stressful situations. It also represents personal force of will. This score will influence fighting ability, resistance to magical spells, and ability to persuade or intimidate other people.
  • Wisdom: WIS. The amount of raw, bookish knowledge a character has. This figures into magical ability. It also affects the number of skills a character is able to learn and all skills related to pure knowledge of facts.
  • Intuition: INT. This score represents a character's ability to think and reason as opposed to simply recalling data. It influences reaction time and a character's ability to read other people or his surroundings, improving combat performance and observation skills. It also figures into magical ability.
  • Charisma: CHA. This stat is a mixture of physical beauty and the ability to win others over through guile and charm. It affects negotiation and bard-like skills, such as playing instruments or singing.
  • Agility: AGI. The ability to move quickly, agility refers mostly to full-body coordination. It influences all sorts of things, including physical combat prowess and the ability to avoid certain types of hazards.
  • Dexterity: DEX. The ability to manipulate objects with refined motor skill. Skills like lockpicking, and combat with missile weapons are most heavily affected. Characters may choose to use their dexterity instead of their strength to determine their probability of hitting an opponent when they are using certain weapons.
  • Strength: STR. Raw muscle power. Heavily influences the damage done in melee combat and the ability to lift or push objects. It also increases general combat ability.
  • Stamina: STA. The ability to take punishment. A higher stamina results in higher HP, allowing a character to take more damage before being incapacitated or killed. Stamina also helps a character perform strenuous tasks over a long duration, such as marathon running, swimming, resisting torture, or holding one's breath. A character with high stamina will have a better resistance to natural poisons and diseases.
  • Magical Aptitude: MAG. Grades how "in touch" a character is with the astral plane. A must-have for casting spells. A character with a rank of 0 cannot cast magic at all. A character with a 3 or more in this stat can be considered a mage. A character with a 4 or greater can "read" the astral plane by merely concentrating; this ability has no other cost.

Taking a negative stat value increases the total number of points you can spend elsewhere--if you take a -1 in Strength, it means that you have 22 points to spend on other stats. Negative stats always have definite drawbacks, however. A common misconception among powergamers is that stats like charisma are of no use since they do not influence a character's ability in direct combat. This is incorrect; a character with a very low charisma score may find himself hated by everyone he meets, making his life extremely difficult. Players may also be penalized by the GM for not properly "roleplaying" their stats. A character with negative wisdom that commonly speaks in four-syllable words is pushing the limits of believability.

It is often effective to distribute stats based on some sort of character archetype. Physical fighters especially need points in courage, strength, agility, and stamina. Fighters that use light weapons, such as daggers, can substitute strength for dexterity if it better suits their character's concept and array of skills. Mage characters need intuition, wisdom, courage, and most of all, magical aptitude. Skilled characters like thieves will need dexterity, agility, and wisdom or intuition for extra skill points and combat capability. A character might have one stat that is very good compared to the others (say a +6) that represents their specific strength, or a particularly low stat that represents a specific weakness (a frail constitution, cowardice, or an inability to play nice with others).

Derived Substats

Substats are parameters that are defined by mathematical manipulation of a character's stats. These include hit points, magic points, and other similar values. All of these things are precalculated for ease of usage during an RP.

A character's HP or hit points determine how much damage a character can take and survive. MP, or magic points, represent a character's stamina pool for manipulating the astral plane. A character expends MP whenever he or she casts a spell. If a character has no MP when casting a spell, the cost is deducted from HP instead. TP, or tech points are a stamina pool that fuels certain extraordinary abilities.

Initiative is derived mostly from a character's speed and determines combat action order. Base AT/PA, which stands for Base Attack/Parry, is a measure of a character's ability to strike accurately or defend himself against incoming physical blows. Missile Evasion represents a character's ability to avoid projectile attacks, while Magic Resistance (also called MBlock) shows how well a character can defend himself against an incoming spell. Base Magic Attack (sometimes called MAttack) is a baseline number that determines a character's skill with magic.

Each of these values is determined by a simple mathematical formula.

