Myrnal Shalienza

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Myrnal Shalienza Box
(rp world)
Myrnal Shalienza
Autumn Equinox
Longmeadow, Doma.
current residence Vermilis, Doma.
occupation mercenary
family Yanna Shalienza, Kerran Shalienza
race Human
physical description She's twenty years old, and by this point dresses all in black in her default Nekonian gi. She has imprinted on her chest the symbol of Kazeros, and you can see where that is in the drawing of her I labelled 'clothes.' She wears red boots and occasionally red gloves. She has a belt with anywhere between half a dozen and a dozen knives on it depending on how stabby she's feeling.
personality Generally rather unfriendly and reserved, it's often necessary to ignore just about everything Myrnal says. She's been known to do things like hand her friends healing potions and insult them at the same time. Her actions are a much better judge of her character. She's loyal to her friends, but since she knows she's not good at much besides killing, will not hesitate to solve problems that way when necessary.
religious beliefs She swears by Dammara, but is marked by (and secretly follows) Kazeros. She funds a small temple in his honor anonymously so as not to ruin her reputation as a heartless bitch.
drunk type Melancholy.


Too damn long. There will be a link here.

Board RPs

    • From the Ashes: [thread] | [not yet archived] (on-going)

Philsys Necessaries

Philsys Box