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Ever since Emperor Redwyn took control of Riva in 1310, he has been fighting an uphill battle to truly unite the country, to establish trading relations with other nations, and to restore Riva to its former glory.

Despite establishing a firm hold on the urban centres early on, the new government's control of the countryside has always been limited. Roving bands of dragoons are an ever present threat, despite efforts to hunt them down. Nevertheless, progress seems to have been made. Riva has an alliance with Doma, and amicable trade relations. And, in the capital and towns such as Blarhg, there has been a shift away from the xenophobic attitudes of much of the country.

While a constant thorn in the government's side, the various dragoon factions have never been able to unite sufficiently to pose a credible threat. And, thanks to the actions of roving bands little better than bandits, the populace fear the dragoons as much as they fear the dragons they are supposed to protect them from.

Recently, there have been signs that things are about to change. Disturbing reports have begun to filter south to Doma that at least some of the dragoon factions are beginning to put aside their differences and work together. What has precipitated this change is as yet unknown, but it constitutes a worrying trend. If the dragoons were to unite, they would be a force to be reckoned with, and could easily plunge Riva into full-scale civil war.

It has been said that time will tell whether Redwyn's government will endure. The question now seems to be whether it will survive the coming year.


It seems that the dragoons have finally begun to police their own, with renegade groups falling prey to so-called 'true' dragoons. While the campaign has been by no means one-sided, an alliance of moderate factions seems to be making headway, clearing out nests of bandits and dragoons alike, in a bid to bring order to the outlying regions of Riva.

Of particular note in this campaign was an attack upon the village of Hatrick by Valgaav, a member of the Bloodied Blade faction, and his followers. Despite superior numbers and training, the attackers were all but destroyed, thanks to the intervention of a group of five courageous outsiders. Valgaav himself was cut down leading a final assault on the village, and although only two of the visitors survived the conflict, the fast-spreading tale of their deeds is already conferring a kind of immortality upon them.

For those interested, logs of this event are available: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 The finale

The fact that a dragoon died in defense of the people of Hatrick is a fact that the Alliance has been quick to use as propaganda. It just goes to show, they say, that the renegades out for their own benefit are just that - renegades. Of course, the general cloud of mistrust that hangs over dragoons isn't going to dissipate overnight. But with every renegade brought down, support for them increases. After all, for all its efforts, the government has never been able to bring the dragoons to heel.

Unfortunately, the Alliance seem no more inclined to submit themselves to Redwyn's authority than the renegades they fight are. At some point in the near future, Redwyn will have to decide upon a response to them.

Conversation with kelne2261 at 2007-03-05 18:21:14 on KnightsofSquare (aim)

(18:21:20) KnightsofSquare: bother bother!

(18:21:29) Kelne2261: Greetings.

(18:22:17) KnightsofSquare: I am Dia, cleverly disguised as Michael. (18:22:25) KnightsofSquare: And I have some questions for you regarding Riva!

(18:22:45) Kelne2261: Questions, you say. Go ahead!

(18:23:52) KnightsofSquare: Alright! (18:24:25) KnightsofSquare: Now, there was the Emperor Redwyn in charge at one point in time, but then I recall you were doing some Rivan plottings. What happened there?

(18:27:13) Kelne2261: In all honesty, things never quite got off the ground properly. I managed to run a single Magnificent Seven-style expendarpee, after which things kind of fizzled.

(18:27:48) KnightsofSquare: ::nods:: (18:28:17) KnightsofSquare: what did you establish therein, or were you planning to establish? Or would you rather Riva's backstory remain as-is for now?

(18:29:39) Kelne2261: I'd planned to build up to the civil war. Signs of the dragoons becoming more united, and even hunting down some of their more extreme types themselves. (18:31:34) Kelne2261: Essentially, you'd see them actually attempting to get on side with the people, rather than being as greatly feared as the dragons they're supposed to be protecting against.

(18:32:57) KnightsofSquare: the other side/s? (18:33:10) KnightsofSquare: I could see Solasia getting involved in the north

(18:34:14) Kelne2261: Dragoons with actual support from the people aren't what you'd call a best case scenario for the government, particularly as they don't see it as legitimate. And yes, Solasian and Doman involvement are possibilities. (18:35:15) Kelne2261: Though either could backfire if it looks like the government's bringing in foreigners (foreigners with ties to dragons, at that) to police its own people. (18:38:19) Kelne2261: In many ways, it'd be a propaganda war to begin with, and given the government's lack of ability to protect the outlying regions, anyone genuinely willing and able to do so would enjoy a great deal of support.

(18:39:04) KnightsofSquare: ::nods:: (18:39:08) KnightsofSquare: hm. :H

(18:39:11) Kelne2261: I think one of the things that tripped me up was that, let's face it, nobody has a reason to be in Riva, particularly during a civil war. (18:41:11) Kelne2261: I keep meaning to do something with all those plans I had lying around, but that's something of a difficult angle to overcome. I'm half-tempted to simply start writing the whole thing up in background form, rather than attempt to run it.

(18:41:13) KnightsofSquare: I have a family of dragons who live in the north (18:42:47) KnightsofSquare: but for people without Rivan characters, they'd either have to make them, or have an IC reason to bring in their Domans/Baronians/Solasians/Valthi/etc

(18:42:55) Kelne2261: Indeed. (18:51:26) Kelne2261: I think I will go ahead and start writing stuff up. If nothing else, it'll give people rumour and hearsay to discuss in CI, and I'm sure people will have input as it proceeds.

(18:51:42) KnightsofSquare: coolies. :0 thanks!(18:51:59) KnightsofSquare: I'll C&P this into Riva's talk page on the wiki

(18:52:09) Kelne2261: It'll be a few days though, since I'm going away soon.

(18:52:17) KnightsofSquare: ah? Where to?

(18:52:58) Kelne2261: Going down to see my grandmother, who's in hospital after having a grandfather clock fall on her.

(18:53:25) KnightsofSquare: Oh, wow.(18:53:34) KnightsofSquare: That is simultaneously ludicrous and uncool.(18:53:48) KnightsofSquare: How's she doing?

(18:54:52) Kelne2261: It's apparently not seriously serious. Hairline fractures are about it. Still, I'm sure she'll appreciate the visit.

(18:54:59) KnightsofSquare: ::nods::(18:55:26) KnightsofSquare: Dunno the state of hospitals in the future, but they're kinda shitty places to be over here--beyond the fact that they aren't home.

(19:28:04) Kelne2261 logged out.