  • HP -- 55 + (Stamina * 5)
  • MP -- (Magical Aptitude * 10 ) + (Intuition * 5) + (Wisdom * 5)
  • TP -- 10 + (3 * (Stamina + Courage))
  • Initiative -- Agility + (Courage / 2) + 2d6 (Do not calculate the 2d6; just write the result of the math in the form of #+2d6)
  • Base AT/PA -- Agility + Intuition + Strength + Courage (When wielding a light weapon, you may substitute Dexterity for Strength if desired)
  • MAttack -- Intuition + Wisdom + Magical Aptitude
  • Missile Evasion -- 10 + Intuition + (Agility * 2)
  • MBlock -- 10 + Intuition + (Courage * 2)

Divide the number of ranks you have in your currently equipped weapon between AT and PA as you see fit. For example, if you have a base AT/PA of 10/10, and you have 4 ranks in Weapon (Swords), you may have an AT/PA of 14/10, 13/11, 12/12, 11/13, or 10/14. Each time you gain a rank in your weapon skill, you decide whether to increase AT or PA. Having a high AT increases your chance to hit with physical/melee attacks, while having a high PA helps you dodge or block physical/melee attacks.


A character with stats has been defined physically and intellectually. But what about individual talents and training? These things are represented by skills. Skills have a rank that indicates the character's relative proficiency and a set of associated base attributes. The base attributes are the stats that determine the base proficiency with the skill in question; for example, a strong character will be naturally better with a heavy axe than a weaker one, and his maximum level of proficiency will be higher, too. Just about anything can be a skill, though there is a reference list of some common skills in the article list of Philsys skills. Some examples of skills include Melee Weapon (Polearms), Fire Magic, Smithing, [k]Geography, and [s]Pain Resistance.

A character has 20 plus 2*(INT+WIS) points to spend on skills. Each point spent on a skill increases its rank by 1. Thus, spending 4 points on Unarmed Combat grants the skill rank of 4. At first level, no skill may be higher than the 4th rank, regardless of whether or not a character has enough points to purchase it at a higher one.

Determining Base Attributes

Whenever a skill is created, a little bit of logical reasoning is used to determine which stats would have the most impact on the character's ability to perform the skill. For example, Lockpicking requires nimble fingers and dexterity, and it also helps to have a little bit of intuition to figure out what steps to take to crack a tough lock. Since dexterity plays a greater role in the character's ability to pick a lock, the skill's base attributes are written as "<Dex/Dex/Int>." Each skill has three base attributes paired to it. No normal skill may have the same attribute all three times. The purpose of the base attributes will be later explained when we cover leveling up and tests of skill.

Many skills have clearly defined base attributes. All melee weapon skills are <Cou/Str/Agi> by default, though certain light weapons can be <Cou/Dex/Agi> instead at the option of the player. All skills that are magical schools are <Int/Wis/Mag>. The list of Philsys skills makes note of some of the more important skills for which there are clearly defined bases.

Types of Skills

There are actually three different kinds of skills: Normal Skills, Knowledge Skills, and Support Skills. Each type of skill has a different function.

  • Normal Skills -- These skills represent something your character can do. Weapon skills and magical skills are always normal skills. Examples include Melee Weapon (Swords), Fire Magic, and Lockpicking. They always have three base attributes and are purchased at a cost of 1 point per rank.
  • Knowledge Skills -- Often called "[k] skills." These skills represent raw, bookish types of knowledge such as [k]Geology, [k]Magical Theory, [k]Anthropology, and so forth. In general, any sort of science or academic discipline will be a [k] skill. These skills are denoted with a [k] before their names. A [k] skill costs 1/2 a point per rank, meaning that one point buys two ranks (or half a point can buy one rank). The base attributes for [k] skills are always <Wis/Wis/Wis>, which is an exception to the usual rule.
  • Support Skills -- Often called "[s] skills." These skills can represent one of two things. Support skills can provide passive abilities or bonuses, or they can indicate supplementary knowledge. Valid support skills that provide passive abilities increase a character's ability to perform common, everday tasks. [s]Observation, for example, indicates that the character has a higher level of observation skill than a normal person, but this sort of ability is not necessarily a full-fledged skill. Support skills usually have a minimum stat requirement that must be met in order to learn the skill. In the case of [s]Observation, this is an intuition of +3 or better. An [s] skill typically costs 1/2 point per rank, like a [k] skill, but there are exceptions. Some specific and very special [s] skills cost more, such as [s]Improved Critical Striking, which costs 3 points per rank because of its high power and the difficulty of mastery.

