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Taiar Siru Valcrist -
Taiar Siru Valcrist -
Level 3; 1050/1500 XP<br>
Level 3; 1150/1500 XP<br>
Max HP: 81<br>Max MP: 90<br>Max TP: 36<br>
Max HP: 81<br>Max MP: 90<br>Max TP: 36<br>
Initiative: 4+2d6<br>
Initiative: 4+2d6<br>

Revision as of 17:30, 14 March 2007

(RP World)
Taiar Siru Valcrist
(Gaera Main)
Proteara 2nd, 1295 in the Gaeran Calendar
Age 31 (Has +10 Years to his normal age as a result of a mishap with Miang)
Current Residence Slums of the Doman Capitol City, Doma
Occupation Professional Wanderer
Family Aiko Valcrist - Mother; Cyrus Valcrist - Father, Deceased
Race Mazoku
Description A man who physically seems to be around the age of 20, standing more or less at the height of 6'3"; Right eye is Cerulean Blue, Left eye is Crimson - Both Are Non-Feral in Nature; Black Hair (Commonly tied back into Ponytail)
Typical Clothing Blue high collar vest within a long black coat and black pants; similarly colored gloves and boots contrast with a Bright Bluish-Silver Bracer on his right arm. In the hotter months, he has been sometimes known to switch to loose black shorts and a white short-sleeved shirt hidden within a Blue Button-down; he still wears the boots and gloves though. Other than the forementioned T-shirt, Tai is not often found wearing white.
Religious Beliefs Although believing in the existance of the Gods beyond a shadow of a doubt, Taiar has not yet chosen to put his complete faith into a single entity; he seems to enjoy using the name of Nakibe in place of exclimations however.
Drunk Type Non-Drinker, Much to the chagrin of the Queen; Taiar himself speculates that he is a Quiet-Type drunk though.

Taiar is a character of the RPer who usually goes by the same name, or as The Lurker.

About Taiar

Taiar, known less formally to his friends only as Tai, is a Mazoku otherworlder from Ayenee, having somewhat followed Aya du Mythril from their home universe. Due to fatal circumstances after his arrival here, his Astral body is shared with an ancient Mazoku sentient weapon known appropriately as The Dragon's Bane, brother and rival to the weapon that Aya carries on her person, making their close friendship somewhat ironic, racially. As a side-effect of having his weapon though, periodically the henchman of Ayenee's Gods see it fit to traverse the plains and poke their noses into Taiar's life, sometimes disrupting it quite severely.

After staying in this world for quite some time, Tai developed a small relation with a Long-type Argovian Dragon, Miang, and was very briefly and unofficially married to her before the connection was quickly severed prior to the latter half of the several vacation style adventures he would experience with her, Aya, and an assortment of others. He has since become very close to her sizable family who resides in Doma, even to the point of being considered a son to her Grandfather and a brother to her brothers.

He has also come into the care of a black and white Wolf Pup, whom he has since dubbed Kino and is more than his cute puppy facade seems.

As of late, Taiar has taken a liking, or perhaps a peculiar need, to travel and experience the world of Gaera, although this sometimes leads him into serious trouble. Case in point, the country of Baron has dubbed him a terrorist at least once.


Generally, Taiar is calm and always open to new experiences, regardless of the situation at hand. When presented with a problem, he would rather stop and think about it in a logical manner if given the chance, rather than approach it with magic flying and sending explosions at all corners of the room; in a group of people though, he tends to keep his rational thoughts to himself and allow others to do the work of solving a problem unless he believes that his input is necessary. In such an occasion, he is much more prone to making sarcastic remarks and observations rather than being any sort of helpful at all. Provoking Taiar is no simply accomplished feat at first, however repeated annoyances over a large period of time sometimes do get the better of him. To the moment, Tai has strangely shown no signs of libido for a growing male, perhaps related to the other mind that exists in his head.

