Selena Blackwell

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Revision as of 20:46, 3 October 2006 by Kai (Talk | contribs)

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Selena Blackwell by Lithaladhwen.jpg
(rp world)

(Gaera Main)
current residence
occupation Brass rackets instructor
family Donald Blackwell (father), Neko (mother, deceased), Eva Valerian (stepmother)
race Half-nekojin, quarter human, quarter celestial. Best not to question it. It isn't her fault.
physical description There's a picture! Other than that, dark skin, dark yellowish eyes, dark brown/black hair and fur on her ears. Generally is impeccably-groomed, right down to pedicures and careful manicuring of the slight claws she inherited from her mother.
typical clothing Button-up shirts that could probably stand to... be less-tailored to her form. Slacks. Or skirts.
personality To a great extent, Selena is a spoiled daddy's girl. Her redeeming quality lies in that she also spoils other people. Just as she buys herself things, she likes getting things for other people. Tends to express affection through gifts.
religious beliefs None. She can't imagine why anyone would bother. I mean, either mortals are in charge of their lives or they aren't. Going to the gods implies that they have the final say, and that just isn't their place. They can take their crazy god-power and keep it to themselves, thanks.
drunk type Goofy and easily amused.


Coming later.


    • Will be posted in a bit.

Philsys Necessaries

Philsys Box

Selena Blackwell (Kai) Level: 1 XP: 0/1000
Max HP: 65/65 Max MP: 40 Max TP: 22/22
Initiative: 4+ 2d6


Courage: +2
Wisdom: +2
Intuition: +2
Charisma: +2
Dexterity: +2
Strength: +4
Stamina: +2
Magic Aptitude: 2

Base AT/PA - 11/11
Modified for armor - n/n
Modified for skill - 15/11
Modified for weapon - n/n


Weapon Damage - unarmed (8/12/16) +1 light claws
Light - 9+1d6
Medium - 13+2d6 (-2)
Heavy - 17+3d6 (-5)

Weapon Damage - brass knuckles (12/16/20) +1 light claws
Light - 13+1d6
Medium - 17+2d6 (-2)
Heavy - 21+3d6 (-5)

Base MATK - 6
Base MDEF - 16+d20
Missile evasion - 18+d20


21/28 points spent

Horse riding/Equestrian - 2 (Cou/Dex/Agi)
metabolic magic - 4
benediction magic - 4
unarmed fighting - 4 (Agi/Dex/Str)
[s]brass rackets - 4 (Agi/Dex/Sta)
[s]Swimming - 2 (Agi/Sta/Str)
[s]Advanced Parry (Agi) - 4 (Agi=2; adds +1/rank to PA rolls)

Spells 40 MP

Techs 22 TP