Any character using a weapon (or fighting barehanded) should take an appropriate skill to match their weapon choice. Mages should have one or more schools of magic as skills. Everyone should have a variety of skills, and not all of a character's skills necessarily need to be directly related to combat. Spending skill points on non-combat skills and [k] skills is an excellent way to develop that character's repetoire.


Abilities are combat and noncombat talents that are based on a character's list of skills and innate capabilities. All of a mage's spells are considered abilities. A character who is not a mage may have special weapon techniques or other abilities. Any ability that costs MP, or magic points, is a spell, whereas any ability that costs TP, or tech points is a tech. These are derived substats that are covered in the appropriate section.

A character's list of abilities is quite likely to be largely unique to that character. A sample list of abilities, taken from the character sheet of Hakaril Silvar:

  • [Magical Theory=4]Charge Spell (5 TP) - Empowers a spell for a turn, doubling the effect of the spell when it is cast next turn.
  • [Fire Magic=1]Fire 1 (5 MP) - Deals 10+3*rank+1d6 fire damage to one enemy.
  • [Water Magic=1]Ice 1 (5 MP) - As Fire 1, only water damage to one enemy.
  • [Lightning Magic=1]Lit 1 (5 MP) - As Fire 1, only lightning damage to one enemy.

Each ability has four parts: A set of required skill ranks, a name, a cost, and a description.

The required skill ranks defines the minimum number of ranks in the listed skill needed to use the ability. Fire 1 is a relatively simple and low-power ability, so it only requires one rank to use. If no skill ranks are required for some reason, this field is indicated as [Innate] if it is a function of the character's race or similar reason. If the ability is granted by an equipped item, it may be denoted as [Item-granted]. The name of the ability is largely self-explanatory. The cost of the ability is the amount of TP, MP, or both that is expended whenever the ability is used; some abilities may have other costs, such as HP. The description indicates what effect the ability has. Some abilities have very simple descriptions. Other abilities require very long descriptions in order for their effect to be defined.

Like skills, a character's abilities are more or less completely defined by the player; a player is free to give a character whatever abilities he desires as long as there is some justification for the skill in the form of a prerequisite skill rank. In order to determine what appropriate strengths for skills of given prerequisite ranks are, a player is advised to peruse other character sheets, converse with the GM, and read available literature regarding benchmarks.

Equipment and Inventory

Once a character has stats, skills, and abilities, a character is considered to exist as a Philsys character. These numbers do not necessarily say everything there is to say about a character's personality and background, but they do cover the mechanical end of using a character in an RP.

Most characters do not adventure naked, or at least, not if they wish to survive in the heat of battle for more than a few minutes. Choosing what kind of equipment a character will use is a matter of personal preference--both for the player and the character.

Many characters will carry at least one weapon. Some may carry multiple weapons, but the plausibility of such will be critically examined by a prospective GM. While a character bearing a sword, a boot knife, and a longbow is not excessive, any player with a character that attempts to be a walking armory is probably going to be asked, "how are you carrying all of that?"

Likewise, most characters will wear some sort of clothing. Standard clothing does not need to be listed on a character sheet outside of a character's physical description; only gear that affects a character's performance, in combat or otherwise, needs to be noted. Even simple clothing usually has an Armor Class, or AC, even if it is very low. Whenever a character recieves physical damage, this value is deducted from the damage dealt, increasing the character's chances of survival. Some very exotic armor may even reduce damage from magical attacks. Heavy armor has much higher AC, but it also carries penalties to a character's PA, impeding a character's ability to dodge attacks without taking damage. The value of armor must be carefully considered; a character wearing heavy armor will take more hits, but each hit will do less damage (and some hits may be negated entirely). Also, spellcasting characters will suffer penalties to their spells if they attempt to cast them while wearing armor that restricts their movement. Many characters that do not wear armor do so for IC reasons (and vice versa). In addition to armor, a character may carry a shield. Shields usually provide bonuses to PA, allowing a character to block attacks without taking damage. Shields have their own AC; if a shield's AC is exeeded by the damage of an incoming attack, the shield may be damaged or even destroyed. Again, use common sense to determine a character's armor. No character can plausibly wear or carry seven suits of full plate without some sort of magical container.