To complete strangers, the Mazoku at least attempts to be polite and respectful in his mannerisms, maybe to unconsciously offset the stereotypical demonic and evil nature that his race is famous for. Once he feels that the person has shown themselves to be okay with a less formal conversation however, he will treat them as he does some of his friends.

To his friends, he enjoys teasing them in a friendly manner quite a bit about most anything he can get a conversational hold on, knowing the limits to a good joke though. Tai still tries to remain within the bounds of "Friendly" when doing this however, and is not above apoligizing when he thinks he has taken something too far. He seems to have picked up a sense of chivalry or a code of honor somewhat similar to those practiced by Lanese natives, only displaying it at very select times however (usually when he can use it to protect himself from humiliation).

Despite his somewhat rough edges, at his heart Taiar treasures his closest friends dearly and used to be habitually placed into the Castle's intensive care as a result of trying to protect them.


Taiar's history is not particularly dark, although he is still not very fond of talking about it for one reason or another. He has commented to Miang that it is not a terribly pleasant childhood, though no more has been said.

The Dragon's Bane

Their History

An ancient sentient Mazoku weapon perhaps as old as time itself, sometimes abbrievated to DB, once owned by Taiar's mother, Aiko Valcrist, and eventually drove her into insanity. Taiar "inherited" this weapon from her in the shape of a small sword pendant which he could summon into becoming a Long Sword for battle and for use as a conduit for spells. In a bid for freedom, the Dragon's Bane attempted to overtake Tai's body but was dealt away with by Aya du-Mythril at the request of the then-Half-Mazoku. Taiar near death and the Dragon's Bane facing isolation in the aftermath of the clash, he fused himself with Tai's astral body, turning him into a full Mazoku and ultimately restoring him.

The Now-Full-Mazoku returned to Doman society with little fanfare and continued on with life, the Dragon's Bane supressed in the far reaches of Taiar's mind. All ran well until the Malachias' War on Doma, where Taiar strained himself spiritually in the general warfare and allowed for the DB to once again rise up and attempt another coup on Tai's body. With the help of Aya, Miang, and Will Baseton, a serious complication was avoided by doing battle against it within Taiar's mind and weakening it to restore the true owner of the body to control. Taiar himself later struck up a compromise with the Weapon within him, allowing for it to use one of his eyes to view the outer world, turning it red, and remaining sentient within Tai's head.

Their Abilities

Taiar can now summon the Dragon's Bane from within him into several forms, although more often than not into his weapon of choice: A Glaive (There have been some alterations of this weapon though, including a Trident, and a pair of Chattering Teeth atop the Glaive's Pole). The limitations of Taiar's body prevent the Bane from showing how much power it truely contains, although the Mazoku puts himself through training in hopes of becoming stronger himself as well as slowly lifting those limitations.

The Dragon's Bane has no active control over Taiar's actions, however he can moan and complain to his heart's content from within Taiar's mind. Often times however, the Bane is silent aside from occasional snide observations and somewhat jeering remarks. Although Taiar himself cannot manage telepathy, the Bane can act as messenger for him though he sometimes twists the message in transit. There have been times where the Bane has also shown the power to somewhat protect Taiar from people trying to probe into his mind, considering he lives there afterall.

The DB can also build himself a body to use outside of Taiar, however this skill requires that the Bane use so much of its Astral Energy that its upkeep is a maximum of five minutes when still maintaining Tai's Glaive, limiting the ability to fast paced physical battle situations.

When outside of Taiar, the Bane presents itself as a physical copy of Tai, however the tips of his hair are dyed in red and he wears a long Pancho style cloak, covering his arms and everything down to his legs. A scar, magical in nature, vertically goes through his right eye, whereas Taiar has the same but mirrored onto his left. The DB's weapon of choice is a large scythe.

Opposite of the previous ability, there have been times where the Dragon's Bane merges itself into Tai's Astral Body, significantly strengthening his host both in Magical Appitude and Physical Prowess. In the past, this has manifested itself into four black angel wings sprouting from Taiar's back, which also granted him the power of non-magical levitation. Since having taken a long self-discovery journey beginning on Nekora, 1314 and returning to Doma roughly in Tzelara, 1316, this ability has reportedly gone under change although he has yet to lift the seal on it, revealing how.

