Altaira Casmosis

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Altaira Casmosis


(rp world)
Altaira Casmosis
(Gaera Main)
March 5th, 1318
current residence Kohlingen
occupation None at the moment
family Idran Casmosis (father, deceased), Annie Casmosis (mother), Selene DuGalle ("sister")
race Human
physical description 5'10", medium build. Hair kept cut to shoulder length; dark-brown to black, though with a subtle, just barely noticeable purple sheen to it. Light-grey eyes. Somewhat plain looking overall in appearance.
typical clothing

Loose-fitting clothing tending towards cooler colors; chiefly light blues or purples. About an equal mix between ankle-length dresses or pants. Comfortable walking boots.
Black-and-white spandex-like body suit that stretches along with Altaira, made from materials unfamiliar to those on Doma.


  • Nanotech belt - An electronic belt that allows Altaira to switch from that day's outfit to her suit at will
  • Selene's PDA - A technological device from Krynus, holding the transfered form of Selene DuGalle
  • Necklace - A silver necklace with a simple four-pointed-star, given to Altaira by Idran on her fourth birthday
personality Quiet, still a bit nervous in social situations outside the family. Not quite used to being away from home yet, she seems to worry about the family more than most would in her position. Uncomfortable around healers, white mages, or the like.
religious beliefs None
drunk type Hasn't happened yet, but takes after her father in not holding alcohol well
other Vegetarian, though not entirely by choice


Philsys Data

Philsys Block

Altaira Casmosis (Idran) Level 1; 0/1000 XP
Max HP: 60
Max MP: 70
Max TP: 13
Initiative: 6+2d6


Courage: +0
Wisdom: +5
Intuition: +1
Charisma: +0
Agility: +6
Dexterity: +2
Strength: +2
Stamina: +1
Magic Aptitude: 4

Base AT/PA - 9/9 (Str) 9/9 (Dex)
Modified for equipment (Spear) - 8/10
Modified for equipment (Hammer) - 8/9
Modified for skill (Spear) - 8/12
Modified for skill (Hammer) - 12/9
Modified for armor (Spear) - 8/12
Modified for armor (Hammer) - 12/9

Base MATK: 10
Base MBlock: 11
Base Missile Evade: 25

Body=Nanotech Suit (8 AC, +0/+0)

Weapon Damage - Spear (-1/+1, 10/14/20, 2-handed)
Light - 10+2+4+1d6 (17-22)
Medium - 14+2+6+2d6 (24-34)
Heavy - 20+2+8+3d6 (33-48)

Weapon Damage - Hammer (-1/+0, 8/11/13)
Light - 8+4+2+1d6 (15-20)
Medium - 11+4+4+2d6 (21-31)
Heavy - 13+4+6+3d6 (26-41)

  • Hammer - 4
    • <Cou/Agi/Str> = 8
  • Spear - 2
    • <Cou/Agi/Str> = 8
  • Water Magic - 4
    • <Mag/Wis/Int> = 10
  • Chocobo Riding - 3
    • <Cou/Dex/Agi> = 8
  • Metalworking - 3
    • <Str/Dex/Sta> = 5
  • Engineering - 2
    • <Wis/Wis/Int> = 11
  • Creative Writing - 1
    • <Wis/Int/Cha> = 6
  • [s]Gymnastics - 4
    • <Agi=2>
  • [s]Balance - 4
    • <Agi=2>
  • [s]Missile Evasion - 2
    • <Agi=2>
  • [k]Gardening - 2
  • [k]History (Doma) - 2
  • [k]History (Krynus) - 2
  • [k]Navigation - 4
  • [k]Sailing - 2
  • [k]Electronics Use - 2
  • [k]Pet Care - 2

Spells and Techs

  • [Innate] Nanobot enhancement - Due to inheriting the nanobot treatment from Annie, Altaira is slightly more rubbery in form than a normal human. She can elongate herself by up to Level * 5 feet, and has minor shapeshifting abilities, though in form only, not coloration. She also possesses (5 * Level)% damage reduction from blunt objects.
  • [Innate] Bouncing - Another side effect of the nanobots, if Altaira falls from any appreciable height without landing on her feet or back, she will end up bouncing to a height 1.5x that from which she falled. The height will drop from there normally on successive bounces.
  • [Water=1] Clean (4 MP) - Cleans an object the caster is in contact with. Objects affected by this spell appear as if dunked in a vat of water for a minute or so, and dried until the water was gone. Thus, some materials may not be very well cleaned by this, and others may be damaged. Objects on fire are not affected.
  • [Water=1] Water Ball (4 MP) - Flings a hard ball of water at a single target, dealing 8 + rank*2 + 1d6 water damage.
  • [Water=1] Create Water (8 MP) - Summons up to (rank*7.5) gallons of water within a foot of Altaira.
  • [Water=4] Guide Water (10 MP) - Allows Altaira to guide the flow or motion of a single amount of water, no greater than a full barrel's-worth. She can cause an amount of water to surge over the limits of its container, manipulate the surface to create miniature waves, set up small currents within, or the like, but she can do nothing to manipulate the water that it couldn't conceivably do without her influence.