Non-weapon, non-armor possessions only need to be listed if they are significant. In many cases, GMs are willing to assume that a character has a specific item if it is reasonable that they might be carrying it, such as a rope or a roll of parchment. Magical items in a character's possession should always be listed, as they will usually have an effect on the character's stats or can be used in ways that ordinary objects cannot. Usually, Philsys GMs do not bother to keep track of a character's material wealth, and things like money are abstracted for the sake of a more cinematic or fair game. As such, players should not feel the need to keep track of a character's wealth over the long term unless there is a specific reason to do so.

Weapons have a damage, listed in Thrust/Slash/Chop format, also referred to as a weapon's T/S/C. This is because most weapons can be used to attack in different ways, and depending on how the weapon is used to attack, it deals more (or less) damage. Weapons also have a penalty, written as a fraction looking thing like +1/-1. This is the amount by which your AT/PA is affected by your using that weapon (the effects of AT/PA are covered more in detail in the combat section). Weapons also have a weight (which usually has little effect on gameplay except where common sense kicks in) and, if applicable, a strength requirement. Determine the amount of damage your weapon deals with each attack type by adding the attack type damage to the attack type damage modifier. This is done as follows. If you are using a Longsword, which has a damage of 10/14/17, you add your STR+1d6 to the thrust damage, STR*2+2d4 to the slash damage, and STR*3+2d6 to the chop damage. If you have a STR of +3, this means you deal 13+1d6 thrusting, 20+2d4 slashing, and 26+2d6 chopping.

When using no weapon, you deal damage equal to (STR+Unarmed Skill rank)*2+1d6 punching, and (STR+Unarmed Skill rank)*3+2d6 kicking at a -3 penalty to hit.

Missile weapons, such as bows, throwing knives, or guns, have an Accuracy rating (which determines how often they hit) and a damage. In the case of bows, the damage is determined by the arrow/ammunition type.

Advanced rule: Players may use weapons for which they do not have the requisite strength bonuses, but they suffer an AT/PA penalty equal to twice the difference between the requirement and their strength.

Armor has an AC (armor class), an AT/PA modifier, a weight, and a strength requirement, if applicable. The amount of damage a piece of armor protects you from is AC/3 points of physical damage. Therefore, if you are wearing Hide Armor with an AC of 15, and someone hits you with a weapon attack for 15 points of damage, you only take 10 (15-5, because 15 AC/3 is 5 points damage reduction=10). Weight and modifiers/penalties are the same as weapons.

Typically, how much equipment and what kind a character can have is up to the GM to decide. Once you've got your equipment, there's one last step and you'll have a fully created Philsys character!

Gameplay Rules

These rules govern the actual flow of Philsys gameplay.

Basic Tests of Skill

A test of skill, commonly referred to as a check, determines whether or not a character succeeds at a difficult or challenging task. A GM may choose to test a character's skill at any time he or she feels that such a test is appropriate. If a character tries to do something that would be challenging, such as lifting a heavy rock, remembering some obscure fact about illithids, or disarming a trap, the GM can use the character's stats and skills to determine whether or not the character lifts the rock, remembers the fact, or disables the trap.

The basic mechanic to remember is very simple: Modifiers + 1d20.

Rolling 1d20 introduces an element of randomness into a character's success. Even the best fighters or scholars or locksmiths make mistakes, and even the worst occasionally get lucky. The d20 allows an opportunity for both occurrences.

The second rule to remember is that Philsys likes the number 3.

Whenever a skill is being tested, it has three bases. These bases are added together to determine the base chance of a character's success. The skill rank is then added as a final modifier. If a character has no skill ranks, then the modifier will simply be the sum of the base attributes. This means that for checks that measure things such as raw strength, the STR score is multiplied by three to determine the modifier. If the character has a skill that might apply, it should be used instead. Alternately, a character might have an [s] skill that can be applied as a multiplier.

The reason that stats are multiplied by three is for consistency and uniformity; it essentially makes a check against a stat a skill check where the character has zero ranks and all three bases for the skill are the stat in question. Therefore, to perform a check against a stat, the player will use the following formula: Stat * 3 + d20. Once the die is rolled and added to the base modifier of Stat * 3, the GM compares the final total against the target difficulty. If the total is equal to or greater than the difficulty, the character succeeds.

Some example checks and the associated stats:

  • Courage -- Resisting fear, threats, or intimidation; activating a magical item by force of will; overcoming possession.
  • Wisdom -- Remembering an obscure fact about gryphons. Usually, unless a character has an associated [k] skill, he will only know fairly common knowledge.
  • Intuition -- Spotting a secret door; determining whether or not a person is lying.
  • Charisma -- Haggling over prices; attempting to convince an angry foe not to fight; winning beauty contests.
  • Agility -- Dodging a falling rock; leaping off a trap door before it closes; winning a sprinting contest.
  • Dexterity -- Giving a massage; knocking over milk bottles with a thrown ball (although this might also be tested as a ranged attack roll).
  • Strength -- Lifting a heavy piece of furniture; kicking a door down; pushing a rock off a cliff.
  • Stamina -- Resisting the effects of a toxin or disease; enduring torture; holding one's breath.
  • Magic Aptitude -- Reading auras or the astral plane; detecting magical signatures; performing improvised spells.

The target difficulty of a stat check should be determined by the GM before the dice are rolled. It should generally be kept secret from players in order to minimize metagaming. Target difficulties can be abbreviated as TDs.

  • TD 10 -- This is a fairly easy task for anyone with any knowledge or skill at all.
  • TD 20 -- This is a task that will challenge most people. Even someone with a good stat (around +3) will only succeed about half the time.
  • TD 30 -- This is a task that is very difficult. It is likely to be impossible for a large number of people.. Even someone with an very good stat (+6 or +7) will only succeed about half the time.
  • TD 40 -- This is a task that is impossible for almost everyone. Even someone with an extremely good stat (+8 or more) will only succeed about half the time.

A skill check follows the same basic rules, as mentioned above. The base stats are summed and added to the skill rank in order to produce a modifier for the die roll. Because of the additional modifier of the skill rank, the TDs for skills are measured slightly differently.

  • TD 10 -- This is a fairly easy task for anyone with any knowledge or skill at all. For most trained characters, or those with natural aptitude, this will be always be a success.
  • TD 20 -- This is a fairly easy task, but not always a success. Someone with some training (4 or 5 skill ranks) will succeed most of the time (a roll between 5 and 8, typically).
  • TD 30 -- This is a fairly hard task. Even someone who is adept at a skill (10 ranks or so) will only succeed about half the time.
  • Difficulty 40 -- This is a very hard task. Even someone with a very high skill or high aptitude (total modifiers equal to about 30) will only succeed about half the time.
  • Difficulty 50 -- This is an extremely hard task. Even a master (with a modifier of around 40) will only succeed about half the time.
  • Difficulty 60 -- This is a task that very few people could ever accomplish. Even a master with an incredibly high skill (30+ ranks) and very high attributes (all three in the +6 or +7 range) will only succeed about half the time.
  • Difficulty 70 -- This task is practically impossible. Even someone with a mastered skill (30+ ranks) and maxed out base attributes (all three at +10) will only succeed about half the time.

Combat Mechanics

Most adventurers will find themselves forced to fight at least occasionally. While violence is not always the answer, it certainly works a fair percentage of the time.

The Round

Combat in Philsys is divided into rounds. A round is one action from everyone participating in combat. The timeframe of a round is not strictly defined, but it is assumed that a round is approximately one minute of real time. The true length of a round may be slightly longer or shorter; in combat, time is slowed down and heavily abstracted for both dramatic effect and GM sanity.

Each round of combat is futher divided into turns. A turn is each character's individual action. A round will consist of at least as many turns as there are participants in the combat. It can be assumed that the time of a round is divided equally into each character's turn, but the events of each turn are assumed to flow smoothly and sequentially. A characters is not standing around doing nothing when it is not his turn; instead, turns are an abstraction that defines the relative order in which things happen during combat. A mage chanting a spell, for example, might technically be doing so during the turns of other characters, and the spell's effect resolves on the mage's turn when he finishes the incantation.

Turn Sequence

Initiative determines the order of turns in a round. At the beginning of combat, each character, including NPCs, rolls initiative. Initiative is calculated as AGI + (INT/2) + 2d6. The sequence of turns occurs in order from highest total to lowest total. In the event of a tie, the character with the higher modifiers (AGI + (INT/2) total) wins. If the modifiers are identical, reroll for those two characters; the winner goes first.

Spells and other effects that last for a set number of rounds have their duration measured from the turn they began. If the second character in order casts a spell that lasts for three rounds, that spell will still be in effect when the first character takes his turn on the third round. When the second character's turn comes up, the spell's duration will have expired.

Actions in Combat

A large number of actions in combat will be attacks. An attack is any direct attempt to cause damage to an opponent, such as a sword swing or a conjured fireball. Most offensive spells and techs require only one turn to cast or activate, and their effects are resolved immediately.

Movement in Philsys can either be handled abstractly or with a gameboard. Due to the limitations of the chat medium in which many RPs take place, abstraction is more common. When abstraction of movement is used, the GM arbitrates where characters are in relation to one another and how far they can move during a turn. This is the simplest method of handling movement. The preferred gameboard for Philsys combat is a hexboard, a map that is divided into hexagonal sections. Each hex on a board scaled for combat is three feet wide, or one yard. The distance a character can move in yards per turn is equal to their AGI+3. A hexboard can also be used to more accurately measure the radius of area spell effects and depict the location of obstacles or terrain that can impede combatants.

A character may usually attack and move during the same turn unless the character wishes to move a great distance. In abstract combat, this is determined by the GM. In hexboard combat, a character may move twice as far in exchange for being unable to attack. This is called a double move action.

Other actions include long actions such as rifling through a backpack and free actions such as talking. Long actions may take more than one turn to complete; the time a long action takes is determined by the GM. Free actions essentially take no time to complete and do not interfere with a character's ability to take another action. Dropping a held object to the floor, for example, takes minimal time and does not detract from a character's ability to do other things immediately thereafter. Talking is a free action as long as it is deemed reasonable by the GM; while a character could potentially recite a memorized speech during combat without it being detrimental to his fighting ability, the issue is to be judged on a case-by-case basis.

Resolving Attack Actions

Like any other challenging action attempted by a character, attacks in combat have a chance to fail. Sooner or later, most PCs will perform some action that qualifies as an attack.

Resolving Melee Attacks

To resolve a melee attack involves a type of opposed check between the attacker and the defender. The attacker's modified AT is used as his modifier, whereas the defender uses his modified PA.

  • The attacker rolls Modified AT + d20.
  • The defender rolls Modified PA + d20.

In the case of a tie, the defender wins. If the attacker beats the defender, he deals damage.

The defender's d20 has a special name; it is called a PA roll or parry roll. During a single round, a defender is only allowed one PA roll. If a defender is attacked in melee a second time, defender gets no roll. This means that the defender is relying on his modifiers to be high enough to beat all incoming attacks for the remainder of the round. Because of this mechanic, defending against multiple attackers in a combat situation is incredibly difficult and very dangerous. Ganging up on an opponent, even one with very good combat skills, is an excellent way to eliminate him quickly.

Characters with [s]Improved Evasion or an equivalent skill add their skill rank to their PA rolls, but not to their defense modifiers in situations in which they are denied a roll.

Melee attack damage is based on the weapon being used, the attacker's skill rank with the weapon, and the type of attack. There are three types of attacks: Light, medium, and heavy. Medium and heavy attacks deal more damage, but they penalize the attacker, reducing his chance to actually land the blow. Each weapon has three "base damages," one for each of the three types of attacks. If a character is using no weapon, treat the "base damage" as zero, but unarmed attacks while wearing gauntlets, heavy boots, brass knuckles or the like will have a base damage that modifies the attack.

Weapon damage and penalties are determined as follows:

  • Light Attack: Base damage + skill rank + STR + 1d6
  • Medium Attack: Base damage + skill rank + STR*2 + 2d6 at a -2 penalty
  • Heavy Attack: Base damage + skill rank + STR*3 + 3d6 at a -5 penalty

If a weapon is being wielded with two hands, the character's strength score has a greater impact on the damage and the overall damage is increased:

  • Light: Damage + Rank + STR*2 + 2d6
  • Medium: Damage + Rank + STR*3 + 3d6
  • Heavy: Damage + Rank + STR*4 + 4d6

A very strong character wielding a heavy two-handed weapon can do a lot of damage with a single attack!

Resolving Ranged Attacks

A ranged attack is resolved as an opposed check that works almost exactly like a regular skill check.

The attacker adds together the base attributes and his weapon skill rank as though making a skill check, then adds any special modifiers contributed by a weapon that is more or less accurate than average. The defender uses his base missile evasion, which is derived from the formula 10 + INT + (AGI*2), as his modifier.

  • The attacker rolls Ranged Attack Modifiers + d20.
  • The defender rolls Missile Evasion Modifiers + d20.

Again, in the case of a tie, the defender wins. There is no limit to the number of "ranged parry rolls" because a defender is not usually actively trying to avoid an incoming arrow or gunshot (and to do so would often be pointless anyway, particularly at close range). Characters with shields add the shield's PA bonus to their missile evasion modifier. Characters with skills such as [s]Missile Evasion and equivalents add their skill rank to their modifier.

Some creatures will get a bonus or take a penalty to their missile evasion based on their size or distance from the attacker. These penalties can be applied as the GM sees fit:

  • Small Target -- Humanoid-sized targets or similar animals. A +4 bonus at longer ranges.
  • Medium Target -- Larger creatures, such as ogres (8 to 12 feet in height). A +2 bonus at longer ranges.
  • Large -- Large creatures between 12 and 18 feet in length or height. A -4 penalty at closer ranges and a -2 penalty at at longer ranges.
  • Very Large -- Creatures between 18 and 24 feet in length or height. A -6 penalty at closer ranges and a -4 at longer ranges.
  • Gigantic -- Creatures larger than 24 feet in length or height. A -8 penalty at closer ranges and a -6 at longer ranges.

A ranged attack may be aimed at a specific portion of the defender's body. Striking a limb may incapacitate that limb, and a shot to the head may kill certain targets instantly. Creatures lacking various clear anatomy to aim at will likely be immune to these effects; alternately, creatures with non-humanoid anatomies can have hit locations designed by the GM and appropriate penalties. A list of penalties to the attacker's modifier and effects of hit locations:

  • Limb (arm, leg, tentacle, whatever) -- A -4 penalty. Roll 1d6 if the attack hits. On a 5 or 6, the limb becomes unusuable.
  • Abdomen -- This is the "default" hit location and has no special effects.
  • Chest -- A -2 penalty. The attack deals +2d6 damage.
  • Head -- A -8 penalty to accuracy. Many targets will be killed instantly unless they roll a 6 on 1d6. Targets that are not killed instantly take an additional 20+3d6 damage.

Ranged weapons have their own damage formula, which is usually fixed dependent upon the weapon.

Resolving Magical Attacks

A magical attack works remarkably like a ranged attack. It is a simple skill check that adds the attacker's base attributes to his skill rank. Because all magic skills have the same base attributes of <INT/WIS/MAG>, this number is usually precalculated as MAttack. The defender uses his MBlock, which is equal to 10 + INT + (COU*2), as his modifier.

  • The attacker rolls Magic Skill Modifiers + d20.
  • The defender rolls MBlock Modifiers + d20.

In the case of a tie, the spell is "partially resisted." Damaging spells do half damage; non-damaging spells may have reduced effects at the GM's discretion. There is no limit to the number of magical defense rolls a character may make each round. This is because the in-game explanation for a resist does not necessarily involve (and typically does not involve) dodging the spell in any way. A resist involves a character utilizing their force of will, consciously or subconsciously, to dissipate the spell's effect. This is explained more in depth in the magic article.

Some spells may create projectiles that are totally physical in nature, such as flying knives or arrows. These spells are dodged as though they were missile attacks, not spells. The spell's description should make clear which type of defense is applicable.

A spell's damage is not generally subject to reduction from AC. Spells cannot usually be aimed at body target locations. Spell damage and effects are specific to each spell.

Taking Damage, Wounds, and Dying

Just as combat is inevitable for most characters, so is getting wounded. Combat is dangerous, and it is highly probable that characters will learn this particular fact firsthand.

As a character takes damage, he or she becomes less able to fight. Attacking and defending alike are much more difficult after being stabbed, slashed, or impaled by foes, since wounds both physically make taking actions more difficult and are highly distracting.

If a character is reduced to critical status, or roughly 1/10th of his unwounded hit point total, he or she suffers a -6 penalty to AT, PA, missile attacks, and spellcasting rolls. Being struck by a single, hard blow that cuts a character's hit point total by more than 1/2 his maximum can also result in a penalty depending on the whim of the GM; a suggestion is to apply a penalty of -4 that lasts for one or two rounds at most.

