Summon monster I 1/2 Abyss: Wispling (Fiend Folio) (CE) Acheron: Blood Hawk (Fiend Folio) (TN) Hobgoblin (LE) Air: Air Gen (Dragon 315) (TN) Windraptor (Dungeon 111) (TN) Arborea: Elf, High (CG) Merfolk (TN, aquatic only) Arcadia: Formian, Worker (LN) Ash: Astral: Baator: Kobold (LE) Soul Tick (Fiend Folio) (LE) Beastlands: Corollax (Monster Manual 2) (TN) Bytopia: Gnome, Forest (NG) Carceri: Dust: Earth: Earth Gen (Dragon 315) (TN) Earthdelver (Dungeon 111) (TN) Elysium: Aasimar (Any G) Elysium Thrush (Planar Handbook) (NG) Ethereal: Skiurid (Monster Manual 4) (NE) Fire: Fire Gen (Dragon 315) (TN) Firesnake (Dungeon 111) (TN) Gehenna: Half-orc (CE) Grey Waste: Tiefling (Any E) Moonrat (Any E) Ice: Snow goblin (Frostburn) (NE) Snow spider, small (Frostburn) (TN) Lightning: Limbo: Changeling (Monster Manual 3) (CN) Magma: Mechanus: Clockwork Mender (Monster Manual 4) (LN) Monodrone (Dragon 354) (LN) Mineral: Mount Celestia: Dwarf, Hill (LG) Halfling, Lightfoot (TN) Negative: Mortif (Dragon 313) (Any N) Ooze: Outlands: Human (Any) Half-elf (Any) Pandemonium: Jermlaine (NE) Positive: Radiance: Glimmerfolk (Dragon 321) (TN) Salt: Smoke: Steam: Vacuum: Water: Rainrunner (Dungeon 111) (TN) Water Gen (Dragon 315) (TN) Ysgard: Bariaur (Manual of the Planes) (CG) Summon monster II 1 Abyss: Demon, Mane (Fiendish Codex 1) (CE) Howler Wasp (Monster Manual 4) (CE) Acheron: Bladeling (Monster Manual 2) (LN or LE) Clockroach (Monster Manual 4) (TN) Air: Air elemental, small (TN) Cloudscout (Dungeon 110) (TN) Arborea: Crested Felldrake (Monster Manual 2) (NG) Arcadia: Giant ant, worker (TN) Ash: Astral: Githyanki (Any E) Baator: Devil, Lemure (LE) Imp (LE) Beastlands: Grig (NG) Pseudodragon (NG) Bytopia: Gnome, Fire (Planar Handbook) (NG) Svirfneblin (TN) Carceri: Troglodyte (CE) Dust: Earth: Earth elemental, small (TN) Sandknight (Dungeon 110) (TN) Elysium: Guardinal, Musteval (Book of Exalted Deeds) (NG) Petal (Monster Manual 3) (NG) Ethereal: Ether Scarab (Monster Manual 2) (TN) Phase Wasp (Monster Manual 2) (TN) Fire: Ash Rat (Monster Manual 2) (TN) Fire elemental, small (TN) Gehenna: Darkmantle (TN) Grey Waste: Ice: Ice paraelemental, Small (Manual of the Planes) (TN) Selkie (Fiend Folio) (TN) Lightning: Limbo: Chaond (Monster Manual 2) (Any C) Githzerai (CN) Magma: Magma paraelemental, Small (Manual of the Planes) (TN) Mechanus: Duodrone (Dragon 354) (LN) Myconid Worker, Average (Monster Manual 2) (LN) Mineral: Gem Scarab (Monster Manual 5) (TN) Mount Celestia: Negative: Raiment (Libris Mortis) (CE) Ooze: Bloodbloater (Fiend Folio) (TN, aquatic only) Ooze paraelemental, Small (Manual of the Planes) (TN) Outlands: Lizardfolk (TN) Ur'Epona (Planar Handbook) (TN) Pandemonium: Abrian (Fiend Folio) (CE) Windrazor (Monster Manual 4) (CE) Positive: Tatterdemanimal (Monster Manual 2) (CN) Radiance: Salt: Smoke: Domovoi (Frostburn) (CG) Smoke paraelemental, Small (Manual of the Planes) (TN) Steam: Vacuum: Water: Water elemental, small (TN) Wavearcher (Dungeon 110) (TN) Ysgard: Summon monster III 2-3 Abyss: Demon, Dretch (CE) Demon, Quasit (CE) Acheron: Clockwork Stallion/Pony (Monster Manual 4) (TN) Maug (Fiend Folio) (LN) Air: Air elemental, Medium (TN) Air mephit (TN) Arborea: Eladrin, Coure (Book of Exalted Deeds) (CG) Pegasus (CG) Arcadia: Abeil, Vassal (Monster Manual 2) (Any L) Formian, Warrior (LN) Ash: Astral: Baator: Devil, Nupperibo (Fiendish Codex 2) (LE) Hell hound (LE) Beastlands: Asperi (Monster Manual 2) (NG) Sailsnake (Monster Manual 4) (TN) Bytopia: Carceri: Simpathetic (Dragon 351) (NE) Vargouille (NE) Dust: Dust mephit (TN) Earth: Earth elemental, Medium (TN) Earth mephit (TN) Elysium: Guardinal, Cervidal (Monster Manual 2) (NG) Phoera (Monster Manual 3) (TN) Ethereal: Aoa, Droplet (Fiend Folio) (TN) Ethereal Filcher (TN) Fire: Fire elemental, Medium (TN) Fire mephit (TN) Gehenna: Barghest (LE) Yugoloth, Skeroloth (Fiend Folio) (NE) Grey Waste: Yeth hound (NE) Nightmare, Lesser (Planar Handbook) (NE) Ice: Ice mephit (TN) Ice paraelemental, Medium (Manual of the Planes) (TN) Lightning: Shocker lizard (TN) Storm elemental, Small (Monster Manual 3) (TN) Limbo: Doppelganger (TN) Magma: Magma paraelemental, Medium (Manual of the Planes) (TN) Magma mephit (TN) Mechanus: Clockwork Mender Swarm (Monster Manual 4) (LN) Tridrone (Dragon 354) (LN) Mineral: Glass mephit (Sandstorm) Xorn, minor (TN) Mount Celestia: Archon, Lantern (LG) Blink Dog (LG) Negative: Murk (Libris Mortis) (CE) Shadow (CE) Ooze: Ooze mephit (TN) Ooze paraelemental, Medium (Manual of the Planes) (TN) Outlands: Cranium Rat Swarm, Lesser (Fiend Folio) (NE) Khaasta (Fiend Folio) (CE) Pandemonium: Howler (CE) Redcap, Young (Monster Manual 3) (CE) Positive: Lumi (Monster Manual 3) (LN) Raggamoffyn, common (Monster Manual 2) (TN) Radiance: Salt: Desiccator (Libris Mortis) (NE) Salt mephit (TN) Smoke: Smoke paraelemental (Manual of the Planes) (TN) Steam: Steam mephit (TN) Vacuum: Water: Water elemental, Medium (TN) Water mephit (TN) Ysgard: Summon monster IV 4-5 Abyss: Abyssal Ravager (Monster Manual 2) (CE) Bar-lgura (Book of Vile Darkness) (CE) Acheron: Achaierai (LE) Energon, Xong-Yong (Planar Handbook) (TN) Air: Air elemental, Large (TN) Genie, Djinni (CG) Arborea: Satyr (with pipes) (CN) Sirine (Monster Manual 2) (CN) Arcadia: Rhek (Book of Exalted Deeds) (LG) Ash: Rast (TN) Astral: Baator: Devil, Spinagon (Fiendish Codex 2) (LE) Energon, Xor-Yost (Planar Handbook) (TN) Beastlands: Energon, Xar-Yaup (Planar Handbook) (TN) Unicorn (CG) Bytopia: Carceri: Vaath (Book of Vile Darkness) (NE) Vorr (Fiend Folio) (CE) Dust: Entomber (Libris Mortis) (LE) Harssaf (Monster Manual 3) (LE) Earth: Earth elemental, Large (TN) Gargoyle (CE) Elysium: Elsewhale (Planar Handbook) (NG, aquatic only) Guardinal, Lupinal (Monster Manual 2) (NG) Ethereal: Joystealer (Monster Manual 4) (NE) Shadow mastiff (NE) Fire: Fire elemental, Large (TN) Gehenna: Energon, Xac-Yel (Planar Handbook) (TN) Yugoloth, Canoloth (Monster Manual 3) (NE) Grey Waste: Hordling (Dungeon 124) (NE) Nightmare (NE) Ice: Ice paraelemental, Large (Manual of the Planes) (TN) Snowflake Ooze (Monster Manual 3) (TN) Lightning: Storm elemental, medium (Monster Manual 3) (TN) Limbo: Energon, Xac-Yij (Planar Handbook) (TN) Slaad, Mud (Fiend Folio) (CN) Magma: Magma paraelemental, Large (Manual of the Planes) (TN) Magmacore Golem (Monster Manual 5) (TN) Mechanus: Quadrone (Dragon 354) (LN) Visilight (Monster Manual 3) (LN) Mineral: Mount Celestia: Archon, Hound (LG) Negative: Energon, Xeg-Yi (Manual of the Planes) (TN) Trilloch (Monster Manual 3) (CN) Ooze: Ooze paraelemental, Large (Manual of the Planes) (TN) Wyste (Monster Manual 2) (TN) Outlands: Cranium Rat Swarm, Average (Fiend Folio) (NE) Pandemonium: Feral Yowler (Monster Manual 3) (CE) Windscythe (Monster Manual 4) (CE) Positive: Energon, Xag-Ya (Manual of the Planes) (TN) Ravid (TN) Radiance: Rainbow Dweller (Dragon 321) (CN) Salt: Smoke: Smoke paraelemental, Large (Manual of the Planes) (TN) Steam: Vacuum: Water: Tojanida, adult (TN) Water elemental, Large (TN) Ysgard: Fensir (Fiend Folio) (CN) Summon monster V 6-7 Abyss: Demon, Babau (CE) Demon, Succubus (CE) Acheron: Bonedrinker (Monster Manual 3) (CE) Swordwraith (Fiend Folio) (LE) Air: Air elemental, Huge (TN) Invisible Stalker (TN) Arborea: Eladrin, Bralani (CG) Nymph (CG) Arcadia: Arcadian Avenger (Monster Manual 5) (LG) Formian, Taskmaster (LN) Ash: Cinder Spawn (Libris Mortis) (CE) Zezir (Monster Manual 3) (CE) Astral: Baator: Hellcat (LE) Kyton (LE) Beastlands: Bearhound (Monster Manual 3) (NG) Swamplight Lynx (Monster Manual 2) (TN) Bytopia: Carceri: Ettin (CE) Varrangoin, Lesser (Fiend Folio) (CE) Dust: Dust Wight (Monster Manual 3) (CE) Skirr (Libris Mortis) (NE) Earth: Earth elemental, Huge (TN) Genie, Dao (Manual of the Planes) (LE) Elysium: Guardinal, Equinal (Book of Exalted Deeds) (NG) Quesar (Book of Exalted Deeds) (NG) Ethereal: Shadow Jelly (Planar Handbook) (TN) Xill (LE) Fire: Fire elemental, Huge (TN) Salamander, Average (Any E) Gehenna: Barghest, Greater (LE) Yugoloth, Mezzoloth (Monster Manual 3) (NE) Grey Waste: Gloom Golem (Monster Manual 3) (NE) Slasrath (Fiend Folio) (TN) Ice: Ice paraelemental, Huge (Manual of the Planes) (TN) Qorrashi (Frostburn) (LN) Lightning: Storm elemental, Large (Monster Manual 3) (TN) Will-O'-Wisp (CE) Limbo: Slaad, Red (CN) Chaos Beast (CN) Magma: Flame Snake, Lesser (Fiend Folio) (Any E) Magma paraelemental, Huge (Manual of the Planes) (TN) Mechanus: Pentadrone (Dragon 354) (LN) Platinum Horror (Monster Manual 2) (LE) Mineral: Susurrus (Monster Manual 3) (TN) Xorn, average (TN) Mount Celestia: Archon, Justice (Monster Manual 4) (LG) Negative: Wraith (LE) Tomb Spider (Monster Manual 4) (NE) Ooze: Black pudding (TN) Ooze paraelemental, Huge (Manual of the Planes) (TN) Outlands: Chelicera (Monster Manual 3) (TN) Nerra, Sillit (Fiend Folio) (TN) Pandemonium: Redcap, Elder (Monster Manual 3) (CE) Positive: Shrapnyl (Monster Manual 2) (TN) Radiance: Prismfly Swarm (Dragon 321) (TN) Salt: Smoke: Belker (NE) Smoke paraelemental, Huge (Manual of the Planes) (TN) Steam: Vacuum: Breathdrinker (Monster Manual 2) (CE) Voidwraith (Libris Mortis) (NE) Water: Seryulin (Monster Manual 3) (TN) Water elemental, Huge (TN) Ysgard: Glaistig (Monster Manual 3) (CN) Lillend (CG) Summon monster VI 8-9 Abyss: Bodak (CE) Demon, Vrock (CE) Acheron: Lodestone Marauder (Monster Manual 4) (TN) Rakshasa (LE) Air: Air elemental, Greater (TN) Arrowhawk, Elder (TN) Arborea: Asura (Book of Exalted Deeds) (CG) Treant (NG) Arcadia: Formian, Armadon (Fiend Folio) (LN) Ash: Astral: Baator: Devil, Osyluth (LE) Hell hound, Nessian warhound (LE) Beastlands: Hollyphant (Book of Exalted Deeds) (NG) Gravorg (Monster Manual 2) (TN) Bytopia: Carceri: Eye of Fear and Flame (Book of Vile Darkness) (CE) Otyugh, Lifeleech (Monster Manual 3) (NE) Dust: Dune Stalker (Monster Manual 2) (NE) Earth: Earth elemental, Greater (TN) Galeb Duhr (TN) Elysium: Guardinal, Avoral (NG) Leskylor (Book of Exalted Deeds) (NG) Ethereal: Deva, Movanic (Fiend Folio) (Any G) Nethersight mastiff (Monster Manual 2) (TN) Fire: Fire elemental, Greater (TN) Genie, Efreeti (LE) Gehenna: Vaporighu (Monster Manual 2) (NE) Yugoloth, Piscoloth (Fiend Folio) (NE) Grey Waste: Night Hag (NE) Pack Fiend (Planar Handbook) (NE) Ice: Ice paraelemental, Greater (Manual of the Planes) (TN) Immoth (Monster Manual 2) (TN) Lightning: Storm elemental, Huge (Monster Manual 3) Limbo: Slaad, Blue (CN) Limbo Stalker (Planar Handbook) (CN) Magma: Inferno Spider (Monster Manual 4) (TN) Magma paraelemental, Greater (Manual of the Planes) (TN) Mechanus: Inevitable, Zelekhut (LN) Adamantine Horror (Monster Manual 2) (LE) Mineral: Delver (TN) Xorn, elder (TN) Mount Celestia: Archon, Warden (Book of Exalted Deeds) (LG) Lammasu (LG) Negative: Shadow, Greater (CE) Void Ooze (Planar Handbook) (TN) Ooze: Cesspit Ooze (Cityscape) (CE) Ooze paraelemental, Greater (Manual of the Planes) (TN) Outlands: Fhorge (Fiend Folio) (TN) Kuldurath (Fiend Folio) (TN) Pandemonium: Destrachan (NE) Vultivor (Fiend Folio) (CE) Positive: Glimmerskin (Monster Manual 2) (TN) Radiance: Roper, Prismatic (Monster Manual 3) (TN) Shimmerling Swarm (Monster Manual 3) (CN) Salt: Salt Mummy (Monster Manual 3) (CE) Smoke: Smoke paraelemental, Greater (Manual of the Planes) (TN) Steam: Vacuum: Water: Water elemental, Greater (TN) Genie, Marid (Manual of the Planes) (CN) Ysgard: Frost Giant (CE) Rakka (Fiend Folio) (CN) Summon monster VII 10-11 Abyss: Demon, Bebilith (CE) Demon, Hezrou (CE) Acheron: Juggernaut (Monster Manual 2) (TN) Rakshasa, Naztharune (Monster Manual 3) (LE) Air: Air elemental, Elder (TN) Spirit of the Air (Fiend Folio) (TN) Arborea: Eladrin, Firre (Book of Exalted Deeds) (CG) Arcadia: Formian, Myrmarch (LN) Shedu (Fiend Folio) (LG) Ash: Vitreous Drinker (Monster Manual 4) (NE) Astral: Bebilith (CE) Baator: Devil, Barbazu (LE) Gathra (Fiend Folio) (LE) Beastlands: Gaspar (Planar Handbook) (TN) Razor Boar (Monster Manual 2) (TN) Bytopia: Carceri: Demodand, Farastu (Fiend Folio) (NE) Shrieking Terror, Five-Headed (Monster Manual 3) (NE) Dust: Giant, Sand (Monster Manual 3) (LN) Earth: Earth elemental, Elder (TN) Elysium: Guardinal, Ursinal (Book of Exalted Deeds) (NG) Leskylor, Three-Headed (Book of Exalted Deeds) (NG) Ethereal: Unraveler (Planar Handbook) (LN) Ethereal Ooze (Fiend Folio) (TN) Fire: Fire elemental, Elder (TN) Salamander, Noble (Any E) Gehenna: Phiuhl (Fiend Folio) (NE) Yugoloth, Yagnoloth (Monster Manual 2) (NE) Grey Waste: Maelephant (Fiend Folio) (LE) Nightmare, Cauchemar (NE) Ice: Frost Giant Mauler (Frostburn) (CE) Ice paraelemental, Elder (Manual of the Planes) (TN) Lightning: Storm elemental, Greater (Monster Manual 3) (TN) Limbo: Skindancer (Monster Manual 3) (NE) Slaad, Grey (CN) Magma: Magma paraelemental, Elder (Manual of the Planes) (TN) Mechanus: Mineral: Mount Celestia: Couatl (LG) Archon, Sword (Book of Exalted Deeds) (LG) Negative: Dread Wraith (LE) Grimweird (Monster Manual 3) (LE) Ooze: Leechwalker (Monster Manual 2) (TN) Ooze paraelemental, Elder (Manual of the Planes) (TN) Outlands: Cranium Rat Swarm, Greater (Fiend Folio) (NE) Rilmani, Ferrumach (Fiend Folio) (TN) Pandemonium: Knell Beetle (Monster Manual 3) (TN) Mivilorn (Monster Manual 3) (CN) Positive: Radiance: Salt: Leechwalker (Monster Manual 2) (TN) Smoke: Crimson Death (Monster Manual 2) (NE) Smoke paraelemental, Elder (Manual of the Planes) (TN) Steam: Cloud Giant (NG or NE) Vacuum: Water: Seryulin, Greater (TN) Water elemental, Elder (TN) Ysgard: Fire Giant (LE) Summon monster VIII 12-13 Abyss: Demon, Glabrezu (CE) Living Holocaust (Fiend Folio) (CE) Acheron: Bonespear (Fiend Folio) (TN) Steel Predator (Fiend Folio) (TN) Air: Air Weird (Monster