Philsys Data

Philsys Block

Taiar Siru Valcrist - Level 3; 1150/1500 XP
Max HP: 81
Max MP: 90
Max TP: 36
Initiative: 4+2d6


Courage: +2
Wisdom: +2
Intuition: +3
Charisma: 0
Agility: +3
Dexterity: +2
Strength: +3
Stamina: +3
Magic Aptitude: 5

Base AT/PA - 11/11

Modified for skill - 15/15
Modified for equipment - 14/14

Base MATK: 10
Base MBlock: 17
Base Missile Evade: 19

Body=Trenchcoat (AC 3)
Arm=Plate Bracer (AC 10, Casting Penalty -1)

Weapon Damage - Dragon's Bane Glaive (-1/-1, 13/17/22, Additional (2*Level) Damage, Damage Inflicted to Dragons*2)
Light - 33+2d6
Medium - 40+3d6
Heavy - 48+4d6


Polearms: 8
Throwing Darts: 3
Mazoku Magic: 7
Ice Magic: 4
Wind Magic: 2
Fire Magic: 1
Teleportation: 4
Jumping: 2
[s]Pain Resistance: 4
[s]Advanced Parrying: 4
[s]Stealth: 2
[s]Cooking: 4
[s]Eavesdropping: 2
[k]Gardening: 1

Spells and Techs

  • [Innate] Mazoku Properties (Passive) - Tai takes 50% damage from all shadow elemental magic and 2x damage from holy or "ryuuzoku" magic. Holy-elemental healing magic will damage him, but he can be healed by shadow-type healing spells.
  • [Innate] Consume Emotion (Passive or 2 TP) - Taiar draws energy from surrounding negative emotions (hate, anger, fear, etc.) and is weakened somewhat by strong positive emotions (love, joy, etc.). In the presence of strong negative emotions he can spend 2 TP to add +1 to his STR, AGI, or COU until the emotions subside, or he can use them to recover 15 HP. This is a free action, but it can only be performed once per round. In the presence of strong positive emotions, Taiar takes a -1 to -4 penalty on rolls of all types.
  • [Innate] Limited Telepathy (Passive) - Although Taiar himself is not capable of telepathic messages, the Dragon's Bane is. The Sentient Entity is able to transmit Taiar's thoughts to others much like conventional telepathy, however he is known to throw his own two cents into the mental bucket whether its appreciated or not. Also, due to being unable to express the full extent of his power from within Taiar, the Dragon's Bane cannot perform Guarded Telepathy in any form.
  • [Innate] Summon Glaive (2 TP) - Since fusing with the Dragon's Bane, Taiar has been able to retrieve his weapon from what looks to be thin air by drawing the appropriate energies from himself and forming them into his weapon of choice. Even when the weapon is knocked away from him to a remote location, he can disperse the current energies and recall them back near him.
  • [Innate] Transmutation (2 TP) – By nature of the Dragon’s Bane, Taiar can alter its form to create stable and strong-as-steel objects from seemingly nowhere. The limit to this ability however, is that Taiar must be able to mentally visualize the object in question, and he is incapable of making any sort of complicated object without serious effort and time. That is to say steel bars, shovels, and sets of teeth are okay, but things such as keys, complicated weaponry, or large animal forms are out of the question.
  • [Teleportation: 3] Teleportation (32 MP, 6 TP) - It is only effective for locations Taiar can clearly visualize within 5 miles, and the visualization process requires 15 minutes of absolute concentration, (AKA, non-combat, travel uses only). Teleportation fails if Tai cannot make a check vs. difficulty 20 within 3 miles, and difficulty 30 outside of that, all within 5 miles. Teleporting further than that requires a check vs. difficulty 40.
  • [Teleportation: 4] Dimension Door (10 MP) - Short-range teleport; Line of sight only, with a range of [rank] x 10 feet.
  • [Polearms: 2] Balance (2 TP) - Essential to the use of weaponry, especially heavy ones, is the user's ability to carry his blade naturally. With some concentration, Taiar can pass that bound and, more than usual, his cumbersome Glaive of choice becomes almost a piece of himself. For one round, Taiar gains an additional +1/+1 to his AT/PA Rolls.
  • [Polearms: 4] Devastating Blow (2 TP) - As powerful as a heavy attack, but damage is multiplied by 1.5x. If the attack misses, the user loses his one of his parry rolls for the round.
    • Damage = Heavy Attack*1.5, Loss of Parry Roll if Failed
  • [Polearms: 6] Follow-through (5 TP) - Allows one additional attack of any type this round.
  • [Polearms: 8] Lurking Wolf (8 TP) - A wolf striking from the shadows has a certain element of surprise in its attack, a life-shattering situation for whatever the pray might be. A Taiar striking just as suddenly is no less dangerous for his opponent. This ability can only be used against a target that is either unaware of Tai's presence or denied a PA roll. Proper battle preparations in mind, a Heavy type attack can be used without AT penalties at 1.5x Damage.
    • Damage = Heavy Attack*1.5
  • [Polearms: 9, Pain Resistance 2] Dead Lock (8 TP) – Using his distinct familiarity with pain, Taiar lets his guard down purposely, allowing for the enemy to strike him. At the moment of being attacked though, the Mazoku locks the enemy with a mixture of his injured body and his Glaive. Falling prey to this stance pulls an enemy into a grapple with Taiar which he automatically wins the first turn. Normal Grapple rules apply from there out.
  • [Polearms: 9] Returning Fang (2 TP) – An attack designed as a supplement to the Dead Lock stance. Taiar can counter attack his opponent for Light Weapon Damage*2. This opportunity is also available whenever Taiar’s turn arrives naturally and he’s still able to hold the enemy.
    • Damage = Light Attack*2
  • [Polearms: 10] Dread Echo (8 TP) – The Sentient Entity that is the Dragon’s Bane, a Mazoku creation older than possible existence, is able to process Negative Emotions just as his host can, and being the blade that cuts puts him closer to the sting than anything else. Using this, Taiar rebounds from enemy to enemy, attacking them in quick succession, each strike fueled by the last opponent’s pain. The number of enemies able to be targeted is equal to Polearm Rank/3, maxing out at 5. If during the rebound, an enemy succeeds in its parry roll then the attack stops and no further enemies are damaged.
    • Damage = Medium Attack*(Number of Enemies Attacked Via Dread Echo+1)
  • [Mazoku Magic: 1] Black Revolver (10 MP) - A simple use of his innate magic, Taiar fires a projectile of his choice element from his pointer finger directly at a receiver of choice, as if a gunshot.
    • Damage = 8+(Rank*2)+1d6.
  • [Mazoku Magic: 3] Decay (18 MP) - Mazoku are pretty well known for their knowledge of curses and horrible enhancements; it would be a shame for Tai not to at least dabble in it, maybe more. This spell, when used on living things, ebbs away at their life and aims to leave rotten remains, leaf, fruit and carcass alike.
    • Damage = 2+(Rank*3)+1d6 for (Rank) Turns.
    • Effect Out of Battle: Severely rots away plant life, Weakens animal/people.
  • [Mazoku Magic: 4] Scatter Night (22 MP) - With a wave of the hand, magic can call forth the most beautiful of glitter. Surrounding his enemy with these, Taiar snaps his fingers and what was once pretty erupts into explosions of Mazoku Magic. By scattering the division of the glitter, he can severely damage a single person or cause light annoyances to a small army.
    • Damage = 15+(Rank*5)+3d6, Damage can be Divided Equally Between Number of Targets
  • [Mazoku Magic: 6] Twilight Millennium (34 MP) - The absolute black created in the physical plane when a Mazoku casts a spell is an effect of a void of light in an area or areas, meant to represent the dark astral nature of the race and element itself. By focusing this blackout around an opponent, Taiar can strike upon the senses of his enemy, instilling the feeling of helplessness upon the weaker-hearted, or at least blinding the stronger for a bit. If targeted enemies fail their resistance roll, they are afflicted with Total Helplessness as well as Fear, the latter of which existing only for the purpose of Tai consuming for his own benefit, for 1d3 rounds. In the event they succeed, the enemy is taken by Blindness for only a single round.
  • [Mazoku Magic: 8] Oblivion Armor (20 MP) – A spell which surrounds a piece of the enemy’s armor in Mazoku magic, then causes a cascade of magical spikes to erupt and impale an opponent’s body. Taiar selects a specific armor to target when casting this spell, and the better that armor is, the more Mazoku barbs it can support. Rather than completely destroying a victim, he can also disable limbs by targeting gauntlets, greaves, bracers, etc.
    • Damage = (6+(Rank*2)+1d6)+(Targeted Armor AC*2), Destroys Target Armor
  • [Mazoku Magic: 9] Demon Blade (32 MP) – At first glance, this is a spell that seems to be the successor of Black Revolver. Rather than a simple gunshot from the finger, Taiar twirls his glaive until it forms into a swirling black disk of Mazoku energy then plunges his entire fist into it, releasing a powerful black beam. The aforementioned Mazoku disk can also siphon allied magical spells, adding the Mazoku elemental type to their attack as well as additional damage. In a very specific case, a new element can even be created that is greater than the sum of its parts...
    • Damage = 17+(Rank*5)+5d6
    • Siphon = Adds 14+(Mean Rank*5)+3d6, Adds Mazoku Elemental
    • Chaos = Adds 17+(Sum Of Mazoku and Ryuuzoku Ranks*5)+4d6
  • [Wind Magic: 2] Bomb Di Wind (12 MP) - A powerful blast composed by compressing air in an area then releasing it at a target; this spell causes no direct damage, however it is exceptionally good at moving things around, whether that be people into walls or garbage out of the way.
  • [Ice Magic: 1] Freeze Arrow (10 MP) - The basics of ice magic, just a simple arrow made of frost fired at an opponent.
    • Damage = 8+(Rank*2)+1d6
  • [Ice Magic: 4] Icicle Lance (18 MP) - By fusing together several smaller icicles, Taiar creates a short sword sized spear made completely of ice. Being struck with this lance, however, does less impaling and more extremely cold freezing-solid upon contact. With several of these though, some severe ice-stapling can be performed.
    • Damage = 14+(Rank*4)+3d6
  • [Fire Magic: 1] Fireball (10 MP) - Just a simple baseball of combustion; explodes upon contact and spreads its area of effect a bit, as well as lighting stuff on fire real nice.
    • Damage = 8+(Rank*2)+1d6 Upon Impact, Resulting Explosion spreads fire in a sphere with (Rank*1.5) Feet Radius.


  • Due to a bad experience as a child and another more recent experience on Ayenee with Aya, Taiar has developed a fear of clowns, sometimes expelling unnecessary amounts of destructive magic at them when exposed for long periods of time.
  • Tai got his current house in the slums by driving the previous owner to insanity then moving into his home. Although it is in the less-than-pleasant neighboorhood, the inside of the house is in great condition.
  • As evident by his Philsys Skills, Taiar keeps a garden on the rooftop of his home in the slums, and often visits Grandfather's Bamboo Garden in the Tsung Compound.
  • Taiar is reportedly a very skilled Mah Jong player.
  • Tai's Mysterious 2 Year Journey around the world of Gaera was partly a result of his Mother's sudden appearence in Gaera, still slightly deranged from the Dragon's Bane's effect. She stayed in Doma for a short while, getting along famously with Miang's mother, but her current whereabouts are unknown.