When a character reaches 0 HP or less, under normal circumstances, they fall unconscious. In order to regain consciousness, an unconscious character must be healed to a postive HP value and wait a number of rounds equal to (10 - STA) before recovering and acting again, or until combat ends, or some other time determined by the GM depending on the severity of the character's wounds. Some healing spells will cause an unconscious character to regain consciousness as a side effect of the spell, or even as the main effect of the spell, hastening the process of recovery. It is suggested that any unconscious character that is healed and has his HP total raised above critical status be returned to consciousness. Characters within negative HP values lose 1 HP per round until they either die or are healed; any amount of magical healing stops damage from blood loss. If such bleeding or wounds would be more severe than this loss value would indicate, consider increasing the value by a few points per round.

Usually, deceased characters must be revived within 48 hours in order to preserve the character's prior memories and skills. The standard Resurrection spell is a rank 18 healing magic spell that calls back the spirit of the dead, reshapes the aura of the deceased, and repairs most gross physical damage. A separate spell is required to restore missing limbs, and the spell in question requires the remains of the deceased be present and at least partly whole. Other spells that return life to the dead may exist, though some of them may be considerably less pleasant or desirable for the dead in question. Very powerful spells that can resurrect a person that has been dead for weeks, months, or even years without any portion of their remains are possible but largely theoretical.

Ending Combat

Eventually, one side will triumph and there will be no one left to fight. Characters that are victorious in combat should usually be awarded EXP for their valor. At this point, time drops back into "regular time" instead of "slow time" as abstracted by combat.

Character Advancement

As your character participates in Philsys RPs, the GM will award "experience points," or XP, to the characters involved. A GM should award XP for any difficult task or challenge overcome by the character, such as winning a battle, talking their way out of a fight, picking a lock, or the like. XP may also be awarded for exceptional roleplaying or other circumstances. A newly made character starts with 0 XP, though some GMs (including myself) will award a couple hundred XP for a well written character background story.

Here are the XP required to gain levels. The XP count resets after the level is gained (getting to level 3 from 2 is harder than getting to 2 from 1.

Lvl 1 Lvl 2 Lvl 3 Lvl 4 Lvl 5 Lvl 6 Lvl 7 Lvl 8 Lvl 9 Lvl 10
1000 1250 1500 2000 2500 3250 4000 5000 6250
Lvl 11 Lvl 12 Lvl 13 Lvl 14 Lvl 15 Lvl 16 Lvl 17 Lvl 18 Lvl 19 Lvl 20
7750 9500 11500 13750 16250 19000 22000 25250 28750 32500

Whenever your character gains a level, the following things happen:

Your character gets a chance to increase up to two stats by +1. Your character gets a chance to increase their skills by a total of Wis+3 (minimum 2 per level) ranks. Your character gains more HP, MP, and TP.

The first thing done during a level up is stat increases. The player selects two stats, a primary and a secondary, of which cannot be the same stat. The primary stat has a higher chance of being raised than the secondary stat, so choose the stat you wish to raise more as the primary stat. Now, to determine whether or not the stat increases...

To raise the primary stat, you must roll equal to 100-Stat value*5 or less on a 100-sided die. Thusly, if you have a stat of +4, you must roll 100-20=80, or 80 or less on the die. To raise the secondary stat, you must roll equal to 50-Stat value*5 or less on a 100-sided die. Thusly, if you have a stat of +4, you must roll 50-20=30, or 30 or less on the die.

After the stat increases are done, the character gains the following other improvements:

STA+1d6 additional max hit points (MAG+INT)/2+1d4 additional max mana points 3+1d3 additional max tech points (TP)

In order to raise a skill, the player must look at the skill's base attributes. If the new rank is less than the sum of the base attributes, the skill is automatically increased (by one rank). If not, roll a 6 sided die, and if the number rolled is greater than the difference between the two numbers, the increase attempt succeeds. Therefore, if Fire Magic is <Int/Wis/Mag>, and a character has a +2 Int, a +3 Wis, and 5 points in Magic, and is trying to increase Fire Magic from 4 to 5, no roll is necessary. However, if this player wants to increase their Weapons (Sword) skill, which is <Cou/Agi/Str>, and they have a +1 in each of Cou, Agi, and Str, and they are increasing the skill from rank 6 to rank to rank 7, he must roll a 3 or greater on a six sided die (6 ranks-3 base attribute sum=3).

New skills may also be learned, at rank 1, in the same manner as increasing old ones. No single skill may be increased more than 2 ranks per level, and skills which cost 1/2 point per rank are increased by 2 instead of 1 on a successful increase.