Manual 2) (TN) Arborea: Eladrin, Ghaele (CG) Oaken Defender (Monster Manual 4) (NG) Arcadia: Abeil, Queen (Monster Manual 2) (Any L) Rhek Chaosdrinker (Book of Exalted Deeds) (LG) Ash: Astral: Astral Stalker (Monster Manual 3) (LE) Baator: Ayperobos swarm (Fiendish Codex 2) (LE) Devil, Gelugon (LE) Beastlands: Purple Worm (TN) Bytopia: Carceri: Demodand, Kelubar (Fiend Folio) (NE) Shrieking Terror, Ten-Headed (Monster Manual 3) (NE) Dust: Earth: Earth Glider (Underdark) Earth Weird (Monster Manual 2) (TN) Elysium: Guardinal, Leonal (NG) Moon Dog (Book of Exalted Deeds) (NG) Ethereal: Deva, Monadic (Fiend Folio) (Any G) Ethereal Slayer (Monster Manual 2) (CE) Fire: Cinder Swarm (Monster Manual 3) (NE) Fire Weird (Monster Manual 2) (TN) Gehenna: Yugoloth, Nycaloth (Monster Manual 3) (NE) Grey Waste: Ice: Frost Worm (TN) Lightning: Storm elemental, Elder (Monster Manual 3) (TN) Storm Giant (CG) Limbo: Entropic Reaper (Libris Mortis) (CE) Slaad, Death (CN) Magma: Mechanus: Inevitable, Kolyarut (LN) Mineral: Mount Celestia: Negative: Necrothane (Monster Manual 3) (NE) Ooze: Black pudding, elder (TN) Blighted Bloodfire (Monster Manual 4) (NE) Outlands: Rilmani, Cuprilach (Fiend Folio) (TN) Pandemonium: Roper (CE) Verdant Prince (Monster Manual 4) (NE) Positive: Radiance: Salt: Smoke: Steam: Vacuum: Water: Kraken (NE) Water Weird (Monster Manual 2) (TN) Ysgard: Summon monster IX 14-15 Abyss: Demon, Alkilith (Fiend Folio) (CE) Demon, Nalfeshnee (CE) Acheron: Justicator (Monster Manual 3) (LN) Ragewalker (Monster Manual 3) (NE) Air: Cyclonic Ravager (Monster Manual 4) (NE) Windghost (Monster Manual 2) (Any L) Arborea: Eladrin, Shiradi (Book of Exalted Deeds) (CG) Arcadia: Ash: Astral: Deva, Astral (LG) Baator: Devil, Malebranche (Fiendish Codex 2) (LE) Xerfilstyx (Fiendish Codex 2) (LE, aquatic only) Beastlands: Cloud Ray (Monster Manual 2) (TN) Bytopia: Carceri: Demodand, Shator (Fiend Folio) (NE) Odopi (Monster Manual 3) (CE) Dust: Angel of Decay (Libris Mortis) (CE) Earth: Rukarazyll (Monster Manual 2) (CE) Tunnel Terror (Fiend Folio) (NE) Elysium: Ethereal: Aoa, sphere (Fiend Folio) (TN) Ethereal Doppleganger (Monster Manual 2) (LE) Fire: Holocaust Disciple (Monster Manual 4) (NE) Omnimental (Monster Manual 3) (TN) Gehenna: Yugoloth, Ultraloth (Monster Manual 3) (NE) Grey Waste: Ice: Ice Weird (Frostburn) (TN) Snow Weird (Frostburn) (TN) Lightning: Tempest (Monster Manual 2) (CN) Limbo: Teratomorph (Monster Manual 2) (TN) Magma: Mechanus: Inevitable, Marut (LN) Mineral: Mount Celestia: Archon, Trumpet (LG) Negative: Ooze: Outlands: Beholder (LE) Pandemonium: Positive: Radiance: Sunwyrm (Fiend Folio) (CN) Salt: Smoke: Steam: Vacuum: Water: Omnimental (Monster Manual 3) (TN) Sea Drake (Fiend Folio) (TN) Ysgard: