Spacial Magic - 12
Temporal Magic - 10
Gate Magic - 7
Elemental Magic - 1
Boomerang - 5
Quarterstaff - 1
Knife - 1
Pistols - 3
Boat Piloting - 3
Airship Piloting - 1
[s]Distance Running - 5
[s]Swimming - 3
[s]BS - 2
[k]Kohlingen History - 4
[k]Doman History - 4
[k]Rivan History - 5
[k]Astronomy - 5
[k]Navigation - 4
[k]Cooking - 3
[k]Spacial Theory - 7
[k]Temporal Theory - 5
[k]Care and Handling of Tareens - 1
[k]Religion of Kalyca - 1
[Spacial=1]Bomb 1 (5 MP) - Compresses the air around a target, dealing 8 + rank * 2 + 1d4 damage.
The specific physical effect of this spell is akin to that of a compression shockwave caused by a large explosion; thus the name. It has the effect of compressing the atmosphere around the target in all directions briefly, causing physical shock and soft tissue damage.
[Spacial=2]Bomb 2 (10 MP) - Makes a series of air-compressions within a group, dealing 8 + rank * 2 + 1d4 damage to several targets within one hex of a target hex.
This is largely identical to Bomb 1, with the only difference being the capability for multiple targets.
[Spacial=2]Comet1 (16 MP) - Drops a rock from outer space, dealing 8 + (rank * 6) + 2d6 damage to a single target.
The boulder created/summoned by this spell remains following casting, and the spell prevents it from shattering on impact, meaning even on strong surfaces it cannot be used as a sort of shrapnel bomb. It does leave hot dust behind in its travel through the atmosphere, however, but this dust quickly cools and is unlikely to pose a danger for any flying creatures in the area.
[Spacial=2]Gravity Well (7 MP) - Creates a gravity well over a 4-hex radius. Anyone within the well must succeed in a strength check vs. the casting power in order to resist the effects. Those who fail to resist receive a -3/-3 penalty to AT/PA, and movement is cut in half. Flying creatures who fail to save are grounded by this spell.
[Spacial=3]Hold (15 MP) - If successful, surrounds a target with ropes of spacial energy, holding them for (Rank*10) minutes.
The visible manifestation of these ropes varies from time to time and use to use; the most common appearance is as greenish-yellow bands of barely-translucent energy emerging from nowhere and encompassing a target. They have occasionally been broken in a resisted casting rather than unmanifested entirely, though this is rare and most often a reflection of the target's magical resistance.
[Spacial=3]Phase Shift (17 MP) - Move to any location within (Rank * 2) yards, half for each passage through solid matter.
This spell functions by creating a temporary portal between two locations, one which collapses in on itself in less than a second following transit. There are no visible manifestations of this spell beyond the disappearance from one location and appearance in another.
Destinations are set in a wholly relative manner; there is no capability for imaged teleportation through this spell.
[Spacial=4]Comet2 (28 MP) - Drops a group of rocks from outer space, dealing 8 + (rank * 6) + 2d6 damage to several targets within one hex of a target hex.
The boulders created/summoned by this spell remain following casting, and the spell prevents them from shattering on impact, meaning even on strong surfaces they cannot be used as a sort of shrapnel bomb. They do leave hot dust behind in their travel through the atmosphere, however, but this dust quickly cools and is unlikely to pose a danger for any flying creatures in the area.
[Spacial=5]Bomb 2a (15 MP) - Creates a stronger compression around a single target, dealing 14 + rank * 4 + 2d4 damage.
Again, this spell is chiefly identical to the effect of Bomb 1, differing only in strength.
[Spacial=7]Phase Other (MP Varies) - Acts as Phase Shift, but for one target within the caster's sight. The target can be teleported up to (Rank * 2) yards from his original location. Unwilling targets recieve a magic resist check, as do items held by unwilling subjects. Items use the subject's value with a +4 bonus. The cost of this spell is 30 MP plus 15 for every 100 pounds of the target over 200.
This spell functions by creating a temporary portal between two locations, one which collapses in on itself in less than a second following transit. There are no visible manifestations of this spell beyond the disappearance from one location and appearance in another.
Destinations are set in a wholly relative manner; there is no capability for imaged teleportation through this spell.
Lack of experimentation means that the range on the target's distance from the caster prior to casting is unknown, though it is reasonable to assume that it becomes much more difficult to control should the target be beyond the normal distance limitations of a personal transportation.
[Spacial=12]Minor Flight (20 MP) - A seeming combination of hovering and levitation spells, allows the caster to travel airborne for (rank*4) minutes, as fast as they can normally run. No limit on height as is present in hovering spells, but traveling too high could be dangerous if the caster is unable to return to the ground in time.
This spell works by creating a pseudo-gravitational attraction in an extremely short range around the caster. This redirection only extends for about a half an inch beyond the caster, causing the side effect of clothing oddly falling towards the direction of movement as well as towards the ground. This spell does not negate normal gravity, allowing for hovering (if not in a zero-g environment), but requiring "forward" motion to actually be at something of an angle. The pseudo-gravity this spell creates is at most twice normal-strength gravity only, meaning in the presence of a Gravity Well-like effect, flight is still something of a difficulty.
[Spacial=12]Phase to Beacon (60 MP) - Acts as Phase Shift, but allows the caster to teleport to any pre-established beacon within Rank*25 miles. Accuracy at the destination varies by about 50 feet, but he cannot manifest in a solid object, instead materializing directly adjacent to it should there be no location within that range without one.
This spell functions by creating a temporary portal between two locations, one which collapses in on itself in less than a second following transit. There are no visible manifestations of this spell beyond the disappearance from one location and appearance in another.
[Spacial=12]Create Teleportation Beacon (150 MP) - Create one teleportation beacon in the area. Requires multiple castings over the course of up to 6 days, dividing the MP equally for each day.
[Temporal=1]Slow (6 MP) - Disrupts the flow of time, slowing down a target's metabolism, aging, and movement. If successful, a target enemy's turn is delayed until the end of the combat round for 1d2+rank rounds, and they will move as though they had -rank AGI, as well as suffering a -2/-2 AT/PA penalty.
[Temporal=1]Super Sprint (3 MP) - Triple running speed for (Rank * 4) seconds.
[Temporal=1]Time Sense (5 MP) - Tells the caster the day and time in his own calendar. This spell is only as accurate as the average timekeeping device in the caster's culture.
[Temporal=2]Haste (10 MP) - Grants a target increased speed. The target's metabolism, aging, and movement rates increase. This character may move as though he had +rank AGI and gains one extra action per round for rank rounds. Being under the influence of a Haste spell for more than a few minutes tends to make one VERY hungry as a result of all the energy they burn.
[Temporal=3]Petrify (8 MP) - Changes a piece of wood, no larger than a quarter of a cubic meter, or other similar material immersed in dirt, rock, or other such material into rock itself over the course of a couple of hours. (Only the initial casting is required, but if the object is interfered with in this time the spell is broken and the MP remains lost.) Not effective on living tissue.
[Temporal=4]Lesser Regen (14 MP) - Allows a target to regenerate health over time. The target recovers Target's Stamina + 3d6 HP per round for (rank/2) rounds.
This spell is essentially a modified Haste spell, solely accelerating the target's capabilities for natural healing. Thus, though less effective than normal healing magic, it tends to be better used in situations where such magic would be inapplicable; shadow-aligned targets or inorganic beings that still possess the capabilities of self-healing, for example.
[Temporal=7]Time Push (20 MP) - The caster touches the target and catapults them forward in time up to (rank) rounds. The temporal distance 'pushed' must be chosen at the spell's casting. The target is not cogniscent of the temporal shift--everything just seems to change suddenly. Should the caster fail the Time Magic roll to cast this spell, instead of a simple failure it is the caster who is propelled forward in time by the decided amount.
A varient of the "phase" class of teleporation spells, this spell can be used on objects as well as living targets, with limitations on size equal to that of the lowest MP class of Phase Other.
Time Push functions through the manipulation of temporal magics in a fashion similar to that required for those spells. Thus, much as that type of spell, this spell forms a temporary portal between two points in time. However, the lack of an ability to assign a location to the destination of these results in its current fixed form. Further, the one-way nature of normal temporal transit for all known objects means a spell which functioned similarly but against this temporal flow would be nearly impossible, much as reversing the direction of a one-way spacial portal. A consequence of this is that should some creature or object exist which experiences time's flow from future to past, this spell would serve to propel them the same timespan backwards rather than forwards.
The temporal nature of this spell also causes the unique "backlash" effect, as the relatively-high levels of energy involved in the formation of this sort of portal mean its creation is set once casting of this spell is complete. Thus, when resisted it merely snaps along astral manipulation lines to its source; the caster.
[Temporal=8]Age (20 MP) - Rapidly increases the age of a single object no larger than ones fist. Rots wood, rusts metal, etc. This spell is not effective on living creatures, nor on pieces of a larger whole (GM's discretion if the situation is unclear).
[Mag=5 Gate=2]Control Gate (30 MP) - Opens, closes, unlocks, or locks a specific pre-existing gate within 10 feet. It will stay open/closed/unlocked-locked for (rank ^ 2) seconds/minutes/hours. The lower the rank, the longer the casting time (About 8/4/1 hour(s) maximum)
Control Gate functions through the manipulation of Spacial astral energies into multiple tendril-like forms, allowing for the direct manipulation of the astral manifestation of portals. These tendrils appear as greyish strands of astral energy, that if traced back to their source seem to fade into the fog of magic that inundates the astral plane. Opening a gate is manifested astrally as these tendrils "weaving" into the portal manifestation, and pulling against the portal outwardly; at completion, they "stitch" the portal open, though the portal's natural inclination for closure causes these tendrils to "break" over time, reducing them back into their cloudy state. Other effects work similarly. Thus, this spell does not serve to allow transit through a one-way portal against the portal's natural "flow".
It is feasible that this spell could be adapted into other sorts of astral manipulation through these tendrils as well, though at present this would require much more research into the astral plane than Idran has bothered with. The ability to view the astral would also contribute to this spell's effectiveness, allowing for greater feedback, though this would be a minor improvement at best.
It is barely concievable that a spell of this nature could be used on the temporary portals created by certain forms of teleportation (such as Idran's "phase" class of spells), though given the fact that these portals exist for only fractions of a second, it would be far beyond the reaction times of any casters.
[Gate=1]Detect Gate (10 MP) - Find any gate within (rank / 2) miles. Spell lasts for 1 hour.
Given Idran's lack of astral detection abilities, this spell instead grants a compass-and-range-like stream of information into his mind directly.
[Gate=2]Analyze Gate (20 MP) - Allows caster to analyze any gate, and attempt to figure out where the other end lies. Roll against MBlock of the gate for success.
As with Detect Gate, this spell is specially-designed for Idran's incapabilities astrally. The knowledge granted by this spell is given in the sense of a relative position to the caster's current location, similarly to that used prior to the casting of a phase spell, and was in fact designed in such a fashion for convienant usage with said spell class. This tends to cause the result for extraplanar gates and portals to be somewhat odd to comprehend to those who are unfamiliar with this spell, though if the caster is familiar with the destination plane and has cast this spell on a portal spanning the source and destination plane previously (or a set of portals which could serve as a chained set of waypoints from the source to the destination), they are still able to associate the spell's result with said plane. It would also allow two portals leading to the same unknown plane to be identified as such, though again this would not give any information as to the nature of their shared destination.
This spell can also serve to identify a portal as one-way or bidirectional, even serving on the endpoint of a portal that is "against the flow" of the portal's natural transit.
[Elem=1]Create Element (41 MP) - Summons no more than (rank / 3) cu.ft. of any of the 4 elements into the casters hand or a container/torch/etc being held. Hence, the caster can create small amounts of flame, water, dirt, or air (gaseous oxygen/nitrogen/hydrogen mixture).
[Innate]Porous Aura (10 TP) - Increases the caster's magic resist score to 2.5x for (Spacial+Temporal+Gate+3) rounds against all forms of magic except for space or time. All forms is meant literally, as it also forces a resist roll for healing or other beneficial spells, as well as magical devices such as potions or items. This ability automatically activates in stressful situations, at the GM's or player's discretion, and immediately after a seizure. Stressful situations will not activate it if the character has insufficient TP, however. Visibly, spells either pass through the caster without effect (although with the possibility of affecting an unintended object or person), or simply not activate at all if a resist roll is met while this is in effect. Astrally, the spell or effect merely doesn't interact with the caster's aura, acting as if he wasn't there.